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Everything posted by V

  1. I agree with what you said.. they were indeed chunks of metal just brushed 2-3 times on top of it. As we discussed in the thread they were aware of the problem and they suggested that they should get polished and then brushed on top like the gen. But with this procedure the cost would have been significantly higher from the already high so i thought some time, a scotch-brite and a cape-cod would do the job perfectly for those who were really into a perfect finish
  2. Great job Robert.. they look really nice indeed but aren't you a bit harsh on the original finish? Dings, grooves etc..? Yes they were not finished properly (as it has been discussed from the start ) and they needed some polishing a brushing as rolli stated in one of his thread but they are not that bad as you make them look
  3. Yeap.. that's exactly what happened. Forget Vic...
  4. Great strap and a beautiful combo with that 111
  5. THE best strap for a white dial Pam is without any doubt the MP4 here on my long gone 003B
  6. Obviously this is not a gen dial, but a very good rep one.
  7. Again from what I see this is not a Jimmy cg and I also had more than 10 in my hands from when he started selling them on ebay All were the same. No variations.
  8. I will start with a photo taken this week in Bruges.. Same combo today though
  9. The finish on the inside of the cg i think it looks more rough than it should be but still i may be wrong
  10. As I said it might 'feel' but it certainly doesn't 'look' like a jimmy cg
  11. Yeap.. Fishgodeep and takashi have put it on their ultimate Arktos. http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=76126&hl=
  12. Doesn't look like a Jimmy cg to me.
  13. V

    PAM 24B on the bay

    From what I see with those small photos I say 99,9% Gen
  14. Just beautiful my friend... as I have said before THE best Panerai collection on the forums
  15. You don't want me to start on this And yes Vic is gone for good.. I would be happy to take some straps off her hands now that she lost interest in them
  16. Very nice and creative ideas.. Love them...
  17. Same feelings here... loved the 112 rep and got the gen
  18. THis one for me for the last days
  19. They were different era's GPF MOD Dep buckles... Hence not only different manufacturers but also different techniques as well. The vintage ones of the 40's have a normal stainless steel brushed finish but the more new ones of the 70's mainly for the compasses the buckles were sandblasted or like oldskool said hence they look more grey...
  20. David.. the last year I only use springbars in my gen 112... Makes the strap-changing much much easier.
  21. Yeap Warren.. both my early series and H series gen cgs have rubber between the lever and hole. It is a separate MX number the rubber part.
  22. That was the only issue with the cg from the beginning.. since it is raw metal just brushed industrially 2-3 times. The original is mirror polished and then fine brushed on top of it to have that shiny look. WHich would have been more expensive and definately time-consuming to polish them and then re-brush them. Thankfully achieving the perfect finish is not that difficult as rolli has shown in his thread by just polishing the cg a bit and then re-brush it with a scotch brite green pad.
  23. Just seen this post as well Simon... Definately Photoshop.. it has some signs on the place were dial meets the case.
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