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Everything posted by Watchmeister

  1. I have always found salesman come in two types at AD's. Some are overly aggressive and they tend to know little about the product and others who are actually into watches and enjoy the conversation. It is always nice to find the latter.
  2. I always assumed Fed Ex kept a scan of the signature. I can't remember which service I was using but that saved me at least once.
  3. Excellent write-up. And knowing this is coming from a person who has tried every combination this is invaluable information.
  4. Pics would be great but if you get a chance to put your rep next to the gen and are satisfied with the dial then I am sold.
  5. Great minds.... Looking forward to seeing the builds.
  6. Go to Risti and pick up second hand croc for deployant. Crocs last forever and IMHO look better after some wear. TWB is another good choice. Pic below: 196 with TWB (deployant), 162 with OEM and deployant and 188 has Xmas brown on buckle.
  7. And the funny thing about Switzerland and watches is that other than a few designers and watchsmiths everyone else are "guest workers". But at the price of the watches the industry can afford to pay what is necessary to get the guest workers to temporarily move as well. Is Switzerland really different than China?
  8. They are gens for sure. And he always wears interesting stuff.
  9. I assume you are referring to the 188 since the 180 is a handwind in 18k. I do think they are equally well done. Remember the 187 is 47mm versus 44mm on the 188. It wears a lot bigger on the wrist. The other thought is that folks have had problems with the date adjuster on the 187.
  10. $9k is an excellent price. They are fairly available at around $10-10.5k. I would not buy it as an investment though. I don't see the price rising. It is a great piece. I have wavered back and forth many times whether to buy one but always concluded that it was just a little too much for my wrist.
  11. Wow, it never dawned on me the Fu ahd the Chinese symbol lumed. Well, since this is going so well I will add a couple more: 03t with that wonderful glossy dial finish: Daylights: Custom refinished dial PANDA:
  12. Very nice family. I think my favorite is the Montauk. But I do have to ask as you have seven, different one every day?
  13. 99% of 70 year old leather pouches are junk. Unless that particular pouch has specific historical significance I wouldn't think twice - unless you have a problem wearing a piece of Nazi paraphenalia if that is the side the p0uch comes from. I must confess that I tend to stay away from anything even vaguely related to a horrible era in history but that is just me.
  14. Actually China can't find the skilled labor in any one place either. The difference is that people are willing to move temporarily to work and companies are willing to provide housing as they can afford to given what the wages are. China is not the first nor is it the last to have this advantage over more developed countries. Give it time and their cost of production will rise and another LDC will step in at a lower wage rate and the dynamics to force people to move to work. At current wagre rates China can afford to throw people at production. As those costs rise they will be forced to upgrade the capital element and reduce the wage portion.
  15. Just to reiterate. Do not think for one second that "316L" rep steel bears any resemblance to most gens. Whether it is sintering (reps) versus forging for gens the processes of forming and hardening the metals are very different. By the way I don't think the Chinese manufacturers have any idea what they are buying. Steel marked 316 which is made in China is notorious for anything but - true in the general industrial market as well. Do you really think rep watches are at the top of the food chain. They are busy saving their better steel for their bullet trains. Okay, bad joke.
  16. 8 hours implies you take the watch off at night and always have to reset it the next morning. If that is the case than your movement needs a service. Next time you take the watch off for the night give it a full wind and leave it running to see how long it lasts. Don't forget to check the date when you do so if you forget to look for a few days you will know whether the power reserve is 8 or 32 hours.
  17. I can't wait. The thought of the gen and rep in your hands at the same time scares me. But I know the comparison will be fabulous. The 390 is all dial and that dial is either spot on and it is a great rep or it is off and IMHO it is a bust. Of course, per usual .... great pics.
  18. Very nice shots here and very nice piece. I may have to buy one for the screws.
  19. R- Did they get the dial color and finish correct? Is this one the best out of the box rep ever? I have never seen you this complementary on a rep. You're scaring me.
  20. Titanium - Latest Chronopassion (4rth generation) from any of the big dealers. SS - Montauk Highway from Torobravo if he still has them. Also latest version of the Safari white dial. Pay the extra $30 for rounded pushers, My 2 cents.
  21. Sounds like the Virginia Slims ad. You do know of course that I will have to add the tabs and screws though - out of principle.
  22. Too funny. Absolutely right. Never even noticed. Must have forgotten to put them in 5 years ago after a service and the movement fits in tight enough that there has never been an issue. The challenge will be finding them now.
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