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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to go round with a 357 Magnum in the waistband of my jeans like some kind of Dirty Harry wannabe, but, I do enjoy shooting, and have always been good at it. In life, there are skills people can learn, and there are skills people are born with, and the ability to pick up any rifle or handgun and shoot it straight, is one of the only skills I was born with. Maybe I was in 'Nam in a past life Hell, if my mother hadn't hid my family's military involvement from me when I was growing up, I probably would have joined the army and wound up as a sniper, because that's what I'm good at. When I was younger, I always wanted to belong to a gun club 'when I was older' so I could shoot as a hobby, then the Dunblane Massacre happened, and private ownership of handguns was virtually outlawed, and the security conditions gun clubs had to enforce and maintain, meant that many clubs couldn't afford to stay open, so I pretty much gave up on the dream of having shooting as a hobby A few weeks back, I did see a rather nice CO2-powered revolver which I'd like to get, when I can eventually afford to, so I can actually do some target shooting with a decent handgun, rather than just plastic BB guns I don't want to actually carry a firearm in public though, and have an led flashlight on my key fob which would make a very effective kubotan
  2. You never know PS While walking home with some groceries last night, wifey and I saw some old wino passed out by the library T'was just like the scene in your sig bar, but without the ultraviolence
  3. Sadly, I don't have the parts to make up one of those, which is a shame, it would be fun to see how good the Postal Elves really are
  4. Awesome, I'm going to chuck a load of parts in a jiffy bag, mail them to myself, and receive a working watch :tu:
  5. You may well be right there, it was something I'd read years ago in a gun-issue debate, I think the thing which stuck in my mind, was that each home was legally obliged to be armed, almost like in France, people are legally obliged to help a stranger who has had an accident, and it struck me as such a distinctly different notion to say the 2nd ammendment right to bear arms (which is the right to do so, not an order to do so) or the UK's laugable regulations on the subject Fuck you, Thomas Hamilton, and every other killcrazy bastard out there who's fucked things up for everyone else, all I can look forward to shooting, is air rifles at the carnival once a year
  6. I'm clearly wrong, but I'm sure I'd heard that in Sweden every home was required to have a machine gun... Is that some other European country?
  7. This is the very point I raised in my interview with KB when asked why people don't realize that their friends/family members are becoming Radicalized: People simply do not know before it is too late, due to people's tendency to give others pricacy...
  8. Exactly. It really bugs me that UK law doesn't make such allowances. In theory, 'reasonable force' is allowed, but the carrying of 'offensive weapons', is not. Now, if someone was going to be going through a really rough and nasty part of town where people habitually carry knives and other weapons, logic is that someone needs to carry an equalizer, and said equalizer should come under 'reasonable force', but instead, it all just comes under 'offensive weapons' offences. Personally, I think there's a big difference (which the law should recognise) between someone carrying a weapon because they're passing through a rough area and wanting to be able to settle the score in the likelihood of getting jumped, and some Beta Specimen carrying a weapon to add inches to his wang...
  9. Cowboys didn't carry concealed guns (well, maybe a backup piece) but for the main, they all wore them in belt holsters, people knew what they were getting into if they decided to tangle with such a person. As for the shooting, absolutely terrible, my thoughts and prayers to all those involved PS 2nd Ammendment =
  10. Another option, just as an alternative, is the fantasy model Deep GMT. I'm not a fan of the DSSD, but I actually don't mind the look of the Deep GMT Only issue it does have, is that the bracelet's mid-links are also ceramic, so I feel it looks a bit poncy 'as is', but I would certainly consider it a good watch to wear if worn on a Tropic-style strap or NATO
  11. All a matter of preference... Baton is more common than Arabic, but I have to admit, the number dials really are a pleasure to read
  12. As above, I think it depends if a date window is a requirement. FWIW, I've been using a 5513 case with a Tudor dial as a beater on and off for some time, and must say it is a very comfortable watch to wear PS Welcome back, amigo
  13. Damn that is slick :tu: Gilt Daytona
  14. As above, nice pics, and nice selection, some real variety there
  15. TeeJay

    What if?

    Absolutely love it, can't beat a bit of custom work to beat the boredom
  16. Absolutely, I think it's the triangles which do it, but the long minute hashes make for incredibly easy time keeping I think the snowflake dial is easy to read because of the square markers being more noticeale to the eye than circles, but I haven't yet worn one with snowflake hands, so can't truly comment on how it easy it is to read as a 'whole package' I have to admit, I've always thought that the bluntness of the hands might lead to ambiguity in the reading, which was why I was considering using a Ranger II handset on my snowflake
  17. One I came up with myself If I could get a dial done with that branding, I'd be rather chuffed The other day, I said this about the Pelagos:
  18. It really is the best dial design Tudex have put out, I'm wearing mine too [Edit to add]
  19. Did someone mention Mercedes models? As soon as I can get some proper hands, this will be getting changed (I'm actually debating fitting Ranger II hands instead ) and I'll probably swap the case as well, as I really hate the NATO strap, but here's how it's looking now
  20. I was using the 6200 as my basis, which wasn't even called a Submariner As it's currently sans movement/hands, this is the watch which is going to be the basis for my GMT project When I got the watch, the stock bracelet was junk, and that was the only other one I could get to fit. I've since installed a more appropriate bracelet by filing some end links to fit I have to admit, GMTs are just as wearable, if not moreso, than subs Are you meaning the 6542 or the 1675?
  21. Sounds like a good plan I actually got a bit of good news earlier this evening, as a friend had transfered some cash to my account to settle what they owed me for tattoo work done, and with another booking I have next Friday, that's going to give me enough spare cash to pick up a budget GMT Master II: I literally only want the watch for the movement for a custom build, so that'll give me a few more spare parts towards 16800 Take II [Edit to add] Here's another dial I lumed myself with Night Color:
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