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Everything posted by panerai153

  1. Thanks for the great review and photos. Amazingly (And maybe not, because who understands women!!), women pretty much like quartz watches over mechanical. I believe it is the "grab and go" theory. they aren't that interested in watches, have no desire to learn all the ins and outs of mechanical movements, etc. They want it to be ready when they are, slip it on, and get moving. Don't have to worry about setting the time and date, except months not ending in 31 and start and end of DST. Maybe I'm painting them with a broad brush, but my wife much prefers her quartz watches to mechanical. This is a very nice dressy watch that I believe most women would love. Very nice!!
  2. Sneed teaches stuff that I can't even pronounce, much less understand. Hey, count me in for this Troll hammer raffle!!
  3. How long has it been since the money was supposed to be transferred back to you? Reason I'm asking, most banks don't work on weekends, so if they sent the money last Friday, it may not have gone out until yesterday (Monday). I'm not familiar with the system in play here, but my bank takes 3-4 days for and International wire transfer to go from my account to an account in Europe. Another question, I don't understand why they are returning the money ? If they got it from you and it got to them, why return it? I would suspect that if the money is tied up by their credit card company, they aren't going to refund you, at least not until the money is released, and then again, if they have your money, why not just send the watch? If they don't get the money from their credit/debit card company due to some reason, It would seem to me that they would tell you, "we never actually got the money, as it was held up by our bank and you need to contact your financial institution and have them reverse the transaction, as the money was never actually transferred to us" I believe that I would alert my bank to let them know that the transaction was never completed. At least this would get you on record as having reported a potential problem. It's not like you are opening a dispute, you just don't want the deal to slip through the cracks.
  4. Guys, we are wasting our breath and time answering this idiot. no matter what anyone says, he has some smart ass retort. I feel sure that I have way more genuine watches in my watch boxes than this fool has or ever will have. I probably have more good quality homage watches than he has or ever will have, and AFA replicas, counterfeits, fakes, whatever you chose to call them, I have a bunch, I wear them everywhere, and I'm certainly not trying to be anyone that I'm not. I'm pretty damn comfortable in my own skin, I'm successful and I don't really care what some internet troll thinks. The way I really feel about people like you, you are a waste to the human race, obviously someone who has sidled through life making nary a contribution and now sitting at home bored to tears, not enough money to get out and really enjoy life, and because you are a miserable fragment of protoplasm, you are only happy when you are trying your feeble best to make everyone else miserable as well. Well good luck, troll on. I'm sure you get some perverse pleasure from "calling out" all of us poor fake people and since this is probably the only entertainment you can afford, rave on. I believe that in your peas size brain you have cast this concept that everyone who wears these horrid fake watches is some poor miserable soul, no money, driving a rusted out ten year old Honda Civic and wearing a fake Rolex Submariner or some pimply faced kid working as a delivery driver for Domino's and sporting a counterfeit AP ROO LeBron James!! Well sir, I hate to burst your bubble, but your misconceptions are as far from factual as they could possibly be. Most of the folks that I know here who are regular contributors to this forum are successful people who have a very comfortable lifestyle, and can afford the fake watches they sport in their genuine form., and not just one, but a watch box full of them. So, if you want to spend the rest of your life here making derisive remarks about the fake watches and fake people who frequent this and other rep forums, feel free. I do believe that very soon one of two things will happen, either the rest of us will tire of your stupid inane remarks and let your threads die, which is what threads do when people refuse to post in them, or the mods will tire of your abusive rhetoric and send you on your way along with a note to the other forum's mods that should you happen by, don't waste time, ban you straightaway and be done with another "useful idiot"
  5. Just give the troll a few more minutes, even the guys over on WUS will tire of this idiots mindless rambling drivel and drop the ban hammer on him.
  6. I had a post going on my phone, must have hit the wrong button, and BOOM!!! it disappeared into the ether. Sorry
  7. Guys, I just went over to the member trade reviews section to leave positive feedback on a sale. I noticed that the previous entry was a purchase I made back in October!! Now I know that there have been lots and lots of M2M sales since then, but not one review. We need to utilize this section both for positive deals as well as some that aren't so good. It helps new members contemplating their first M2M purchase to be able to see feedback on the seller. Also it's helpful when members of other forums see a watch,strap or parts that they want to buy and can then read the feedback on the seller. Even though you may be a member here with great creds, and lots of sales, if there is no record, guys from other forums have no way of knowing if you are a solid seller, or someone a bit on the shady side. So for the good of the forum, take a moment and leave a review.
