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Everything posted by panerai153

  1. Absolutely, EBay will refund if it's a rep. Before making a Paypal dispute though, I would contact the buyer and tell him, you know it's a rep, and he needs to refund your purchase price. has he shipped it out yet? If not get on him before it's shipped.
  2. Wow, that's bad!! Hope you didn't pay a lot for this one!!
  3. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Where are you located? Maybe someone can give you a suggestion for a watch repair person on the forum.
  5. Another upgrade would be to a better bezel insert. WatchNY on Ebay. Look at the genuine and then the DW numbers especially 110. Spacing is wrong on DW. That configuration is my favorite Daytona though. I had one of those, unfortunately it was one of the watches that MD2020 confiscated!! I hope that little prick enjoyed the dope he probably bough from selling our watches!!
  6. that's exactly my sentiments. He could take it to his local pawn shop and pawn it for 4-5X what he's asking. Maybe they don't have pawn shops in China, but there are jewelers and watch shops that buy used watches, so he has and outlet, provided it were genuine, which I can assure you it isn't. This is a perfect example of the old adage, "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is" Save your money, get one from one of the dealers. you will be getting a rep, but at least you know what you are getting.
  7. Sorry to hear that. I believe that your dealer took a big chance putting 5 watches in one package. hopefully, he paid the price for his mistake, and not you. Do you possibly have a different address or PO box that he can send the next one to, just in case they have your name and address in their computer?
  8. You know I never recieved the watch - right? What are the QC pictures for then? Fun? And a month of lying and 1½ not answering - is that okay too? No it's not, but you stated you cancelled the watch before it was sent, is that not correct? So if you did indeed cancel before it was shipped, then obviously you wouldn't expect to receive a watch. I really don't have a clue as to how refunds work when you go through a multi tiered system like dbane described. no telling where it got hung up, I do know that this watch thing requires patience. And I'm not only speaking for reps, it applies to gen watches as well. I have a deposit down for a MKII GMT which is a homage to the Rolex 6542. I made the deposit in January 2012. Two years and 5 days ago, and the watch is still probably 6-10 months out. So I believe that what you have to understand is this hobby requires patience if you are going to participate. The other alternative is buying a watch at your local AD, jewelry store or mall store. In those cases, you have instant gratification, you can inspect the watch before purchase and make sure it's working, it isn't damaged, and most importantly it is what you want, you walk out the store with your new watch on your arm, a happy man. This hobby is fraught with pitfalls. Several years ago, a famous rep manufacturer by the name of WM9 offered a Rolex Sea Dweller, that was as close to perfect as you could get. A lot of folks, myself included put up 375.00 USD's as a pre order purchase. Well guess what? WM9 disappeared, some say he was killed in and auto accident, but long story short, we all lost our money. Another more recent incident right here on RWG, we had a watch repair/modder by the name of MD2020. He went rogue, disappeared, along with over 20 thousand dollars worth of watches, parts, movement, etc. one fellow here lost around 10K in watches and movements. I lost a very nice DW case set, a really good dial and an ETA 7750 movement, all together about 1K. So while we all have some modicum of sympathy for you, most of us have lost a lot more in bad deals, crappy repair work, you name it. I hope that your money is refunded, and you end up not losing anything, but if you don't get every penny back, just move forward and chalk this up to experience.
  9. Analog has nothing to do with the movement. Analog describes the conventional clock face watch with hands vs. digital with LCD or LED numbers. You can have a quartz analog or digital, ands there have been mechanical watches with digital displays. Back to the topic, amazing that they can produce and ship a watch for 5.95USD from China to anywhere else in the world!! Probably verifies our suspicions that although the high end reps are much more complicated and hopefully of better quality, I would bet that the factories are adding a huge markup to the cost of production.
  10. thanks Mike for consolidating the threads into one "rant: thread. I don't think that this should have ever gotten to the point that it did. I understand that the OP wants his money back, everyone does, but what EVERYONE has to remember we aren't buying replica watches from Amazon !! We are dealing with people in other countries, some of which have banking systems that are multi tiered, as dbane883 described above. Lots of steps, and with each one the possibility of delays or errors. Another thing that the OP needs to keep in mind, unlike Amazon and LL Bean, dealers don't generally take watches back just because you "changed your mind". For the most part these are final sales, sorry Charlie, can't help it if the color of the dial doesn't match your eyes, your purse or your new blue suede shoes!! Usually returns are only accepted because the watch arrived DOA or dies soon after. So to the OP, be happy that Toro even agreed to a refund, because it's certainly not the norm. And like legend stated, quit whining over a damn cheap quartz watch that costs less than most straps. Next time, if there is a next time, make sure before you hit the "buy" button, and if by some chance the watch doesn't suit you, do what all the rest of us here on this and every watch forum, rep or genuine do, take some photos and post it on the sales forum. Can you spell "Catch and release" because that's precisely what everyone else does. If it doesn't work sell it on.
  11. No matter what the title is, hopefully we gave the OP some good information, and he is on the way to getting his Hublet repaired
  12. Inside fonts are all wrong too. "Switzerland is way too big. It all hits you in the face as soon as you look at it. Whomever is looking at this one better do their due diligence, because they are going to get "Skint" if they don't!!
  13. I have two Rose Gold, the diver in the photo above and a RG Rubberclad ROO chrono. while these are not daily wearers, I wear them pretty frequently, the diver more than the Chrono, thus far they are both holding up very well, no sign of any plating wear at all. I believe that the plating on these higher quality reps is pretty good. I think that where you could have problems would be gold plated bracelets, with more wear on the clasp from "desk diving". Also I suspect that if you were to get a deep scratch or gouge, you might expose the stainless steel underneath. Barring a real catastrophe though, I feel like they will hold up pretty well with occasional wear, and by that I mean in a 5-6 or more rotation.
