I didn't like him at all! He was a pain-in-the-A$$! Always having those Nasty Raffles....you know.....and lots of other good stuff (he thinks)! And then his reviews......I don't know what you think of them, but they were mostly $hitty pirated stuff from BT and the other resident reviewers. He was good in cut-in-pasting $hit! And then his collection.......just because he's got hundreds of him, you think he's better than everyone else......who does he think he is...............Stallone? Just becuase they have the same body and workout routine? $hit...........................I beat 'ya I could outbence him!
I beat he's out in Pattaya,Thailand hanging out with Neil/TTK and bangin' all the Mamasans out their..................................................the old fart!
Hahahahaha.......just kidding Bro! You know I love you, Man:wub: ! We really do miss you! Please come back!