  8. Hi Ubi, glad to see you and those beautiful Patek's Blancpain fifty fathoms today Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Enjoy the student life as long as you can, stay in school, get a couple of masters, maybe a PhD or two, then go to law school, then Med school, by then you will be too old to stay out all night and start the next party at noon the next day!!! seriously, those school years were probably the most fun years if my life, Especially undergrad, single, not too many cares in the world, but then you graduate!! I'm working on an option for the AP, actually going to send it up to Nanug . He said nothing can't be fixed with and anvil and an 8 pound sledge hammer. I am working on a viable option, just haven't gotten it to the "fixer"yet.
  10. Glad you got it sorted out. The Diver is a really nice watch. I think that it's the way to go for your first AP. Buy a diver wear it, see how you like the shape, size and fit. After you are around a while, and your knowledge level is better, then you can venture into the ROO chronos. Hopefully by that time you will know which ones you like. which ones are the most gen-like and hopefully by then you will have lined up a repair person who can service your A7750 movement when it dies!!!
  11. To each his own!! For the life of me, I cannot understand what you (kingfrog) are doing here. You don't like reps, except the dirt cheap ones that you buy to compare to the gen version, which in itself is a stretch, because while they may be similar, they are usually lacking in a fair number of areas. Things like fit and finish, lume, movement, etc. are going to be of lower quality than the gen. having said that, I'm talking about reps of mid to high end gens. If you are comparing reps to some of the el cheapo gens that you mention, then probably pretty similar. In this day and age, I believe that you are going to have to get into the over 700-800 USD category to find really decent watches. Costs of materials, movements, labor to assemble, distribution, etc. have all gone up in the past few years. 8-10 years ago, I was buying some really nicer "boutique" brands for 500-600 USD, not any more, the same brands are now close to or over 1k. If you are looking for homages watches or inexpensive genuine brands, I would suggest that you go over to one of the homage forums, some of the forums for less expensive watches and some of the boutique brands which would certainly serve you better. I'm sure you could go over to any one of these forums and be and instant celebrity, you being a "watch collector" and all that!!
  12. It truly is beautiful. Been going down to the Yucatan for probably 35 years. Before Cancun was just getting off the ground, and Cozumel was still a sleepy fishing/ dive destination. Now all the cruise ships stop there, and it's pretty much a tourist trap. Still pretty decent diving, but the reefs are nothing like they were back then!!
  13. Not a problem sir. We used to go to the area, Cancun, Cozumel every year to dive. Haven't been in about 4 years though. All the Mexican Narcotic smuggling gangs sort of out a damper on things, quite a few innocent tourists have been killed and wounded from the crossfire between rival gangs, gangs and the Militia, and sometimes just a bunch of gang members riding around shooting, or settling Scores" Gotten a little quieter lately so we may go back this year. Great place to visit.
  14. It's not very far from Cancun. About and hour or so drive. The ruins look like the ones in Tulum. Beach looks like Cancun or Riviera Maya. Great beaches and water.
  15. I'm sure it's nice, just can't tell from the photo!!!!!
  16. What a great story!!,beautiful watch, certainly my favorite model of all the Daytonas.
  17. Looks like Tulum? Am I close? That is a lovely watch. Is the Iguana going to be lunch? Just kidding.
  18. Just got this one in a couple of days ago. These are sure bigger than the old Fifty Fathoms!!!
  19. Nah, We don't want to ban him. we need "useful idiots" like him around if nothing else for their entertainment value
  20. Hard to beat a gen GMT!! I also prefer the Pepsi, I don't want mine to look like a sub!! These have a lot of utility if you travel over different time zones as well.
  21. If it were me, I would contact one of the third party strap makers. Eric (donerix) is a very well respected strap maker, prices are fair, and he is using inserts now that give his straps a better fit. another choice is SMPLover over on RepGeek goes under Haute Strapmakers. He makes a very, very nice strap. those are the two I would recommend, only because I have purchased straps from both of these gentlemen, and they are reasonable, turnaround time is good and they are honest and stand by their work. Lots of folks, especially the AP guys purchase OEM straps for their watches. that's fine if that's what you want to do. I find that the OEM straps are very expensive, and they are not appreciably better, to me at least, than the third party makers. Another factor, I live out in the rural south, closest AP dealer is probably at least 200 miles from me, so It's difficult to just "pop in" and order a strap.
