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Everything posted by pollux1

  1. I have three daughters and three sons. My boys look like me when i was younger, and thankfully the girls all look like their mother ps, i'm quite surprised so many of the forum members have large families, i'm Irish so i have an excuse!
  2. I saw a Bulova watch advertised a few weeks ago, http://goldspeed.com/Goldspeed/en_GB/Stand...WHZYN77V7gLMJ4= , and have NO idea about the quality of them, but they were immensely cheap, might be worth a look? *edit* link may not work, just google "bulova watches"
  3. I was mailed this link myself, so thought i'd share, please enjoy http://links2movies.50webs.org/
  4. Amen to that! In answer to the topic starter, read, read, read then read some more, i'm a noob just like you and already i've made two purchases, both based on reading about what was on offer, the first buy is sublime, and i'm awaiting the arrival of the second, which by all accounts should be in the same category
  5. if my new 45.5mm PO arrives from Andrew, it'll be that, failing delivery before Christmas ( which is no biggy tbh ) I would have said my gen SMP, however i wore it the other day, for four hours, then put it away again in favour of my PAM 005.
  6. Its simply karma at work, the west screws the developing world, now China screws the west ( to a tiny little degree albeit ) I say fair play to the Chinese, and anyone else for that matter. personally, as long as i can buy nice reps, i'm not in the least concerned
  7. That's exactly why I did the same, I couldn't do without this place now
  8. An Omega Seamaster pro, with black bezel, mind you my rep PAM 005 hasn't been off my wrist in weeks!
  9. The only one to be a disappointment, and not from a quality viewpoint, was my 16610, just too small for me, especially after being smitten with Panerai.
  10. I'm considering buying one from Andrew at the moment, would love to hear feedback from anyone who has bought one already though.
  11. Personally, I love my watches for what they do, and how they were made, both rep and gen, but let me stress "personally" just my choice, and no one else has to like em
  12. Was thinking the same myself mate, and with the fact that this must be the creme de la creme, it's worth spending now
  13. I live in Northern Ireland, talk about the backwoods lol. I doubt there is one other person from this neck of the woods.
  14. Hey! even a noob like me knew that, just from reading The Zigmeister's posts
  15. He bloody does look like Sven lol, albeit in a bad hair day
  16. Wasn't it Coco Chanel who said " fashion may come and go , only style remains" The lady wasn't wrong
  17. Alaska? isn't it damned cold there? lol. Hell yeah though, i'd travel anywhere for a meet
  18. I remember my first watch, a little timex which was ok for a while ( i was six ) and forever more after, it had to be better, not in a monetary sense, but the quality of the engineering, as long as the watch could do what it was supposed to without fail, i'd be happy, i wasn't happy until i got my first genuine Omega seamaster professional. After that the obsession started To date, i own a gen smp, a lovely luminox which i consider to be a fantastic watch, a genuine tissot seastar from the early seventies, and three reps, which up until i joined TRC ( before here ) were just poor imitations, having bought my first PAM from a fellow member, I finally realised that a good rep can be had, which may not be " genuine" but is a fine timepiece in it's own right.
  19. Smashing looking watch Mark, I think one of Trusty's or Joshua's "ultimate" version with black dial/stainless steel bracelet will be next on my list.
  20. My first time reading this thread, as anyone can see when they look left, i've become a supporter of rwg, simply because i'd hate to lose the knowledge contained herein. Hopefully others will follow suit ( i'm still a noob so don't be too harsh on me! )
  21. this man's comments were of course extremely distasteful, but what if you put yourself in his shoes.... perhaps his day/week/year or whatever drove him to utter these words which he would never condone when he was thinking rightfully, aren't we all guilty of being just a little prejudiced against something, or someone?
  22. PAM 005, it's replaced my gen smp as my favourite,and hasn't been off my wrist since i got it ( apart from my kid brother wearin it last weekend lol )
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