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Everything posted by andreww

  1. And btw, am currently runnin a little side by side with the UPO and the CS SFSO. Initially the SFSO was brighter, but after 5 minutes they are about even.
  2. BTW, here's the lume shot of the C3 watch in question. The previous owner didn't do the hands, so you can see the difference
  3. Yeah Pug, I wish I'd picked one of those up when you did.
  4. That could be true, but again, the lume is great, just not as great as I would have hoped.
  5. Zig, to clarify, the C3 on this watch seems to be nicely applied, and the circle markers (SFSO) are perfectly filled. I will say that this watch glows better than any watch I own, but certainly not a huge amount more than my PO. Thats all that I was trying to point out, that those lume shots that everybody posts are misleading. I don't believe any watch will glow that brightly for more than a handful of minutes. Standard rep lume may be visible for 5 minutes, and Superlume may glow for 10, but after that, unless in total darkness, the difference is not noticeable.
  6. I picked up a Steelfish Superocean this week from a Canadian member over at RWI. The biggest reason I bought was that the seller had relumed the dial with C3, and as none of my watches have anything beyond the standard rep lume, I thought this would be a cheap way to judge whether my other watches should be relumed. Having this watch for a few days, I can honestly say that I am both satisfied, yet not overly impressed with the performance of the lume. In my honest opinion I would say that the C3 performs slightly better than the lume that is on my UPOs. But, any fantasy that this lume would glow brightly long into the night was quickly dispelled. The C3 lasts only slightly longer than the rep lume, and at best its pretty much a novelty that can only be appreciated for short periods or in artificially produced settings. Would I send any of my other reps for relume? Only the ones with particularly weak lume, like my Navi for instance. I certainly would not consider a UPO relume however. Opinions?
  7. That is a sweet looking piece! Congrats on some nicely done mods.
  8. No need mate, I'm drinkin vodka anyway . Seriously, I never had an urge to post a pic of this watch until I took the SS off. I will keep it for swimming (and I'll pick up a gen rubber strap before next summer), but for day to day use, this fish will be on a skin strap from now on!
  9. This one arrived this week, And I'm lovin it on leather!
  10. I received my Steelfish on SS Thursday Afternoon. By Friday evening I was ready to take it off. This was very odd for me because the novelty of a new watch usually lasts at least a week. Something about the SS band was just not doing it for me. So I've switched it to my Bob Breitling strap, and now I just cant take my eyes off it. This Fish really shines when you take of the Steel IMO.
  11. Outstanding! I've heard nothing but good things about k222's work. Thanks for the review Pug!
  12. I don't know, I was looking at the heritage at the AD yesterday, and am having a hard time loving it. I absolutely hate the bracelet, and the watch itself really does nothing for me either.
  13. Actually this was the way early Panerais were built. Tape was often used as a waterprooffing device, and to hold jewel caps in place when needed. The broken screw and glued on crown guard may not refflect how the watch came ffrom the ffactory, but do replicate repairs that may have been done by an Italian soldier on the battleffield. As for the lume? Possibly its some kind of mold or ffungus growing on the dial? Again, probably very accurate for a watch of this vintage. Iff someone know who this wonderfful modder is, I'd love to use him!
  14. Nice lume :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. Look, nobody ever said there was anything wrong with sport shooting, But what if I were say to you that you must leave and store your weapons at the shooting range? Most gun owners would have a fit. This is the problem I see with this issue, that gun owner spew out good intentions, and how they are the perfect weapon owner. But deep down the just feel powerful having that gun in their bedside table, ready to blast some imaginary intruder. As to your comments about proving yourself trustworthy? Impossible. I am for the most part sane (if you ignore my rather odd watch obsession), law abiding, intelligent, good looking, etc. Those facts wont change if I decide tomorrow that I want to go shoot all the people at my workplace will it? My honest take on this issue is that you need to make guns accessible to those that need them for recreational use, but not have them in the home. The waiting period needs to be significant, at least a month, and licensing should be graduated over a period of years. Gun related crimes (including simple possession) need to be treated seriously, with stiff minimum sentences. The consequences of gun misuse are serious, and thats how the issue should be handled.
  16. You are correct Anton. As I recall, the Bentley dial is set up to calculate automobile related calculations. Acceleration springs to mind.
  17. I really wonder kasigi, why you feel you need to use a pistol? Certainly a rifle suits your needs far better than a handgun.
  18. On the contrary, I think much harsher laws are needed. Unfortunately your government is in the back pocket of the NRA, so that will never happen. America is a lost cause, and one day owning a gun will be a necessity and not an option. Sadly, since the days when Archie Bunker made those "profound" comments, life has gotten much more violent. People will shoot you for your car. Gangs randomly shoot people on the streets. And, children walk into schools armed to the hilt and start blasting classmates. Non of these things were even thought of back in the early seventies when people like myself were ignored by gun loving 2nd amendment quoters. And btw, about not wanting to change the principals adopted by your forefathers? There is a reason they are called "amendments".
  19. Too bad the 7753s are so rare and expensive. In all my years on the boards I have yet to see a Navitimer transplanted with a 7753 and a gen dial. You would think somebody would have tried this by now?
  20. I don't think that is correct Anton. The Breitling for Bentley site shows this model as being equipped with a Slide Rule, and a variable Tachometer.
  21. So you live your lives based on what some log cabin living yokels wrote over 200 years ago? Seems a little silly to compare the wild new frontiers that your forefathers dealt with, with modern day society. One thing I will agree with is that the U.S. has already f_cked it up, and there is no turning back. For those old enough to remember
  22. The GMT is a 6-9-12 layout. The datewheel is recessed to make room for the GMT module.
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