  22. Sir, I can certainly sympathize, long, long ago, I was a student too. I went back to college, then to Med School and then and Anesthesia training program, about 7 years and we were as poor as church mice. Wife and two small kids. I can't even remember what watch I had back then, but it was probably a Timex!! It wasn't watches, it was a watch bought at a drugstore for 10 bucks. Prior to going back to school at almost age 30, I had a couple of nice gen Rolexes, an Airking my wife gave me, traded for a DJ and then traded for a sub 1680. When I decided to go back to school I sold the sub, as tuition was more important than a watch at the time. Be patient, soon school days will be behind you, and then you will begin reap the rewards of your hard work.
  23. I'm with you Sgt.!! Likewise a couple of glasses of wine, so I may become incoherent before this is finished. What's so funny is the OP got lost in the crowd on this thread. I believe he was trying to figure out how he could appeal his ban from another forum, then King Frog jumped in with his BS "mine is bigger than yours" and all that crap about his money his house, his cars, etc., etc.,etc. ad nauseam. First off, I could care less about what he or anyone else has. Material things can disappear in the blink of and eye. Better be concerned about your health and your relationships with all of those around you./ I've been practicing medicine for 38 years this July, I can promise you, I've seen it all coming through my operating room, and partners, it matters not whether you are rich or poor, when you are horizontal on that OR table, you are all equal!! It doesn't matter whether or not you have 500 million dollars, a brand new Gulfstream at the airport and a 200 foot mega yacht in the Virgin Islands, when that surgeon cuts you open and finds something bad, looks up at me, shakes his head , I don't even have to ask. All that money ,power, prestige, country club memberships, etc. doesn't count for a darn thing, you are now just like the homeless guy we operated on a week or month before, you are doomed. Nothing, money, who you know, what you drive, fly or ride on, whether your wife is a nice 60 year old lady or a hot little "trophy wife", is going to get you one more day on this earth. So guys my point, while convoluted, is simple. Nothing really means anything in the great scheme of things, except the love you feel for your fellow man that is reflected back on you if it's a genuine love, your relationship with your family and friends and those around you. Don't get me wrong, I'm not condemning wealth. Money is handy to have. It's nice to be able to have some security, to be able to pay all the bills every month, to be able to enjoy good food, good wine, travel and not have to worry about the wolf at the door. Have a little set aside for retirement, if you want to retire. But in the end, living a good life is more important than anything else. And why in the world would you want to retire at 54? is your life so mundane and meaningless, you feel that you have given all that you have to give at 54? I wish I could ask you in 10 years what you thing about retirement at that early age. Do you have a terminal disease, early dementia, some debilitating disability, because honestly, those are the only reasons to retire that early. According to actuarial tables, if your health is good, you could probably live for another 30+ years. What are you going to do for all those years? People ask me all the time if I'm retired, my answer is "why retire. I enjoy what I do, my health is good, my work is interesting and stimulating, albeit terrorizing at times, my wife is happy that I'm not home underfoot all the time, and I'm happier being productive". To me work legitimizes leisure. If you are retired, you play golf all the time, after while golf is a job, same with fishing, travel, etc. after you do any of these for a while, they become just another job, different workplace, but still a job. Another thing, I have had quite a few friends and colleagues retire "early". In Medicine early retirement is probably 65. Almost 100 % of the folks that have retired early, lament the fact that they retired, several of them are miserable (and their wives are more miserable!!) Some have gone back to work, and the ones that have are much happier now than they were a year or two ago. so when folks tell me they "retired early" I'm not impressed, in fact I have a lot of sympathy for them, because if they aren't miserable already, they will be soon. Time for another glass of wine, good night folks!!!
  24. Looks like they got the two brothers who went on the killing spree at the newspaper office, as well as the thug who was holed up in the kosher supermarket. Unfortunately, he shot four hostages dead before he was killed. My heartfelt condolences go out to the victims and their families. No innocent person deserves to die in this fashion. I hope that the perpetrators of this violence burn in Hell for all eternity for these vicious senseless acts of violence. Sadly the next set of victims will be innocent law abiding Muslim middle Easterners who live in the EU. I can sense a really strong anti-Muslim groundswell beginning to form. I'm afraid that a lot of folks are going to be swept up in this, most of whom are as shocked and horrified over these terrorist acts as their neighbors are. anytime things like this happen, a lot of innocent people pay the price.
  25. Mr B, is that rarified high altitude lack of oxygen getting to you finally? Who was here 10 years ago? We were all somewhere else back then, maybe TRC ? And by the way, is this a real thread, or did I drink one too many glasses of wine and fall down the rabbit hole!!
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