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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. Thanks for the offer, S, but I do indeed wear glasses... I had looked at some reading glasses in a store which had +3 magnification, but I'm not sure if that would be enough... Thanks, R, I'm still waiting to try out the new 'whisker brush', but I think you're right about the need for magnification PM on the way
  2. I love how the Snowflake Tudors look on NATO, but I'm actually going to make this my suggestion, the South African MilSub Impossible to buy an 'out the box' rep, but a seriously easy project built I'm going to undertake as soon as finances allow
  3. Photoshop job... The second 2 in 22 is the give away (original grey is visible in the lower arc of the 2) Looks the business though, it would be interesting to see one 'in the flesh' :
  4. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll certainly consider wire as well
  5. Ahhhh, that makes sense, thanks *goes to modify 'brush'*
  6. It's not so much that I'm trying to 'fly solo' and see just what I can do without a loupe, just a case that I haven't got the magnification equipment to use, and really wanted to try the FM dial today. As Dirty Harry said, "A man's gotta know his limitations..." I know that it's not the tidiest of the jobs I've done so far, but I think much of that was down to the size of the tool being too large for the small serifs... I'm still feeling empowered though, and pleased with what I've managed to do
  7. Thanks, bro, I think something like one of those head bands would definitely be a help, but to be honest, I found the main problem was the size of the tool. I did actually manage to get a cat's whisker and taped it to a pencil, but it wasn't rigid enough to pick up the paint, so I might have to try shortening the length of the whisker
  8. Okay, using the same tool as before, I decided to try luming the dial from Emily's FM Crazy Hours :bangin: Seeing as I had to use a tool which was too big, and didn't have a loupe, I think I did as good a job as possible
  9. Ahh, that sounds like a plan, thanks for the information and feedback, it's very much appreciated Many thanks, and it does indeed I don't think I'll be trying to lume a dial after a few beers
  10. Many thanks, bro, there's always something new to learn, and that's what keeps things fun Thanks indeed I have to admit, it was a more advanced dial than I would have liked for my second attempt, and first attempt with the new tool, but, I couldn't afford to send the dial away, and couldn't stand the dial as it was, so it really was one of those 'X-Wing in the swamp' situations where I'd either do it, or not, and I did it Many thanks indeed If I had the cash, I'd definitely invest in a lume kit, but all in good time I did look online at a lume paint company (US Based) but they wouldn't ship the powders abroad due to it coming under 'hazmat rules', could you recommend a source?
  11. Indeed, budget watches are more easily obtainable, but what I was meaning, is depending on someone's income, say for example someone living on disability, even a budget watch can be an expensive purchase, in terms of how much disposable income they have. As above, I think the sensible thing to do is to only spend (on anything) what is spare cash. If that means saving up, so be it, and of course, it depends on to wha extent someone wants to 'get into the game'... Do they want to get a load of watches, or only a few select models... All things to be considered
  12. Ahh, so that would have been the 'time source' to which other clocks/watches would have been set and compared?
  13. Glad to have been of inspiration Oh, and with regards using superglue, while it will no doubt get me shouted at, I must admit that I have used it a few times when re-securing loose lume into the surround, and I find it gives me the best results for securing bezel inserts. I've tried using two-part epoxy, but when I then rotated the bezel, so it wouldn't glue solid, the pressure of it 'peeling' between the bezel and insert forced the insert out of the bezel. I can understand why people advise against superglue, as it spreads easily, and could easily wick into a delicate area, but personally, I feel comfortable using it in miniscule amounts. With regards using it on any dial work (such as re-securing lume) I just allowed the glue to cure fully before re-casing the dial, and had no issue with fumes fogging the back of the crystal. Of course, if I were to re-case it with the glue still curing, then yes, fumes would be a definite PS Can't wait to see how the project progresses
  14. That's a beauty, K What does the term 'comparing watch' mean?
  15. Following the lume job (I can't say 're-lume', as there wasn't any to start with ) I'm going to give the 1655 24 hours wear to see if can get a bit more attached to it
  16. If that's to me, and not TT, many thanks
  17. Thanks, S It's a very rewarding exercise I'd really like to try it with a high quality lume, but at the moment, I'm finding the Night Color adequate for my needs (after a little grinding to smooth it out )
  18. Much appreciated I was originally planning on using model paint, but when I remembered my markers, I couldn't be bothered to make the 50 minute round trip into town to buy the paint I have to admit, I really like the uneven effect (doesn't capture so well on camera, and looks appalling in Macro) as I think it adds to the aged appearance Next step, will be to scuff the case a little Funny how such small details can change the perception of something
  19. Thanks I used the narrowest section of the nylon loops used to attach labels to garments/fabrics for sale, but I might well have to consider a cat's whisker to get that fine detail for future projects I'm liking the cut of Harry's gib
  20. Mucho gracias, bro :drinks: I figured I had to do all the hour markers, or there wasn't any point in doing it at all. Surprizingly though, they were easier to do than the large markers I know it's not perfect, but I'm really pleased with how it turned out
  21. Remember this: I wasn't over impressed with it when it arrived, and, while I warmed up to it a bit over the weekend, as soon as I had the opportunity to get a new Tudor dial on my wrist, the 1655 was off. I knew the dial needed re-luming, but given the result and feedback I had when I tried to relume this Submariner dial with a fine-point brush, I knew I needed to change my approach... So, a slight change in equipment, a little more time grinding the Night Color from 'cottage cheese' to a smooth paste, and NCIS as background noise, and I got to work. I am very happy with the result of the facelift, and it actually makes me want to wear the watch now This is what I used: Work in progress: While I had the watch stripped, I took the opportunity to tint the 24 hour hand. I'd originally envisaged a more 'Doxa Orange', but the marker I used, not only went more into the red spectrum, but also left a somewhat uneven patinated finish. The hand looks like junk on macro, but to the naked eye, it looks sweeet I also gave the dial two coats of matte varnish Here's how it looks in the dark: And here's how it looks on the wrist
  22. To be fair, they do not all appear to have differences... Middle crown, top row, and far right crown, bottom row, have the same lower coronet shape as the crown K took from the packet, and is unquestionably a gen crown. The other crowns all have the same lower coronet as identified as 'aftermarket', and fitted to the watch in the photo... Those are clearly identifiable coronet shapes. If I might make a suggestion? Might this be an example that both crown types are 'genuine Rolex manufacture', but one type is as issued 'from the factory', and the other type as issued as an aftermarket 'stand alone' part? I'm not claiming to be an expert, just contributing my observations
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