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Everything posted by DemonSlayer

  1. Well, this just goes to show that there really isn't any point fretting over minor details. If gens come with these issues, why slam reps for them?
  2. Agreed. His communication is top-notch, and it does feel like your dealing with one man, rather than a team. Something about this makes me feel more secure.
  3. I've also noticed someone with a fine woman wearing a pam as their sig. HikeUSA I think it is Some women can certainly pull of Panerai, and most mens watches in my opinion.
  4. Yes, I know its the wrong bracelet, but it still looks good I prefer it to the jubilee. I might source a proper Datejust oyster bracelet and keep this one as a spare for my soon to come YM. I also prefer no engravings on the rehaut, but oh well, not bad for a cheapie asian 21J
  5. Personally I would wear a fiddy even with a 6-6.5 inch wrist. My left wrist size is 6.5 inches and my right is 6.75, I've ordered one
  6. wow, thanks for that ice, thats a new type oyster bracelet, never seen that one before. My one is basically like a sub bracelet, but with polished mid-links, very similar to the YM bracelet. BTW, there are some models of Datejust without any "ROLEX" engraved on the rehaut, check out the picture below:
  7. My jubilee bracelet was annoying me, a few of the screws weren't coming out and I was just fed up with the light cheap feeling bracelet A user on RWI was selling a jubilee bracelet and an Oyster, what I didn't realise that the oyster was for models such as GMT master II or Explorer II. I bought both and I installed the oyster on my Datejust. Today I realised that its the wrong model bracelet for the Datejust, from what I found out, no Datejust oyster bracelets have a flip-lock. However I've left it on because I prefer it way more than the Jubilee, and it gives the watch more weight I realise that people who know their Rolex will instantly spot a wrong bracelet on a Datejust, but from the pictures, is there anything wrong aesthetically with this bracelet on the Datejust?
  8. I disagree. This is definitely not an 'old man's watch'. Most watches with leather straps look more like old mans watch than this one I would say that the full gold Day-date is a watch that one would wear if he wants to show others he has a lot of money, not this one. It has a good amount of gold, yes. But not as much as a full gold watch by any means.
  9. Beatiful pics, beautiful watch Enjoy it!
  10. I appreciate your answer Dani, it might not be entirely about Islam and will likely have other elements in it, but the Mods don't have time to watch the film, and then make up their minds if they wish for it to be discussed on RWG or not Anything which contains the words "Islam" "Quran" "Christianity" "God" and so forth is like a 'red alert' with alarms sounding and will raise red flags. If we don't agree with the methods used for moderating this board, we are more than welcome to leave and visit other boards where these matters are allowed to be discussed freely, and I respect that
  11. Dani, its not about talking about the news, its about talking specifically about religion. The mods on this board have rules, laid out by the Admin, we have rules laid out by the admin, and one of those rules, is that we are not allowed to talk about religion which will likely lead to a debate which gets out of hand. I'm sure we're allowed to discuss anything else on the news, but not regarding politics or religion
  12. In the faith I follow, it teaches us that animals AND plants have souls. I know in the abrahamic faiths they don't, so I would imagine that some won't feel it isn't wrong to kill animals. God has permitted us to eat plants, but you do incur some sin in doing so, as you kill the plant. These however can be cleansed by worshipping God, and also, not every sin holds the same 'weight' as I'm sure you also believe. For instance killing an innocent child has much more sin, than killing a plant. We ideally should bless the food before we eat it, and in doing so are removing the sin involved in killing that plant. The reason why eating plants and eating animals don't have the same sin, is because they are entirely different forms of life. If you want, I can go into more detail, but think senses and intelligence.
  13. Pug, why do you think that the Abrahamic religions are the ONLY religions which have anything to say about God? Have you ever studied the Vedic faith? EDIT: I don't mean to say that you think its the only religions to do so, what I mean is please realise, that the Abrahamic faiths are not the only ones who believe in a God and laws and morals and so forth.
  14. Ahh the classic plant tactic, used by just about every meat eater I've come across to justify themselves. Tell me, what science or scientific research are you going to use, along with RELIGION to back up your argument, that killing plants are just as evil. Afterall, it is RELIGION which explains what is evil or not, not us.
