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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. I wish I had the green to finance the campaign That said, diplomat has always been a career recommended for Libras
  2. I think it's the only thing to say for questions like this, as I've seen that one person's ultimate grail, is another's nightmare of a watch
  3. The best rep is the one which you like the most. The one which suits your needs the best. The one which has 'flaws' which you can accept as part of The Watch, and which give character, rather than detract.
  4. @ R, Much appreciated, bro, I know it'd mean a lot to Nicola We haven't heard from her for a few days, but knowing how she can be, that's not a sign for concern, whatever her situation, she'll let us know when the time's right for her @ Zesh, Many thanks, brother, the donation and prayers will no doubt bring about good tidings I'd just like to once again thank all for their goodwishes and prayers, it has not gone unnoticed by me, and I could not be more grateful to you all
  5. No worries, and email responded to
  6. I've got two spare cases you can have if you want Not sure which factory they're from, neither has lug etchings, and one might need a new caseback (both need new crowns and tubes...) I can't get them in the post till next friday, but they're yours if they'd be any use to you
  7. The thing which saddens me most about this, is that this is a community based upon trust. It is a living embodiment in the maxim 'honor among thieves' (not that anyone here's a thief, but given the nature of our hobby, well, y'know...) Anyway, this is a community which helps its own, and goes to great lengths to help those in need. I tried to be, if not 'tolerant' of the sale, 'understanding' of the situations which there are in the world, and the desperation it can bring to others. But. There is never a need to be dishonest about such things. People will always be willing to help those in need who put their hand up and ask honestly, but when people start lying, that's when my sympathy and understanding of their circumstances run out. This is a dark day for the community
  8. I don't think I've seen you do an SD build, so I'd say go for it
  9. That really is a shame to hear, I guess he was just someone who liked to talk the talk, and wanted some attention Maybe the ghost of TTK burned his house down
  10. This is a sorry state of affairs indeed. I'd drawn up a floorplan for Halo to rebuild his home to, never wanted payment for it, it was pro bono and an opportunity to me to spread my creative range. I haven't heard from him in quite a few weeks. Not sure now what might be truth, what might be lies, either way though, it could well be that his life's in the shitter at the moment... Sad state of affairs indeed
  11. When you have creditors phoning you several times a day, have to make £212 stretch for a fortnight over all your utilities and expenses, and don't have the money in your wallet to treat your wife to a coffee, you might understand what can drive someone to behave like that. Not saying it is 'justification', just saying I can understand what might drive someone to behave like that.
  12. I quite agree, all I can suggest, is maybe the person really needs the cash. Desperation can make people do stupid things, and principles do little when the wolves're at the door. Not saying that I condone what has happened, the seller has clearly abused the trust here, and that does nothing for the hobby, but given my own situation, knowing how tight money is, living hand to mouth between commissions, well, all I can say is I can understand what might drive someone to do something like this. (That is of course assuming that their situation is one of desperation... If it's just the greed of trying to flip a watch for profit, that makes it a different kettle of fish entirely and would mean a big :thumbsdown: for them...)
  13. Sorry I'd not commented before, but what a fantastic pair of watches The leather really changes the chrono, and it looks really elegant If you ever wanted to go for a more sporty feel, these Tropic-Style straps are absolutely fantastic and incredibly comfortable
  14. What can I say... Snowflakes are, in my opinion, the pinacle of Submariner aesthetics By that, I mean there are no white-gold surrounds, just direct white on black markers, made slightly 3-D by the lume. The square markers, I have found to be more visible than regular Sub dials, and I suspect that may be from the eye registering a straight line and angles more than a curved line. Other plus features are all the ruggedness and reliability of a Rolex-built watch, but none of the unwanted attention of the word 'Rolex' on the dial The day I complete my own Snowflake Project, I will be very satisfied It's a fantastic watch, definitely something any Sub fan should have in their collection
  15. Many thanks Nicola has said that she has an appointment for her biopsy next week, so hopefully this will bring good news
  16. I agree, I can't see watches going back to <36mm, but I would agree that the over-sized watch trend is over, and they will only remain as 'practical watches' rather than daily beaters
  17. Many thanks, guys No further updates as yet, I think Nicola's gone into seclusion till she can get more definite news. Given how this is a repeat of the troubles she was having just before she had Robin, I can imagine it's taking quite a toll on her, but we're still thinking positive thoughts
  18. Glad to hear that no one was hurt, I think that's definitely the important thing As mentioned above, I was scanning all the turns as if I was the driver, wondering when 'the event' was going to come, and I must admit, I wouldn't've seen that driver coming round either, and would've got blindsided as well Here's hoping she gets a pasting for using a cellphone while driving...
  19. Thanks amigo, we're trying to stay positive, and hoping that they've caught it in time
  20. I'd just like to say a huge thanks to everyone who has sent their prayers and goodwishes to Nicola and family Having been away, I haven't heard more from her, and it's a bit late to wake up wifey to enquire about the health of another woman Updates will be given as the news becomes available Thanks again, one and all
  21. Weekend away was a financial washout, but it was good to see friends I hadn't seen in a while :)

  22. Heading away for the weekend and back Sunday :) Many thanks for the continued thoughts and prayers for my friend :)

  23. Heading away for the weekend and back Sunday :) Many thanks for the continued thoughts and prayers for my friend :)

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