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Everything posted by Watchmeister

  1. It is exactly the shot I am trying to take. I just want to able to snap shots for the weekly wrist check without having to set up a tripod. I looked through the book and couldn't find the answer. I suppose I could buy another lense but not my first choice.
  2. But did it allow you to take the picture or did you have to move the object further away from the camera?
  3. Watches are kind of like women's comments on men. Once you have had big it is hard to go back.
  4. Not quite the answer I was looking for.
  5. Why would they do it if the gen is being discontinued?
  6. Great pics. I had always been told the needle version was the better version. Has anyone been anal enough to swap the regulators? Also I don't see any evidence of the screws holding down the main bridge. Mine do show if you look carefully. Oh well, you can't win.
  7. Not that this has anything to do with this loop but I figured I would ask since most people posting here obviously know things about cameras. I was fortunate enough to get a Nikon D-80 for Christmas. It has the bigger stock lense (35-135 or something like that). When I point the camera at my wrist using the other hand it won't snap. Does anyone who owns a Nikon know why? I am sure I need to adjust a setting but I don't know where to start. Ubi- Did you buy one yet?
  8. It looks fabulous. Wear it well.
  9. Doc- I believe that ti Chrono Avenger is a newer model. It looks to have a bad bezel pearl compared to the gen (and the original rep version).
  10. TTK - My statistics say there is no chance of anything happening. 40 packages - no problems. Devedander- The liklihood of this happening more than once in a very long while is fairly low. So I would guess either your name or the dealer's is on some list.
  11. This just gets worse and worse. By the way, on Sash I have found him to be nothing but terrific. Very responsive to any issues.
  12. Actually my modest tranactions with you have always gone smoothly. But here is the question: will the transactions still be as good when you are the only one left standing.
  13. Why is Neil going to get nice now? Especially in light of the fact that he has been competing (and I use that term loosely) on a more forthright basis.
  14. I am surprised so many come with double coatings. Live and learn.
  15. 56 hours is optimum. You should be getting at least 40-45 hours on it anyhow. In spite of the fact the movement is ETA that does not mean that it is 100% ETA and it also doesn't mean it was assembled with care. So do as CC says and make sure it is fully wound. If that doesn't help it may need a service.
  16. Pics on at least one other forum do show it to have that streaky look. Whether it is exactly the right shade of blue I have no idea though.
  17. I wear reps most of the time. I don't get that same feeling of satisfaction when I stare down at my wrist with a gen on. The biggest issue I initially had was with pins coming out of metal bracelets. I solved it by adjusting and then immediately adding Loc-tite on the screws. My other safeguard is that any watch that I determine I will actually wear I do send off for service to Ziggy. He makes sure everything is properly sealed and attached.
  18. I look at his two latest reps - Breitling Chronomat and HBB. The chronomat is a natural extension of the last version and as such I am comfortable buying it. The HBB has a much higher level of complexity and as such I decided to wait until the next gen comes out which I believe it is. If Angus can really get his hands on the first batch before they are sent out that is a great answer. I suspect that may often be difficult though.
  19. Actually, Pug you can come off as high and mighty. I truly believe Angus is doing his best. Here is the internal conflict I feel. I genuinely believe efforts like Angus' are noble and result in a better product yet history has proven that first generation reps often do not have the QC issues sorted out. Don't have an answer as I always want to support improvements.
  20. You can also try a Homer crown. I picked up a couple and although not as good as Palp's they are half the price and matte enough finish that it would pass. Much better thickness, 48 not 60 ridges though.
  21. Pug- I would have to disagree but it is a fabulous response anyhow.
  22. Ubi- I am patient.
  23. Sql Pl- Glad you are enjoying it. I may have to give in. Pug- You have 5,000 posts!! Frightening.
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