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Everything posted by fraggle42

  1. I've got a couple of bronze watches and know about patination of them, neither of mine have reacted that quickly (but they were from M2M so already started the process). I've been polishing mine to get them back to clean state and after polishing they do not react anywhere near that quickly.
  2. And back at the police station the sergeants were very busy noting her oral evidence... Sorry, aural
  3. Yeah, doesn't look that big diameter but looks very chunky, thick body and thick bracelet! It would double as a nice ice breaker on those winter mornings when you heed to chip your way into the car
  4. That looks like one chunky monkey! You'll need two watches on your other wrist to even the weight up.
  5. So she is only asking for a $200 watch and you then get a green light to carry on buying your own watches? And you don't want to? Are you mad? It ain't going to get any cheaper!!! If you refuse to get that one she'll point out something that costs $750,000 and say you aren't allowed to buy any others until you buy her that one!
  6. Andy is that CG badly marked or is it in the process of being polished or something? Looks as if it's been heat treated and is yet to be polished!
  7. I haven't been around long enough neither keep an eye on TD prices to know for sure, but one would assume it from common sense? If there is only one factory producing them there will be limited supply so they can ask inflated prices. When other factories start making them, more supply, less rarity, hence lower prices? It's the way it works in any other business. Plus if it's only available from one TD they can add greater profit onto the factory price, when more than one TD they compete with each other and the result is lower prices. If the TDs are all in cahoots with each other and price fix, and ditto the factories that is depressing news.
  8. Oh I know they have gone up in price, but even compared to other Pam reps it's rather expensive. I guess by the time the other factories are making it the price will come down. Enjoy it though!
  9. I'm sorry to say that you have next to no chance of getting your watch back at this point. I do not know the details (there is only one person who does for definite know, and that is Mike MD2020) but I would guess that it is either sold or broken for parts for other watches. There are many members here in the same boat, lost money, watches and watch parts, and a private email list has been set up between the members involved, it is headed up by "Mike On A Bike" - an outstanding member here who is helping to pursue return of whatever goods remain and also investigating and pursuing other legal avenues. He has posted a few posts up, please send him a private message (or he may send you one) and he will help you all he can.
  10. C'mon, less blanket dismissal "waving of the hands" and create and post some comparison pics - I like to think us folks here try to educate more than the other forums! The OPs images aren't very clear and I can't even see any rehaut anywhere, so how can it be said it's bad? All I can see from the images is either the bezel is one click off or the movement + dial needs rotating fractionally, a 10 minute easy job. Rolex' aren't my thing so I wouldn't spot the technical details, but SEL fit looks 'OK', date mag looks OK, date is a bit high or it may be the angle of the photo, bracelet looks OK, clasp looks cheap, impression of the crown on the clasp looks very cheap. I don't know if the bezel insert should be gloss or matt? Looks kind of half way here? Crown and CGs look just the same as the picture posted by tomhorn? Dial, need better picture to see any differences for me.
  11. Sadly you're right. The sensible way of responding would be to post a polite reply breaking down the exact cost of what they have and how much they are asking, and even if lots of others agree with what you've posted, the seller usually gets the hump and then isn't in a frame of mind to see they're doing anything wrong. Or alternatively just point and laugh at them Hmm, I wonder if a "Weekly Deal Spotter" general post would work, where you go through the TDs and find their good deals and the post them all (say limit it to half a dozen) - that might hopefully enlighten these potential buyers to what they can get new for the same cost or cheaper.
  12. If that is your very first rep and you've just joined these forums, then it's a sensible idea to buy something cheap, an amount of money that you won't cry over if it vanishes without a trace. I'll own up and say that after reading about all the rip-off dealers and then finding these forums, my first thought was "Good god, the dealers have made a whole forum just to convince us they're OK to deal with! Trusted Dealers and everything!" and so I read them for a while and eventually realised they were genuine forums Also if you've not had a particular brand of watch before and don't know anyone local to borrow one from, it makes sense to either buy a cheap one from a dealer, or a cheap one from M2M to see if you like them before spending $400 on a good one.
  13. Whilst payment processors are involved in the chain, there are a lot of other stages. The biggest chance of payment being stopped is your credit card company. They can refuse a payment, either at random, or based on what they class as "odd" purchase behaviour. Have you phoned them and asked?
  14. "I got this watch, then had it properly serviced and cleaned, then it broke down a few weeks later, so I sent it back to the TD who replaced it. Now I expect the buyer to pay for the service to the original watch which is in a bin at the TDs...." (the story changed a few posts later to it was repaired by the TD) "Some very minor marks, had it a week" (looks like my motorbike after sliding on its side on gravel for 20 feet!!!) Some m2M ads make me a bit annoyed, but some lately just make me laugh out loud, I honestly can't decide if these people are for real or if it's an April 1st joke?
  15. How are they going to suppress the medical intrusion? If the judge allows it will the police have to shove the Rolex back up there and then put the watch, encased in the hooker, in an evidence locker? Beggars believe how stupid some people are, both the [censored] and the "lawyer".
  16. Just to remove any doubt for anyone who didn't see the smilie after my post, I (obviously) wasn't being serious, Why inflame any situation with no benefit? Ken is quite correct though, unless customs have the web traffic that 100% conclusively shows the order coming from your computer they have no conclusive proof and therefore cannot prove without any doubt that you ordered the watches. In the UK we have citizen advice centers where we can go and ask for legal (and other) advice for free, if you have something similar it would be worth your while asking them what do they recommend you do, as you have received these letters that seem to be from customs and they are about goods you did not order and have no knowledge about.
  17. Yep, ignore them, or at most reply telling them to stop sending you threatening letters about watches you know nothing about or you will report them to the police for extortion
  18. He'll have to chip it out of the block of ice it's in first
  19. Nightwatch, I don't meant to be argumentative, just what I would do if I lived somewhere that had big problems getting non EU stuff in. The way I see it unless I have something which is unique or rare or some other way highly desirable, if I advertised it for $50 more than someone else I would not expect it to sell. I made the decision to buy it, I accepted the fact that delivery would cost more because of where I live, so I would accept the loss of the extra postage from when I bought it when I sold the watch. If a watch has had 10 owners, should the next buyer have to pay all of everyone's postage fees from new? That could add upto $400 plus the cost of the watch, it's just silly.
  20. It should not be reflected in M2M sales prices. IMO trying to claim back any "postage" costs should be included in the profiteering rules, it's just not on.
  21. pureti.me is dead. You can use this one for now http://puretime-asia.com/ but apparently you can't use credit cards via that site. New site coming shortly. I'll update my TD tool with the new site when it's known. (a new version is in the wings that gets it's data live from a server so that old outdated versions with outdated info in them won't be floating around) Thanks to aseangm (RWg shoutbox) and Hyjynx (RWG.bz) for the info.
  22. It will be interesting to see how the prices compare to EU prices. I somehow doubt any UK dealer will be competitive to someone willing to spend £75 flying to Turin and back, but will be very happy if they are competitive!
  23. Omega skeleton today Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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