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Everything posted by SSTEEL

  1. In my experience its very very thin plating, I tried to brush some damage caused by a strap change, which resulted in the plating to come off, thus resulting in me having to buy a new mid-case
  2. Another vote for the superglue, and nut method, done this plenty of times with stubborn case backs, and works every time.
  3. Damn you AJ, I just may have to add one of these to my collection, I love watches that are different. I was always under the impression that they displayed the time normally, and it was just the dial that was crazy hours.
  4. Amazing, will have to look into getting one of these, intrigued on how it actually works
  5. Thats mental, what movement are in these? I'm guessing the rep won't do this?
  6. Thats what I was thinking, does the hour hand actually jump top the six after the five? I know, probably a stupid question lol Crazy watch.
  7. You know what hurts the most in all this drama? Guys who were once quite good friends online, exchanging many pm's talking about life, and things in life we related to etc, only to find out they too are joining the ranks of the trolls that throw mud. Just learnt a good friend stateside has succumb to believing all the crap that has been said about me, and is now even preaching to others about my bad ways etc. That hurts the most, especially when you once held them in high regard
  8. He's a great looking dog mate, you will have loads of fun, we too are homing a dog, well, a [censored], a pug in November of this year, its the first dog we as a family here have had a dog together, but I'm not new to dogs having owned a few back in the UK. Would you believe I used to even train Siberian Huskies back in the UK too. Now I know what you're thinking, there's not enough snow in the Uk for a Husky, well thats when ingenuity comes in, a couple of bicycle frames, and a few wheels, and your good to go. The photo below gives you the idea. (BTW Below is not me, but someone else who does what I used to). Sledging with wheels by Micky Aldridge, on Flickr
  9. Its crazy Matt, I would go as far to say its very childish of them, they are forcing their communities to buy new reps over getting their reps repaired.
  10. Thanks G, someone let me know the following was posted in response to your input. Its absolute trash, and bullcrap, I have not ever been pm'd, or warned about such, edited posts maybe yes, but never warned that my posts had been edited. In some cases my posts have been edited to look like I posted my email, but I NEVER post my email address within the forums due to spam bots.
  11. Thanks guys, Home is where the heart is, and the RWGF community have shown that this place has a heart. When I get some time, I will contribute to the forums more with tutorials, and alike
  12. Cheers for the support, doubt it will get noticed though. I'm happy to call this great place home
  13. Yeah, I guess letting the community know there I wasn't taking on any additional work due to my circumstances, and that my priority is to clear my back log etc first, this was what tipped the ban hammer. Didn't see it as self promotion at the time of writing personally, just informing the community.
  14. Indeed, their loss. Its just that with things the way they are right now, it adds salt to the wounds so to speak.
  15. When will this crap end? Not posted on there in quite a while, apart from recently updating my status about starting back to work today in my announcement thread about my mothers passing. I guess this is the self promotion why I'm banned. Had a few PM notifications in my email from there, so went to reply to them, (I replied to a few earlier this morning stating I'm not taking on any additional work until I clear my bank log, and linked them to my announcement as to why etc )and found the following welcoming me. Banned from RWI by Micky Aldridge, on Flickr Obviously the team on there have no compassion at all, but clear my private messages have been monitored, its been a hard first day back at work today as it is, but now this, it sucks.
  16. Thats very sad news I have dealt with Alan a few times, and has always come across as a honest, straight up guy. The Cancer takes away far too many great people from our planet we call home.
  17. Thanks once again for everyones support, its been greatly received, and has helped me through this great loss. I thought I would post the below info as I have done just now in my section on RG. As many of you know, I have recently lost my mother to Cancer, and needed some private time to mourn, and grieve my loss. My priority now when I return to work on Monday is to complete all current jobs that are here with me right now. During this time, I will not be taking on any additional work until all current jobs have been completed, and returned to their owners. Please bare this in mind before contacting me with regards any new repair enquiries. If you have a watch that needs repair, give me a couple of weeks before contacting me, thanks. Regards Micky
  18. Thanks for stepping in B, and gagging this PBR muppet. He has now shown his true colours of just how mindless he really is.
  19. Exactly G, amazing, after all the ill treatment and slander I had thrown at me regarding a not so happy customer next door, and even after refunding him 100% of his money for his budget build, I ended up part of a which hunt, which ultimately ended up with me being banned on there, and having 11k posts there, and being apart of their community for two years, was quite a blow seeing how some guys behaved. Now this place on the other hand is worlds apart, that is for sure. The compassion, support, and help everyone has shown, and given to me, I admit I am truly humbled, and lost for words, even my wife is equally amazed, but she was sceptical after the way I was treated on the other forum, but she was reassured when Andy came to my rescue, getting me to the hospital in time for me to say goodbye to my mother. Absolutely amazing community, thank you all.!
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