  15. Dani, as much as I love discussing religion, I don't think this is the place to do it.. As I mentioned before, the owner of this board does not like it, the mods don't like it, and we have to abide by their rules, as people have pointed out, this is not a place to freely discuss whatever we please.
  16. Dani, the Quran states that for those who don't follow the way of life as prescribed by God, whose name in the Arabic language is Allah, will be punished. If I recall, I remember coming across a verse which showed that if Christians practiced Christianity 'in the way its supposed to be' and Judasim 'in the way its supposed to be' then they will also make it to Paradise. However I then came across another verse which I found contradictory which says that Christians and Jews won't make it into Paradise, essentially because those religions are corrupt. The term for a non-believer is Kuffr or Kuffar... EDIT: I think we should stop discussing religion on this topic, its not taken lightly by the mods on this board and if this continues, the thread will sooner or later get deleted.
  17. Thanks for your input. Also please don't feel that I am 'singling' out Islam because Christianity teaches that a very similar punishment awaits those who don't 'accept' Christ and the Jews believe that you have to be a special 'race' of people to be called the Children of God, (please correct me if I'm wrong, anyone). I can certainly understand the concept, of laws for mankind to follow, and if those laws are broken or not followed, a punishment awaits it. What about those who never come to hear of those laws at all. There are certainly people living in this earth who live in such isolated areas, where they haven't and probably will never come to hear about Christianity, Islam, Judaism or any other religion. You see this is where I believe, that it shouldn't be a particular RELIGION that should be followed, but laws themselves, in other words, it should be how you live, your way of life essentially.
  18. It may state that, but it certainly doesn't leave it at that. I can quote many verses from several Suras of what exactly will happen, according to the Quran to those who disbelieve in the message of the Qur'an, and its not a pretty picture
  19. Ahh I see, they're basically rules laid down to be followed by Muslims without an explanation on why its bad for them. Yes I can see the reasoning behind that, like a mother telling a child 'don't play with fire' but without explaining that its dangerous because it can burn us This is one of the reasons why the Quran isn't fulfilling for me, a lot of it contains rules and laws which one should follow, but without much explanation and philosophy behind it, not to mention instilling fear upon the reader of the fate awaiting them if they don't follow Islam.
  20. This is going to get shut down pretty quickly as soon as one of the mods sees it.
  21. I think we should investigate how heroin and cocaine and other narcotics are shipped throughout the world They always seem to find their way to their destination
  22. Thanks for clearing that up, I was aware of this however as I came across it in the Quran TeeJay, does the Quran explain why Muslims are not allowed to consume blood or carrion? It does indeed look 'violent', but I don't think anyone of us can really explain what getting your throat slit feels like until its done to you The lack of oxygen method does make sense, and I can see no reason for why the person would feel any pain. How about the lethal injection, is that also painless? I'm not advocating such a method for killing cows, I don't think there is any humane way to KILL anything because the actual act itself is evil.
  23. All most of us are saying is that if you did pay extra for QC, it doesn't appear to have been of a high quality as other members here have carried out. I'm not sure if you read EuroTimez post about his recent batch of Noobs, but his QC seems to be of a very high standard, I bougt a YM and should be here soon, I will see first-hand what his QC is like. If Neil's health is preventing him from carrying out a proper inspection of the watches he ships out, then he should either not charge and offer any QC, or get someone else to do it for him.
  24. No, it means that man are cowards. The pre-historic men from the caves and hills had a lot more balls than the so-called intelligent men of today - when it comes to killing animals for food.. Killing animals for food is just a minor of many things which have made some man evil, if you want I can go into more detail.. So do you think it was justified for some of Steve Irwin's fans to go around killing stingrays? Just think for a moment, how STUPID that was. I would assume many would. Most nations with capital punishment, don't use throat-slitting as a method to kill the convicted. If it is so humane and supposed to be painless, why isn't it used as a method? I'm not a supporter of any 'panzy' organisation, I'm against any form of inhumane treatment of animals AND humans. Plants are not on the same life plane as animals, they don't have the same intelligence as some animals, they don't have the same senses, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, they are essential for our survival. We can grow them ourselves, but we can't grow animals by planting them in soil, they have to go through a birth process from developing in the womb, as we do.
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