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Everything posted by KB

  1. STOP PRESS STOP PRESS STOP PRESS STOP PRESS Take a look at the new Oris that Ruby put up yesterday, now thats a beauty. Ken
  2. Could I just add that Double T has stated that only Gold stars count, so if you agree with a post or think it's funny still leave a gold star otherwise your vote is wasted. Ken
  3. Did someone say sausages? YUM! Ken
  4. King Jubilee was his name and yes he had some beautiful homemade pens but he was more active when we were on the old board, he did cross over when we came here but I think you would find that his business grew to a point where he didn't have time to visit anymore. He also use to have some nice knives for sale as well. As Corgi stated I can no longer sell pens because my supplier has priced me out of the market with them, it costs me more to buy them that what Narikaa sells them, so I would suggest looking him up for your pen needs. Ken
  5. Well not really that far off topic as we are speculating on the process taken in making our reps and in the end thats all we have because the only ones who can accurately answer your questions are the dealers...and they aren't telling. Ken
  6. Ah but no one said they make all the watch, they could responsible for stuff like say..........Submariners crown guards But honestly the list is endless where they could (not saying they are) be involved.....stamping the metal disks for the dials, operating the machines to make pins/screws/bracelet links, making/assembling spring bars etc etc I hope I'm wrong but like I said it can't be dismissed. Ken
  7. Not a rep but the other day I saw the watch I must have one day, it's a Fortis and it's one big mutha. I have a couple of 49mm Pams and I have to say they are pedestrian against this Fortis which I can only guess was around 56mm, it's a chrono with a carbon fiber dial and the guy who was wearing it said it cost him a little over 3G but I forgot to ask him what model it was and i've been looking for it since to no avail. Ken
  8. Believe me Victoria when I said to my wife "Let me take you away from all this" she knew what I was talking about. Ken
  9. I say I say I say 'ello choom. I'm sure you will feel right at home here as we have lot's of Pom...err...Londoners. Just hang on tight to that wallet of yours as it's quite a wild ride that has left many broke. Welcome to RWG. Ken
  10. Fiji is a third world country, it is also the country which my wife was born and raised in. I have been there on 10 occasions and I can tell you that outside of the tourist industry basically the whole country is sweatshop. My wife used to work 48hrs a week in an upstairs sweltering room with only roof fans seated behind the same sewing machine day after day after day, her take home pay would have been around $35AUD a week. The difference with Fiji though is that the cost of living is not all that removed from the cost of Australian living. Ken
  11. I once saw a documentary where child labor was being used to make top end electronics, they were actually making the circuitry boards, so I don't believe that much of our watch processing (take straps for instance) would be beyond them. Ken
  12. Right now everyone is happy with the system we have, yes some will say that the end price is getting too high but in general everyone is still buying their reps.... I wonder how much info it will take to upset the apple cart? A while back someone made a statement that he wouldn't touch my goods because they were the end result of child sweatshops, now I have good reason to believe this is not the case, yet I could still be wrong. So does any intelligent person truly believe that part of our watch manufacturing/assembly could not also happen within sweatshops? How would this affect you? And again I need to say that if the 'Factory to you' was ever fully covered (and only the dealers know the full story) there would be many within these boards who would be on the first flight to China to seek their fortune and that would be the end of our blissful little hobby. Ken
  13. Beautiful pic's but I have to admit that for a phone double T's takes the cake. Ken
  14. Obviously if we all knew in detail how to access the watches straight from the factory then you can be sure that there will be a million fly-by-night dealers setting up. Some things are best left alone. Ken
  15. Umm....what about corgi? I have always looked on reps as having one currency USD, yes I know we have Euro dealers but the vast majority of dealings and mods (and accessories ) have always been USD. Ken
  16. Maybe one day my friend....we live in hope. Ken
  17. For me RWG is not about the watches.....not any more....yes there will be future purchases but I know I already have enough to last a lifetime. No to me RWG is about the people, people who will reach out in times of crisis to console my wife and report back to my many friends on any progress (my health scare), people who left so many pages of good wishes for me it took days to read on my return. And people who were moved to send me small gifts, you will never know how much you brightened my day. I am so honored to be a part of the Admin team of this board full of so many fine people. So yeah RWG is not about the watches to me, it's about the people and to the people I say thank you. Ken Edit to add; I see I am getting some stars, please when time to tally exclude me from any winners list, I only wanted to give my feelings on our site.
  18. A short story.... A long time ago on the old RWG I received a PM which came across as a cry for help, however the PM was titled something like "Looking for help from the best poster on RWG" Yeah the idea was to try and pump the ego a bit to get my interest, yet I read on and the following story was quite plausible. Basically this lady wanted to buy a Daytona rep for her husbands birthday and after wasting far to much time on the outside sites she had stumbled across RWG. Now she claimed she would normally be more than happy to do her own research for the watch but she was now out of time and a watch needed to be bought within the next day if it was to reach her in time for hubby's birthday. Now let me tell you straight off it was the story not the title of the PM that hooked me and I told her to leave it with me and I will give her an answer by the morning (my time), I then applied myself to some of the most intensive researching I have done on any board, reading each and every Daytona review and the like I could find until I was sure in my own mind who to buy from, I should add here that she quoted her budget was in line with what the outside sites charge so there was never a money problem. Anyway I decided to check my findings off other senior members and what do you know I find she has sent the exact same PM to a number of senior members.........and with the same title! So I contact this lady and tell her I am not impressed with her modus operandi and of course she comes across all apologetic and claims the story is still true and she promises to make a nice review of the watch once she can get it off hubby's wrist, I also suggest a small donation to RWG would not go astray seeing as she has utilized half the senior members of the board and then give her the details of my research which she verifies is the same as the others had told her. So long story short, she gets her Daytona, we didn't get her review or small donation and we never hear from her again, so I ask all the noobs to please understand that there is often good reasons why senior are not keen to do your research for you. Ken
  19. Stephane life is to short to waste time on rude PM's......just delete them Ken
  20. At the end of the day certification means that we give our approval to a certain modder, of course this means that when things go wrong members will turn to the Admin team and say do something.....you're responsible! We saw this not so long ago when Navi had troubles on the Geeks, the Admin team there stepped in to try and help find resolution and then there was talk amongst the members that they had a duty to do so, or.....you're responsible! RWG lives by the rule that we do not certify any dealer or modder for the one reason that we can't afford to be responsible, no one in the Admin team (including the Admin himself) makes a cent from steering this ship so we certainly cannot cover any lost monies of individual members, who after all made a decision to go to a modder of their choosing. At the end of the day if someone asks me about modding/repairs I always just give Ziggy's name and if pressed I will also give a list of names not to touch but 1. Most of them are on other boards and 2. That advice is from Ken the member not the mod. Ken
  21. Well I'll be they look like overgrown seagulls Do they land on your bonnet if you are eating fish and chips in the car? Ken
  22. KB


    Ok my advice, don't walk.......run Ken
  23. KB


    Depends on how much diamonds and gold.............a little more info might be useful Ken
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