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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. As I said the other day... Goddamned bunch of slack-jawed faggots, this shit right here's what home defense is all about... "Also, I think knives are a good idea. Big, fuck-off shiny ones. Ones that look like they could skin a crocodile. Knives are good, because they don't make any noise, and the less noise they make, the more likely we are to use them. Shit 'em right up. Makes it look like we're serious. Guns for show, knives for a pro." - Soap, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
  2. Goddamned bunch of slack-jawed faggots, this shit right here's what home defense is all about... "Also, I think knives are a good idea. Big, fuck-off shiny ones. Ones that look like they could skin a crocodile. Knives are good, because they don't make any noise, and the less noise they make, the more likely we are to use them. Shit 'em right up. Makes it look like we're serious. Guns for show, knives for a pro." - Soap, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
  3. It was a fun little mod for sure The close up shows way more detail than the eye picks up, but I also applied three coats of varnish (one to repair a smudge mid-drying) so I would recommend just two light coats of matte spray to get a lighter effect Unless the watch is in direct sunlight, it just looks matte black most of the time
  4. Many thanks Yes, it is pretty much stock, but I swapped the stock SEL oyster bracelet for my favorite DIY oyster (hollow endlinks, with 16610-style push down extension), and matte varnished the dial for the lols to create a look inspired by the varnish breakdown on some 16800s. To my knowledge, none of the GMT IIs from the same mid-eighties period suffered from gloss to matte breakdown in the same manner as some 16800's did, but I liked the look, so decided to give it a go My only regret, is that I reassembled it before the varnish was 100% dry, there was hand binding, so I had to remove the hand again, and in the process left a mark in the varnish, but for the most part, I'm pleased with the outcome, as it just adds to the wabi-sabi aesthetic Not bad for a watch which I only bought to serve as a movement donor Here's a clearer pic showing all the grain of the dial (not actually as noticeable to the naked eye as this photo...) :tu:
  5. You're quite right that it's unlikely that the insurance industry has missed it, but the statistic itself wouldn't surprize me, as I'd heard about the accident likelihood years ago Out of curiousity, do you favor one hand over the other, or use both equally? It isn't till I try and get a meal in FIL's kitchen that I realize how much I do now favor my right hand
  6. Studies have shown that left handed people suffer more accidents than right handed people, mostly as a result of trying to use appliances and tools designed to be used with the right hand, with their left. Some of those accidents may be fatal, so it's not entirely implausible I'm ambidextrous by birth, but have trained myself by habit to favor my right hand over my left to avoid such slip ups. My father in law is left handed, and the layout of his kitchen is a sign that I am more habitualy right handed, as the layout is optimized for a southpaw, and I have to consciously choose use my left hand to get things, but for some things like juggling, swinging a bat, ironing a shirt etc, I will instinctively use my left hand, and when eating, I always hold my fork in my right hand and my knife in my left
  7. He's been coming into the garden to eat out of the left over bowls for about a year now, but it's only in the past week or so that he's actually allowed us to stroke him
  8. My name's Tim, and I'm a wristaholic... It's been a while since I changed my watch, and over a month since my last purchase. This is my friend, Bastian, he comes into our garden and eats out of the other cats' bowls
  9. Have to admit, the transaction I had with him was the smoothest of any I've ever had Is that 'square blur' in the middle of the dial a design feature, or a photoshop effect?
  10. No change, but I've been drawing... Koi will be oriented thus on inner right forearm... Thoughts?
  11. :tu: She comes in the box and with certificate of authenticity, right?
  12. No change, of course... Had a pretty good day yesterday though, the tattoo machine worked like a dream, and although we didn't finish, as my brother in law had to tap out after a few hours, turns out he's into replica goods too, so we had a pretty good conversation, which made a change from simply being ignored in the past
  13. No changes lately... I'm tattooing my brother in law tomorrow, and while that would normally mean wearing my quartz sub, I'm going to be trying my new rotary tattoo machine, which doesn't create any magnetic fields, so no need...
  14. Other than Audi drivers? Well, they do let women drive as well as vote these days...
  15. I don't think that's clasp rub... Maybe they planned to do some dremmel refinishing, and opted to try it on an inconspicuous area rather than trash a visible area...
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