Wow, J. I can relate. So similar, except I haven't had the upswing yet.
making half of what I used to make last year, working in insurance now to make ends meet.
turned 30 in october, started taking classes, things were looking up. Then my girlfriend left me a week before my birthday, lost my place, my dog, (my girl).. etc. moved in with my father and he was almost immediately at my throat for just about anything. Two nights ago I had enough, basically slept in my car and woke up in the morning to drive to stay with my mother until I find another place. My car breaks down on the way over there. (and its an '04 Nissan with 65K miles. its not a piece). I'm broke, trying to save up to move out, im selling my gen.. Just sold my newest rep on here yesterday, and honestly I couldn't care less compared to the scope of everything else those aren't even real problems. I cant afford to take classes anymore, so I didnt register for this semester, and im sleeping on a blow up matress at my moms, waking up with the sun, in my eyes.
But I have to smile. Ive lived negatively for so many years (most of my 20's) that no matter what I won't do it in my 30's. Even if my life is destined to be miserable and always one step forward two steps back.. I'll grin and bare it.