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Everything posted by SSTEEL

  1. Looks like the dial is too small as mentioned above regarding its fitting, and mating with rehault.
  2. My plan is to utilise the rep pusher tubes which are glued into the case, removing them from the case, measuring them, cutting them down to the right size as to accommodate the gen pushers profile, and then tapping the thread into the tubes so far (not all the way through), then screwing in the gen pushers, applying waterproof adhesive in the process, then bonding the tubes back into the case with the appropriate bonding glue. And breath lol. Also to add to my earlier post, the reasoning behind wanting to see if the bezel removed from the case of the black insert case was down to the crystal gasket fitting. I tried to refit the crystal gasket, which itself is pushed into place between the bezel, and chapter ring. I was unsuccessful in refitting the gasket, so I thought that surely the bezel must come off, and if so, refitting my new gasket should be a lot easier, as the gasket is pushed in with the bezel and crystal at the same time. Let me try and explain some key difference between the two cases. With the chromed bezel case, the bezel had to be removed in order to remove the chapter ring. The gasket sits on top of the chapter ring. With the black insert case, after removing the crystal gasket, although the chapter ring came out easily, this was not possible on the chromed version due to the one piece bezel construction, restricting room to pull out the chapter ring. I think you may get the picture now. Sorry if I appeared to make things complicated by possible repeating myself on something that in real life here is quite straight forward to those in the know, and experienced watchmakers/watchsmiths, but I want to explain things in a way for others to learn too. Hope this makes sense.
  3. Was getting ahead of myself then, what I meant to say, is, next to follow in this thread will be the pushers investigation, which may well lead to some tap, and die work.
  4. OK, had some more spare time today so got to work with the black bezelled Carrera case. Now you may recall me stating the following earlier about this case.. Now whilst the above quote is true, the construction is indeed different, this difference being the bezel. I first thought that the black bezelled Carrera case's bezel was fixed, and not removable, but looking closely through my loupe at the outer circumference there was evidence proving otherwise, but was my eyes playing tricks on me I asked myself. Well, after some failed attempts prising the bezel off with a plastic phone tool (intended use for opening phones cases), I then turned my attention to something more suitable, but wondered if I was on a hiding to nothing, and would I screw up the case, resulting it being scrap. I thought sod it, only one way to find out, experiment in the aid of helping others learn My weapon of choice was the case back removal tool for push in case backs, you know the one, looks like a knife. Mine was in the RWG tool kit, and come in handy here, along with the RWG hammer, I lined up the sharp part of the blade into the bezel edge, and tapped it gently with the metal end of the hammer, and off the bezel popped Here's a photo showing the difference in construction between the chromed bezel Carrera (left), and the black bezel Carrera (right). Arty shot A closer look at the chromed bezel case (note: only one hole at 12 inside to home the chapter ring). And next the black bezel case (note: two holes, 1@12 & 1@6). Now to my eye, looking at both these cases, they somehow looks slightly different as mentioned earlier.. On the donor cases, the lug profile is shorter, and not as wide as my franken. I will add photos showing this difference, and also some measurements once my digital calliper is fixed as I broke my lcd. Still not had time to fix my digital calliper, so took a few photos in the hope to capture the slight differences in the case profiles. The two donor cases are identical in profile, so in the following photos I used my franken, removing the bracelet one side in a hope to detail these differences.. Franken on top.. I then fitted the case back to the donor case, and took some more photos hoping to show the minute differences. (Just hope its not my eyes playing tricks on me as I am yet to see these photos, only looking at the thumbnails and IMG tags And just a reminder, and a closer look at the two types of Carrera removable bezels. Black insert bezel Black insert bezel on the right Closer look at the two (The chromed bezel insert is not an insert at all, its all one piece, unlike the black bezel insert Carrera).. So that concludes my investigational work on the cases, and now its just a case of fixing my digital calliper, and awaiting delivery of my genuine Tag parts to arrive. Thanks for following
  5. Looks like the very rare micro-organisms tank Cool pick up mate, what's your plans for it?
  6. He used to, that was until some scrote screwed it up for everyone.
  7. Tudor reps are for some reason not high on the priority list of the rep makers sadly. Why, I do not know, but they are missing a gap in the market imo.
  8. Excellent, thanks for that. TC did mention to me that mine will be shipped from the UK, and posted via Royal Mail. So I guess I just need to wait now.
  9. Congrats, did TC email you the tracking number so you knew when to expect delivery? Its just that I am going away on vacation in just over two weeks time, and my TC Sub is due anytime now.
  10. You may need to mod one of them using a lathe if you can't find one suitable.
  11. I have experience in this, and can confirm, checked in luggage you will be fine, just make sure you really pack them well, and spaced around deep inside your case.
  12. There are various dies, including jumbo sizes available on eGay.
  13. Belated congrats from me Deck!
  14. Thanks mate, not yet ventured into the Omega reps yet, so a little rusty lol
  15. Sold too, I do not feel sorry at all whatsoever for the buyer of this POS.
  16. Or check the case back Mike to make sure its CV2A10 model number.
  17. Photos of Genuine Tag Heuer black bezel insert... Measurement of this is 42.7mm. I have measured (with tape measure) my rep insert and its the same. Will measure the rep again once I fix my digital callipers. The gen insert is part of my next gen parts order which consists of.. Bezel Insert Chapter Ring (photos will be posted when I get them) Case Back Crystal Crystal & Case Back gaskets. Will update soon with photo comparisons of the CV2A10 Carrera Rep cases.
  18. Ah ok, I guess V5 relates to this model then ^^^
  19. I maybe getting V5 mixed up with UPO (Ultimate) model
  20. V5 should have Seamaster in Red like the 45mm PO below...
  21. As Mike says replace bezel if you want to better it. Is this an older model Seamaster? I was under the impression the word "Seamaster" was in red on this model.
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