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Everything posted by ekhunter
This might sound like an odd question, but does anyone know the fastest way to tarnish silver. It's 800/1000 parts silver and I want it to look like the tarnished pieces in the set. I know I can go chemical, but it looks weird, and the natural way of over time, well that will take too long. Any help would be apreciated.
I hope no one has to track any to Louisiana this year. It was this time last year ago that Katrina hit. It was pretty bad around here. Today, you can travel for miles in St. Bernard parish, where tens of thousands use to live, and not see a soul. It's really creepy to drive through parts of town, and still see malls, hospitals, and stores are all still closed. Country Club golf courses with grass 6 feet high, million dollar mansions still abandoned, and still NO PEOPLE. I'm telling you, you can't believe it unless you see it first hand. Track um to anywhere but to Louisiana. I' m not sorry to say, but thank God Ernesto has gone away from the gulf!
I'm glad you said that. Took my Rolex Datejust in for service, and they should have given me some free KY after that experience. $400.00 must be the norm. The way I look at it is that's two 'new' good Reps. The Rolex is going to have to suck it up, and keep out of my 'Rep Fund.' My Sub LV from Josh has never been serviced, been through Hell, and still is going strong. Only thing I can say is that saltwater has been hard on the pearl, even after washing the watch with freshwater afterwards, but then again, saltwater is hard on everything. No Complaints!
Ddin't notice, but what else is a government bureaucrat like me supposed to be doing, WORK?
It's 97F here, 100% humidity. Typical Louisiana day. Did I say celsius earlier? Well, you know what I mean, I hope!
Found out the hard way on a fishing trip to Alaska what those clouds mean. It means a drastic drop in temparature. Say from about 57 to 32 degrees celcius, if I recall correctly. Damn COLD experience! Beautiful clouds though. We don't get any snow clouds down here in South Louisiana, but we get some wicked looking clouds when our Hurricanes pay us a visit. Praying they stay away this year!!!!!!!!!!!
He may be small, but the watch was huge. What is the biggest Omega with leather straps? I failed to mention it had leather straps. Maybe it is a Railmaster, definately bigger than a P.O., which it definately wasn't, but whatever it was, it was a very, very, large watch. Now I will watch the tourney closer trying to I.D. his watch.
Was watching the PGA today and saw Sergio wearing a very large watch, kind of resembled a PAN, not sure. Does anyone know what kind of watch it was?
Can you rob friends like you use to with the RWG money?
Girls, Girls, No Magazine Pics But Ex-wife Pics.....
ekhunter replied to artoero's topic in The looney bin
Alright, who has the hidden camera in my house? She might be your ex, but she's mine now. One ton of fun!!!!!!!!!!! -
Admin, I don't know you, but your situation sounds like it really sucks, and I don't know if you'll ever read this, but if you do, know this. We all go through times of trouble and sadness. Many, too many, people tend to become introverted at times like these, and this is not healthy. So, the forum will always be here for you, to vent, complain, or share a new found joy in your life. Just know that you can come back at anytime, and it may feel like you never left, but at a time like this, you may need the forum more than you think. It's a shame to see the forum lose a valued and knowledgable contributer like yourself. Hope to see your name and Avatar again one day.
Y'all aren't the only ones that couldn't get on yesterday. I tried all day and last night, and couldn't get on. Kept getting the message that the site was not found. Thought that 'big brother' had done the site in. Glad to see it back up and running. Does anyone know what happened?
No apology necessary. If you or anyone wants to talk about the government or different views on issues, then just start a new thread, that was my point. Lately, some have gotten awfully deep in their threads, and they go back and forth with no real solutions or agreements, such as the "Global Warming" thread, but hey, that's what Off Topic is here for, but when people start talking about controversial issues, it usually, eventually pisses everyone off. I just don't want to see the forum turn into a place to vent about Abortion, Immigration, etc., and turn into the big nasty like the "Old RWG" did.
I can't get Homeowner's Insurance with a lot of carriers because I have a German Shepherd.
