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Everything posted by andreww

  1. I am happy to report that I have not been bitten by the modding bug. Does this mean I am not a perfectionist? Far from it! I just feel that a rep is a rep and not worth the investment. I tend to study a watch before buying, and if there is anything that I know will bug me, I just wont buy it. If a rep has extremely weak lume, I'll have it redone, and I'll gladly have AR added, but beyond that I'll live with what I've got.
  2. Uhm, I guess I'm the clown then as it was I that coined the term "Lite" in my review of J&A's limited edition Asian 45mm PO.
  3. Don't be so sure. My Silix PO had all the ETA stampings, but when I sent it to Zig for reluming I was informed it was an Asian clone
  4. SD, I spent about an hour reading this on the train this morning and was thoroughly entertained! Great job and thanks for all the effort that obviously went in to doing it. Your write-ups are definitely the most informative reviews that I have ever seen on these boards. Would love to see a similar comparison of chronographs, specifically the SMP Chrono
  5. Regulating wont fix. 30 mins goes beyond the minute or two that regulation will cover. What has likely happened is that two coils on the spring have stuck together, thus shortening the spring and speeding up the movement. Try holding the watch face down in your palm and giving it a slap on the caseback. I've seen this fix this problem many times before.
  6. It is always tough to cast doubt on any member that has been here for a while and has some level of notoriety. I know exactly of what Zig is talking about. Its amazing how many friends a bad modder, a scamming dealer, or a misbehaving member can have, and how many people will ostracize you for speaking your mind. There are a lot of people in the forums that have not been here for long, or don't spend much time here, that think they know everything that goes on. Sometimes you just turn a blind eye to it because its not worth the hassle.
  7. I totally understand your decision Zig, and I hope I'm on your list of customers BTW, if you are planning on doing a CT run in the near future, please let me know by PM or email! Cheers mate!
  8. Hmmm, I agree with you. I wonder if they are making the crystal slightly thinner to make up for the loss of height?
  9. Unfortunately these are no longer available. The lite version that is currently available has incorrect he valve placement, bad pearl, 60 click bezel, mineral glass, no AR, plastic spacer, no antimagnetic cover, and so on. These watches were in fact UPOs with asian 4813s instead of ETAs. No other differences. Although judging by the movement shots in another thread, you could say that the UPO lite is still available, just at an ETA price
  10. Doesn't need to go to The Zigmeister. If it doesn'y have ETA stamps it isn't ETA. The decoration of the movement has nothing to do with it as the stamps are located on the undecorated base plate beneath the balance wheel. Either Josh or his supplier tried to get away with something, but Josh's response is bullsh*t.
  11. I thought you would be all over the Graham's Pug.
  12. andreww

    asian 7750

    IMO 7750s have gotten a bad rap. I have 4 chronographs and have had no problems with any of them.
  13. Yours is correct. Also on k222's the box does not appear to be painted red. There is however a arrow shaped hand that is correct as on the newer Breits.
  14. You know TT, I've been searching for a gen looking deployant for my 192 Tantalium and have not had any luck. Every time I start looking at Pam straps I just get frustrated. Until I find the perfect butterscotch calf I don't think I'll be able to settle for anything else. BTW, just got hope and removed my UPO and put on my new SMP chrono. The rut continues
  15. Thats the nicest looking one I've seen yet. Wonder how much?
  16. Probably half the problem is I haven't bought any new straps lately for my Pams. I always find that a new strap can be as rewarding as a new watch.
  17. I've noticed over the past half year or so that I have all but stopped wearing Pams. My lovely 192 and Mini Fiddy seem to be just taking up space. I've also noticed that at least half the watches in the sales sections these days are Pams. Interestingly enough I find myself wearing Omegas exclusively as of late, and even my beloved Breits sit unused. Anybody else get in these sorts of ruts?
  18. Am I the only one that thinks its ugly and impractical?
  19. There are many different PO cases, UPO, Silix PO, Asian PO, 1st gen PO, etc. We need to see dial and pearl to be sure.
  20. I just don't understand why these guys feel that they can lie to us without being caught. Decoration! I've never heard a bigger load of horsesh*t in my life.
  21. Agreed, I've got three 7750s and all work well. The oldest is over three years old btw.
  22. Even aligned the slide rule is not exactly accurate, unless you carry a 4x loupe with you at all times. The misaligned version will be just that more out of whack.
  23. For $150 I'd consider that a steal. Where it well!
  24. I am well aware that the dealers may be unaware of non ETA movement being substituted due to ETA availability issues. However, they are now aware of it and should make the manufacturers aware of it. I personally like the movement in this particular watch as it seems to look closer to what is under the hood of a genuine Planet Ocean. But, It is still Asian and has nowhere near the value of the ETA version. If there is indeed an ETA shortage, bump the price on the ETAs and offer these Asian versions for $150. Do not try and scam us by substitution. As this is a first time occurrence I'll let it slide as the dealer may not have known, but it better not happen again or the thread will be a lot less pleasant!
  25. Let me throw in my 2 cents. Rep collecting for me is a hobby that I enjoy. I am certainly not well off, and extra money to spend on watches is very scarce. In fact, I have not bought a "new" watch from a dealer in well over a year. I am able to pick up the odd fixer-upper from fellow members when the timing happens to be right. I can't however commit to an ongoing payment plan, no matter how small, as there is always the chance that I may not be able to meet my commitment. I would guess that many of our members are young guys, without children to feed, cloth, and provide for, a mortgage, property taxes, etc, etc. Do I feel as though I am "leaching" off RWG? No, absolutely not. I made the decision a long time ago to make my contributions in the form of reviews, photos, and a constant input of information. I dare to say that there are very few of you out there that can equal the contributions of time and effort that I and several other members have made. My Navitimer guide took well over 40 hours to complete. I'm not saying that giving cash is a bad thing, but its not always the main thing. Cheers, Andreww
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