  14. After looking at the photo, it looks like the culprit is a movement clamp and screw. This is a simple fix, and if it were a screw on/off caseback, it would literally take someone about a minute to fix. It will take a little longer because you have to unscrew the caseback screws, but any watch repair person could do this while you wait. It's too bad the rep manufacturers don't seem to have any QC and it's getting worse. I have gotten to the point that I almost never buy directly from the dealers, I buy M2M. At least you know that the first owner has gotten everything sorted out, or if not you buy with full disclosure at a significant discount. Sometimes it takes a while for what you are looking for to come up for sale, but sooner or later they all go through the sales forums.
  15. I wasn't casting aspersions on you sir, I realize that watches are not necessarily embraced as a hobby by a lot of folks. We all have our interests. It just so happens that one of mine are watches. I have a bit more free time in the winter, as I don't have nearly as much outside work to do keeping up my fairly large yard and property as well as a full time job, rather more than full time as well, as I have call obligations at the hospital where I practice (In fact I'm on call this weekend, so can't do much more than sit around and wait for the phone to ring)!! I can assure you when the weather turns warm and the grass starts growing, I spend considerably less time here as my activities at home and work keep me pretty busy. I might have come across wrong, but what I was trying to get across was mainly, if you aren't good at watch repairs, best leave that to the experts. That part that's locking your rotor went somewhere, and just unscrewing the back and removing it probably won't solve the problem. Also it takes pretty special tools to work on watches, the guy that does a lot of work on my watches both rep and genuine has a screwdriver set that costs around 600 USD!! Also the statements about why it's best not to send back to China are based on both personal experience and reading lots of "horror story" threads here related to watches that were sent back to China and were lost, seized, kept for months and sometimes were sent back in the same shape or worse than they were originally. I feel sure that myself and some of the other folks here would be glad to help you find someone who can get your watch sorted out. If you let us know where you are located, generally, not specifically just your home country, I'm sure someone can get you pointed in the right direction. Have a good weekend.
  16. I hate to be the "bad guy", but it's pretty obvious that you didn't read much about rep watches, dealers ,etc. but to be kind and hopefully helpful, here goes. You have been around here for a while, so It's surprising that you aren't more up to speed about the ins and outs of buying rep watrches. First off you need to do some reading on watch terminology. the "pin" is called a crown, and some do screw in to enhance the water resistance. others do not. on watches that screw in, when you pull the crown out to the second or third position, you should be able to see threads on the end of the tube that the crown screws on to. If there are no threads, then the watch more than likely is one that does not have a screw in crown. Next thing, obviously from your lack of knowledge, I would definitely not try to "fix" the watch. If you start messing with it and lose any parts, strip out screws, etc., it's going to cost a lot more to get it fixed. Depending on where you live, you should be able to find a watch smith that you can take your watch to or at least find one of the for forum recommended watch smiths who can repair your watch. As legend stated, while it's apart, great time to have the movement serviced, which will improve both the accuracy and longevity of the watch. Now point three why not send it back to the dealer? Well, here are my reasons. First you are going to have to pay for the shipping both ways to China. Probably almost what the cost of getting your watch serviced. Second,you are going to be without your watch for a while. Chinese New Year is coming up, and everything stops, so you are probably looking at a couple of months, minimum. And third, you are exposing your watch to another trip through customs in your country, increasing the risk that it could get seized, lost stolen or damaged in transit. I would go to the list of watch repair people on the forum and try to find one that is in your country or close, contact them explain the problem and see if they can help you out. also, there are quite a few members here that are pretty handy doing basic watch repairs, and it's possible one or more of them will chime in with offers to help. I would post a request for help in the "other brand watches" forum as Hublot doesn't have it's own brand forum here. Oh, and don't keep trying to get the rotor to turn, just leave it be. if that loose part moves and gets down into the mechanism, it could cause a lot of damage to the moving parts. Let a watchsmith take it apart and get the loose part back where it belongs. And finally, good luck.
  17. That was a great video!! Unfortunately, the idiot buyer is not novel to the cartoon, but lives and breathes on this and every rep forum. I would bet that every dealer could write a book about their encounters with these brain dead people like the cartoon character buyer!!
  18. AP FC Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I would have to agree, I believe the diver in one form or another is a great choice. The AP ROO Chronographs are beautiful watches as well, and some are pretty close to gen, but the A7750 movement can be problematic, and should you get a bad one, very few folks work on them. As I told someone else last week, get your feet wet with the divers, then progress to the ROO chronographs when you feel comfortable with you knowledge of the watches, what to look for and possibly a line on someone to fix it should it break!! The Divers all usea variations of the 2824 movement which is a sturdy, workhorse movement. It's and easy movement to work on , and there are lots of alternatives should you need to have it serviced. As tinitonsi said, the V7 diver is probably the best one out the box. There are several other models of the diver, the Forged Carbon, the Rose Gold the, the full ceramic, the QE II Cup are all choices that you might want to look at depending on what you are looking for. Here are a couple of photos of the three divers I have, I have the V5 Stainless Steel, the Forged Carbon (FC) V3 and the Rose Gold.
  20. Beautiful watch. Love the patina as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Looks like some nice builds on the horizon!! I too prefer the champagne dial with stick markers. To the poster asking about mymanmatt, he is a member here, and you can PM him. He is the master of Datejust and Day Date builds. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Ken, Are the stoppages at random ports of entry, or are they more concentrated in a few or even one location? Just curious, as we nor the shippers have any control over where a package is going to land in the USA. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Blancpain FF Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. 1665 Haven't worn in a long time!!
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