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Everything posted by fraggle42

  1. The postman called earlier today. And I noticed something that I thougt was a sort of crater of paint on the second hand, taking a better pic revealed this:-
  2. If this is a rare insert and the one you want is not rare, you should be able to sell this one and buy the one you do want and make some money! More fool the seller who sold it to you
  3. Hahaha, you all know I care as much about super accurate "gen" details as a nun does about wearing playboy undies If a watch looks and feels well built, good and cohesive, that's enough for me!
  4. As Legend said, you cannot expect a genuine, top seller response when buying rep goods from the other side of the world. Only the gen dealer can offer you that, at 10 to 50 times the price. Sometimes things go wrong and they are beyond anyones control. If or when that happens, it's no good getting angry at the seller, they didn't ring up customs and tip them off about your parcel!! The angry words you have sent to Josh will probably have destroyed any good will that your families previous business will have built up with him. There's nothing we can do when these things happen but wait and let the correct sequence of events take place, and just accept it will take a bit of time for each step to happen. 20 years ago i would have never imagined I could browse through an online store of a dealer the other side of the world, and then order something from them and get it a few days or couple of weeks later, all without getting off the sofa or turning the TV off!
  5. I'm waiting for you to point out the flaws! The Omega symbol isn't perfectly straight in the first pic, and is a bit low. Second pic it goes 10, 20, 31?
  6. I think KB (Bergies) has these rings. They are very nice apart from being etched with that silly name, if they came sterile I'd get one.
  7. May, I know you are an expert when it comes to these things, what gives it away as a clone? I'm aware of the small edge that is curved on gens and was straight on most clones but I'm sure that's been addressed by the clone makers now.
  8. If their customer service is that good now, imagine how it will be after you've bought it and need some help! Avoid!
  9. I've got a pair of rep tag mclaren frames, and cheap £35 lenses in them. This was after paying £800 for the gen frames and gen lenses, and the opticians getting the lenses wrong, me having to buy a couple of those eye power test lenses and working out the right prescription for myself, and the optician then refusing to redo the lenses (again), the gen pair weren't usable for every day life. So as I loved the frames and still wanted the gens for close work, I found rep frames.
  10. Sorry to hear a reset didn't work. There is also a feature called "compatibility" mode, which is supposed to force IE into working like the older versions did. If you go back into the Tools menu, then click on "Compatibility View Settings" a new dialog will appear. In this dialog box there is an option called "Display all websites in Compatibility View". Make sure that is ticked, click Close and restart iE and give it a go then. If that still doesn't work, Microsoft have just broken IE that much it can't be made to work properly An option is to upgrade the forum software, but I doubt admin will want to do that
  11. "And the extra wing being built on the house is just to house all the raffle watches. And the extra huge safe is just to keep all the money that comes from the raffles..."
  12. Yep! Just picked it up today. It seems just about every UK buyer has been hit with the same customs fees, £23 roughly. Annoying but you gotta go with the flow to get these shiny toys I also expect customs job will have been made a lot easier by there being a dozen or three identical packages, all from China, all with the same customs declaration on them. More pics in the Rolex forum.
