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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. There're always ways of resolving things honorably..
  2. For a while, I've been inspired by a matte-dialled DayDate Ubiquitous made which is a watch presented to Rolex watchsmiths, as although I've never liked DayDates, I did like the aesthetic of the matte dial. After needing to reset the hands on this watch this morning (possibly a hand-fouling issue) I decided to take the opportunity to matte varnish the dial, and here is the result Assuming the movement doesn't stall over night like last night ( ) this will be either an alternate beater for the occasions where I might feel like a change, or a 'dress down'/stealth watch for occasions where I want to wear something nice, but not draw any attention. The brushed finish of the bracelet and case combine with the matte dial to create a truly subtle finish, which is so un-eye catching, it's awesome in its mediocrity Not a planned project, but one which sees to be going rather nicely
  3. 'Trying' to make you look bad?? You're doing a pretty good job of that aaaallll by yourself... Incase you can't see why people are not giving you any sympathy, allow me to explain how this looks to the people outside of your head: - You've received goods and aren't 100% happy with it. Fair enough, but sadly not really grounds for a return in this hobby as it will put the seller down or needing to re-sell the item. - After not getting a fast enough response from Ken, and despite being advised by senior members (and a moderator) to exercise some patience, you proceed to instigate a PayPal dispute. While PP tends to side with the buyer, you really have no valid reason for doing this as what you got, is what you paid for. The fact that you don't like it, is not Ken's fault, and should not be something PP should enforce as a refundable sale. - You then try and sell the bag yourself on RWI. This totally undercuts everything you said yesterday about wanting to send the bag back to Ken. It also leaves the following scenarios: - Either you intend to allow PP to decide in your favor and make Ken refund you, and then sell the bag, meaning you will have screwed Ken out of goods and money, or - You intend to return the bag to Ken and then allow some poor chump to try and buy goods off you which you no longer possess, which would make you a scammer. So unless you intend to withdraw the bag from sale and return it to Ken, someone is going to wind up getting screwed. Do you now see why people are thinking you are a prize douchebag?
  4. I persevered, swapped the movement retainer for one with a better fit, had to glue the six marker back in place as I brushed it off with my thumb ( ) and none of the second hands would fit... Not something I'd not normally consider as a DJ due to the curved bezel and Presidential bracelet, but overall, I'm rather pleased with the result, thanks for the inspiration, my friend
  5. Thanks, J, I still have the one I got from you last year or the year before (tie flies ) but sadly it's a smidge too small to go with the case (also all the spare hands I have are being awkward with the various movements) so I'll probably just pick up another budget DJ and transplant everything over Have to admit, I am loving the Presidential bracelet
  6. Tudor Tuesday Definitely feeling this more today than yesterday, but I am still considering going for a Rolex re-branding as gold just doesn't quite 'feel right' for me
  7. My mother in law has listed the above mentioned watch on eBay, and I said I would make the UK members aware of the listing The watch was found without box or papers when we cleared out her deceased brother's flat two years ago. It hasn't worked since then, but I suspect it simply needs a routine servicing, rather than anything sinister. The watch is completely genuine (this watch is not commercially replicated) although the caseback is unmarked (Possibly a service replacement? ) Mother in law is not a watch expert, so please don't swamp her with technical questions As mentioned, she's only willing to post it within the UK, but thanks to all who are interested
  8. As others have pointed out, keeping goods while trying to make a charge back is theft, plain and simple. You say you want to post the bags back, fine, post them back, and you won't be a thief. As others have also pointed out, the photos clearly show the product and the description fits that as shown in not only KBs sales photo, but the above posted photo of Ms. Miller with the genuine item, so what we have here, is not someone trying to send something back which is not as described, but someone who has buyers remorse and thinks he can return goods like he's at WallMart. These are replica goods, and the replica world simply does not work that way. Unless the bag was to be falling apart, or somehow otherwise unfit for purpose, there is no way the bag can be returned to the factory, so KB would be down that cost, for no other reason than you took a punt on something, thought "Nah, not quite what I was after..." and want to try and return it on said basis. We've all been in the situation where something has not quite met our expectations, and it's unfortunate that the bag does not meet yours, but at the end of the day, that's just too bad. Launching PP disputes, in this community, is like going to a police station and making a false rape allegation: It is simply not tollerated. As KB said in an above post, you will not just be out of this specific forum, but the entire community (which is interconnected) and you will go on a dealer's blacklist, and none of the trusted dealers will sell to you. While I do accept that you had a grievance, you have not displayed much patience (when advised to do so by other senior members) and instead jumped down the PP dispute route, and try to argue the minutiae of the bag, so it's no wonder that no-one has much sympathy for you or your situation.
  9. My humor can get pretty dark at times
  10. Last I heard, sh was quite active on Twitter, but not sure what her username is...
  11. Not in the land of the living But she's never far from my thoughts It's a quote from Full Metal Jacket, but I felt it was appropriate
  12. Hell, I like you, you can come over to my house and fuck my sister I can be diplomatic, but there're some times when it's time to fight fire with fire
  13. Sounds awesome, could you share the details of this company? Not that I can actually afford anything, but there are a few paintings I would love to get repro'ed (especially Night Hawks, as I doubt I'll ever afford the original )
  14. Wasn't there some other fuckwit recently called Nils? Same dude new account? OP Fuck off our forum and don't come back, scammers are not welcome here,and by keeping the bag and making a PP claim, that makes you a scammer and a thief!
  15. Do you really think so? When I did just that in the past, it was simply to protect the watch and stop it rattling about in the suitcase (not having a watch case to carry abroad) If I'd been pulled by customs, I would have naturally just explained that it was to give protection, and I can't imagine customs not accepting that as an explanation Several watches stuffed in a suitcase, I could imagine raising eyebrows, but a single watch wrapped up for protection (especially if it's running and telling the correct time) I could see that reasoning being accepted
  16. If the opening credits of Tomorrow Never Dies can be believed, then the 'x rays' used in airport scanners can penetrate watch cases and determine the contents I'm not sure if people have to take their watches off when going through the metal detector and putting them in the shoe/belt/phone tray (although I always have for ease of not setting off the metal detector) but I suspect they'd just insist someone put their watch through with everything else
  17. I'll see your bears, and raise you a xenomorph... Well, possibly...
  18. I've done this in the past with no hassles, or, just leave it in a sock in the baggage might be better so it's clear it's protection not a concealment. I think someone carrying multiple watches in a suitcase might be considered as suspicious, but one on the arm, one in the bag, I can't see it raising flags, especially as you say, if behaving naturally, rather than acting like someone with a kilo of Columbian Purest up the backside
  19. Wear the one you can least afford to lose, and just wrap the other in a sock and put it in a shoe. Wearing two Rolexes is going to make you look like a prize twat, but travelling with one in a shoe, you can simply point out you didn't want it to get damaged during the flight (if you even get questioned, which I doubt you will...)
  20. Reclaimed this DIY homebrew from mother in law who never wore it... Not sure if it's a 70's everyday beater, or Special Event formal...
  21. Reps are illegal to own in Italy. Not just for customs, but entirely. I have read about confiscations of reps, but believe that was part of a raid on a market known for selling replica merch, I'm not too sure how likely it is for a passing police officer to grab my wrist and drag the Sub from it... As for terrorists, there's a particular Casio which is on the 'watch list' (no pun intended) for the security services. I'm really tempted to get one just for travelling, as well as a T-Shirt reading 'Allahu Akbar' in Arabic, but wifey's not so keen on the idea
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