Do you really believe all of that crap? Once again, how does a thread about the killing of innocent puppies in Denver turn into a thread (tirade) about how the government (Bush) is out to get us. What's next here, threads about the advantages of Communism or Nazism? Give me a break. No World War III is not going to happen, and if it does, it will be started by a real "rogue government" like Iran or N. Korea who have, or will have nukes, and believe that they will get "virgins" or 'respect" by using their nukes, now that is a bunch of kooks.. Anyway, none of us will be around to do anything about it anyway. So enjoy life while you are still here! This forum is a Replica Watch Forum! Even though this is in "Off Topic", if you want to go on tirades and tantrums about the government, I'm sure that their are tons of forums where you can do that. That's keep it fun and interesting. These types of post just stir emotions and gets everyone stirred up and mad, and then the same person that would have answered your question about a watch strap for a PO, won't answer you because they are [censored] off at you for being a neo con or a ultra liberal.. This is the kind of stuff that happened on the "Old RWG". It made "Crossfire" look civil. You probably weren't around for some of that, but it got pretty ugly. I enjoy "Off Topic" and it should be open, but I don't understand why some want to expel their political views HERE. I long for the days of the World Cup, when the conversation was about officiating or Zidane.
Hey, the movie gives hope to those over 60 guys to go out and act like a bad ass, and then get their ass kicked by someone half their age. George Foreman, with his knockout of ? at about age 50, made my dad and other older guys think that they, how do you say, "still had it". Only in the movies could someone( a heavyweight champ) lose a fight to Sly (Rocky "The Nursing Home" Balboa). Many believe that Chuck Norris is still the ultimate "bad ass" and could do a wheel house kick that would send you back to yesterday, with this I would have to agree. Chuck Norris verses Balboa. Now that would have been a movie. Rocky wouldn't want any part of that for sure. HAAA!
You did a kick ass job on this. Keep up the good work!
That's the exact kind of crap that starts things up. That's why a said this was not the forum for it, it gets peoples emotions going, and guys who were once cordial are now at each others throats. Good going, Blame the Republicans of war and fear mongering. You know that is going to elicit a response from someone who is going to say "is it better to stick our heads in the sand like the Democrats and hope it all just goes away", and the downward spiral we go. It's like the thread where the guy took his photo of his watch and his pistol. That turned into a diatribe of Gun Control, name calling, and [censored] off people. No WW III is not going to happen, and if so, none of us will be around to give a damn anyway. Enjoy life while we still got it!
Not WW III. If U.S. were to go nuclear and turn the sands of Iran and Syria into glass, and China and Russia get into the fray, then WW III. This is the same old stuff, the Isrealis can hold their own against these, they've done it before. I think the Arab world would be wise not to put the Isrealis into a box with no options, they won't allow another Holocaust. If given no choice, then the whole Middle East will glow with mushroom clouds, and oil will be $10,000.00 a barrel. I don't think anybody wants that. But all of this is way to premature and too deep of a topic for this forum. As I saw on a t-shirt in the French Quarter this weekend--"Make Levees, not War".
A long read indeed, but a great story. I get these e-mail scams all of the time, usually from Nigeria. Usually it is about some unknown family member of mine that has died, and they had 20 million in a Nigerian account, and the minister is willing to split it with me to get it out of the country. I hate these guys! This is truly a feel good story when those that prey on individuals, are then themselves preyed upon. This has made my day!
Andrew is right. Why must people screw with a perfectly good watch. I don't understand why people screw with their watch, break it, and then ask a dealer how to fix it. It's valuable time to them to undo, what you never should have done in the first place. If one must, and I say must, mess with a watch, then please come to the forum first, tell what you want to do and why in a thread, and then someone will tell you how to do it, and how to do it right, but don't try to play watchsmith, and then come crying because your dumb ass screwed something up.
Whoever has this phone will definately have the bling bling Rolex to go along with it! What is this world coming to?
Agreed! Outlaws buying counterfeit watches! I'm sorry, I mean Replica watches. See, It's not necessarily what you say or show, but how you say it or show it. This forum is already appealing to a fringe element anyway (Rep dealers and buyers).. What is right, is not necessarily what we do. It just wouldn't be right if we couldn't watch Shady's Avatar every now and again. I think we have bigger fish to fry, then to worry about Avatars.