  13. Guess the watch! (not that hard! )
  14. Various close ups of the dial and hands Crown Bracelet clasp Case back and SELs My thoughts on it so far; overall it is a very, very nice rep. the dial is lovely, as are the hands. The talk about being able to see the difference in the gold colouring of the hands and the dial markers - I can't see it in the flesh. Maybe there is a slight difference in the colour of the lume (in daylight) but it's more obvious in pictures than in real life. Bracelet is lovely and solid. SELs fit snugly. Clasp is nice and positive - if anything it's a little too tight to undo the main clasp. Like a lot of other people have commented, the bezel is slack (side to side movement) and the ratches is "almost not there", and this is the major negative. Downsides i've noticed:- * Bezel, weak click spring, side to side movement (a user has taken up the slack with a piece of coke can cut to a washer shape and has reported a huge improvement) * Clasp - a bit tight to open, but with wear it will become just perfect. Also if you look at the clasp image showing the three holes for the micro adjustment, I think these holes are a fraction too small and the spring pin doesn't seem to fit into them properly - a bit of a concern as if the spring pin comes out, the watch may drop off your wrist. * Crown - it has approximately 1 turn from thread engaging to screwed down - not much and I hope it's not another Omega PO crown thread disaster - a little bit of TLC, smoothing the threads and a touch of grease to try to enhance their longevity will be a good thing. * Bracelet screws - This is really the norm for any rep bracelets with screw in pins. They're made with low tolerances, and so as soon as the pin has been screwed into a bracelet section, they'll force the threads on both parts so they "mate" with each other. If you are careful and put the pin back into the segment it came out of, it goes back in nicely and without any problem. Mix the pins up and force them in and I bet the threads will strip very quickly. Just common sense really. Overall : I really like it. Very good job, and for the price, a damn good watch!
  15. Ah, so the problem is with IE. What you can try is to reset the settings in IE. Open IE, if you can't see the menu (has Files, Edit, View, Favourites, Tools and Help options) press the Alt button and they will appear. Select "Tools". Select "Internet Options" (right at the bottom). Select the "Advanced" tab (right most tab). At the bottom is a "Reset" button which opens a new dialog. That dialog has an option that resets even more stuff, try it without checking that option first. Press the "Reset" on this dialog. It will reset all the items it said it was going to. Once it's done that, click "Close". You will then need to restart your PC. Try that and see if that cures the problem. If not, try the same thing again but DO check the option that will reset the extra stuff and reset it (and restart Windows) again.
  16. Mike'll take anything. Money, PayPay, kidneys, livers, hearts, firstborns, ex-wives (good condition and lightly used only please) ...
  17. Cheers Andy, replied. This thing is absolutely HUGE! Dwarfs the 47mm Pams I have
  18. When the reply box is in WYSIWYG mode (HTML mode - all the buttons available), what happens when you go to "Attach Files" at the bottom and click "Choose Files"? Does that let you select files, does it then upload them? And what happens then when you tell it to include them in the post? That, and using "My Media", are the only ways of including images (that are uploaded to RWG server). There is also the little button that looks like an image that lets you link to an image elsewhere using a URL. (tries it...) Yep, that works OK. Switching back to raw BBCode mode that link looks like (squarebracket)img=h t t p://www.ukrm.co.uk/frag.jpg(squarebracket) If you are typing in the square brackets and img=http... etc, in WYSIWYG mode you can confuse the editor, you're asking it to work in "simple mode" and typing in raw BBcode, and it'll try and automagically parse the text you've typed in. It does get it right in this case (just tried it) but not always.
  19. I can sympathise with you Akira, I've offered to help out in a few ways and other mods are more than happy for me to do so but no response from admin. I guess it's that damned real life gotten in the way again Or maybe just interest in watches has diminished? Life always changes, and if it's a more or less permanent change in interests (for whatever reason) I just hope the reins are handed over whilst the board is still in relatively good health. I'm just guessing though and don't have any knowledge of what's going on apart from the posts on here
  20. I've seen a few adverts where they haven't used strike through, just deleted the original price and put the latest price up. (can't remember which forum though) I suppose even that's fine, so long as the final price it sold for remains, as that's the price future potential owners are interested in.
  21. My bank account doesn't say gen is gen right now. It says "gen is unaffordable or a damn good rep"
  22. The bracelets on the Monsters are a bit odd, they are 20mm width but the bracelet immediately expands to 22mm wide so it looks wider than it actually is. So if you put on a normal strap, it's got to be a 20mm and it looks just too narrow. A Mesh would be the only way to do it, as Mike says get a 22mm and it'll squeeze down to 20mm to fit but still look good. I suppose you could cut up the end of a leather strap - I've done that on another watch that's an odd size (19mm) and it looks fine.
  23. I love the strap, gorgeous texture, pattern, colour, everything.
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