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Everything posted by KB

  1. Well Bergies has a 10% discount sale running, which will carry over until after the New Year too. Ken
  2. KB

    Fake Guitars

    If you have a lot of cash laying around. Ken
  3. That depends on what you ate if it was one of my wife's curries you would do the dying tomorrow..........on the toilet! Ken
  4. Thank you kindly, had a ball but it had to finish sometime. Ken
  5. I got sucked into the hype of Blair Witch and so was greatly disappointed, so no I wont be seeing Cloverfield. Ken
  6. PRUB And if you don't like it..........tough Ken
  7. KB

    Fake Guitars

    Got to hand it to you that's a real professional finish you got going there, excellent work. Ken
  8. Hey buddy they are a very nice pair of watches and it just so happens that I too have just arrived home from holiday, however all I picked up was a bad case of sunburn. Cheers Ken
  9. Ok I'm bumping this again as I am still getting many PM's with the "where are you?" flavour. In a way it doesn't matter as my PM folder will soon be full, but I just want to re assure customers that if a sale went south before Christmas it has now been fixed and the goods will be with you soon. For all my other customers wanting new orders I will return home a day earlier than planned on the 21st and start processing them then, please resend requests on the 22nd. Can I also ask that if anyne starts a thread asking my where-abouts that you can direct them to this one. Thank you Ken
  10. Thanks Teejay. Just once again can I ask everyone to please stop the PM's until my return as i really don't have the time to answer them all just yet. Ken
  11. I am currently getting many requests for goods via PM unfortunately due to my unaccessibility to a good computer I have had to suspend all my sales until I return from holiday on the 22nd of Jan.s For the same reason (coin timed computer) I am not answering any PMs as it simply costs to much to keep feeding in coins, so whilst you may see me logged in from time to time I am simply scanning the topic's and adding the rare post. Should i gain access to a better computer before my return I will do my best to address outstanding requests then. Regards Ken
  12. Welcome to the wonderful world of Chinese online shopping, yes there are bargains to be had out there but after being burned a couple of times whilst looking for them you are still going to be way behind. Ken
  13. Ok when reading around the boards it's easy to get fooled into thinking that working on our watches is a natural progression of our hobby, it is not. For now all you should need in the way of tools you can purchase off Narikka (collector) and these will be solely for the purpose of adjusting bracelets or changing straps, when/if you ever get to the point where you are ready to take the case back off and do some work on the watch itself you would have accumulated the knowledge of the best tools for the job. Ken
  14. And yet Bestswiss is now one of the worse ones out there. Ken
  15. Well as an Aussie my drinking was done 24hrs ago :smile: Happy New Year Ken
  16. And to you too buddy, hope the New Year holds many joys for you and yours. Ken
  17. Thank you buddy and I certainly wish you the very best for your NYE party. We kept ours a bit sedate this year as at 4.30 am tomorrow morning we start our odyssey to meet my fellow Australian Mods, first my wife and I will drive the 800 odd klms to Sydney where we will meet up with Cornerstone and then it's another 1000klms up to meet offshore on the Gold Coast. Ken
  18. Just back from our NYE party 1.30am here so yes a very happy New Year to all. Ken CS can you send me a mail with your phone number and meet time on the 3rd
  19. Here give this a whirl..... http://www.chronometrie.com/watchsounds/watchsoundspage.htm Ken
  20. So we are heading out the door to our NYE party and it just so happens that this is what is on my wrist right now.... So it looks like a Yacthie end to '07 Happy New Year one and all! Ken
  21. I haven't ordered one as yet but I may very well do so when I return from holidays as I have been quite smitten by this watch and by all accounts it seems to be a very close rep too. Ken
  22. Well for a start Victoria there should be no horror stories as members are advised in advance that nothing will ship for 1 week and in most cases it is really only about 4 days. In fact for me at least this current Christmas break has been more of an annoyance than what the Chinese New Year will be. Ken
  23. Just to add, I have been forced to take a break from selling due to my supplier being away but i should be back in the swing later today or tomorrow. Ken PS. It may pay to hold your water as I feel a New Year discount coming on.
  24. Just a final footnote here, I have many people asking for goods but at the moment with my supplier away I have no avenue for looking into these requests so please everyone enjoy the short holiday and goods will be rolling again soon. Ken
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