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Posts posted by kernow

  1. Welcome to the forum. You're in the right place for a 16613 rep and there are plenty of experts here to help you out. 

    I'm only VIP so can't say regarding platinum membership, but it's good to pay something back to support the forum.  


    I am getting pretty [censored] tired of this quote.


    "not all Muslims are terrorist but all terrorist are Muslims"


    I think we made a pretty clear case that this quote is a big, fat, pile of smelly dog $hit!!!


    I'm invoking P's Rule #1… Don't argue with ignorance or the insane.


    I'm out!


    Lock'er up Mike!



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Or don't argue with idiots; they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. 

  3. I have several of the 42mm and both these and the 44mm are super reps. I'm not in the market for  one so can't say if these are available. But, sending Andrew an email will confirm either way. If you do get one you won't be disappointed. 

  4. Religious wars have been going on for thousands of years. Whilst we in the West mention the crusades, there have been many many more  Jihads than crusades.

    Where I live there is a public house, or bar if you prefer, that is called the Turks Head. A strange name for a pub in the far South West of England you may think. However, it is so named as Moors, or Turks as they were called at the time, would sail to the area capturing unsuspecting local fishermen and selling them as slaves. If these 'Turks' were caught they were beheaded. And we now have a nice pub to drink in.



    The Saudi Royal Family is barely hanging on to power. They're a heartbeat away from being driven out. My bet is that knowledge is going to keep them out of the fight.


    Saudi Arabia's #2 export? Radical Islam.


    Betcha didn't know that!



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Yes, but they have oil. We in the West tend to overlook such complications. 

  6. Personally, like someone said earlier, I think the only real option is just get out of the middle east altogether.

    Sure guys like Sadam Hussien were barbaric but the middle east and Islam have lived that way for centuries, the problems have risen only when we try to force our democratic ways on them.


    Exactly. Just one problem. Oil. I don't see anyone complaining about North Korea and they're not exactly a model of Western democracy. Oops have I given the game away?  

  7. There is a lot of uniformed comments in this thread but this....

    "If 98% of the world's 1.5 billion Muslims are truly peace loving, only they can take back control of their religion and eradicate the extremists."

    Pretty much takes the cake.

    I mean seriously your own people can't stop nut jobs shooting up schools and malls but you hold Aariz who lives next door responsible for ISIS?


    Sorry Ken, but that is a poor analogy. The shootings in schools etc are generally by a single disgruntled teen with social problems. When we talk of Islamic extremists we are usually talking about well funded organisations who recruit young, easily influenced Muslims. 

    Whilst I am not particularly religious, I was brought up in the UK, a Christian country. I am tolerant of all faiths and this is part of the problem. Many Muslims here (in the UK) don't want to mix and integrate with the Christian society, but will group together. They wish to convert the UK to an Islamic nation which is wrong as they are the immigrants whom should embrace British culture (I didn't say religion) but they won't. This WILL lead to massive conflict, much more than is currently happening. I don't know when, but I'm sad to say it will happen. 

  8. The world has changed a lot since 2005........     Not sure of your point and how it relates to the world TODAY.


    Most, not all but most, of what you hear on the news is Islamist groups causing terror attacks. Not just is the western world, nut across the WHOLE world. Now that maybe because it brings in ratings, more so than a Christian terrorism act, but maybe it's because it's the truth. 

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