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Everything posted by DemonSlayer

  1. Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. So far I've had no trouble with receiving any packages from abroad or sending any. However when I've sent, I've used an express shipping method which includes an insurance value of $64 and a tracking number. I usually declare the value of the reps as about $40. However, I'm not sure what could have raised any suspicions from the packages you sent. I think further research/investigation is called for here.
  2. I do agree, that in the early and barbaric days of some of the human population on this planet, they had to eat animals to survive, the whole 'hunter gatherer' thing. They didn't know how to grow their own food, but were still somehow taking in important and vital vitamins and minerals. What I am saying is, those days are over. We no longer need to hunt animals to survive, we don't depend on them as food for us to survive. Leave the animals alone and let them live their own lives, keep some as pets if you wish, but for God's sake don't butcher them to satisfy your own taste buds. Awesome match that was thanks for reminding me On a more serious note, I am not saying that we shouldn't defend ourselves. We should, its a part of every animals natural instinct to survive. We can grow our own food for our sustenance, a lion cannot, it doesn't have the intelligence. A lot of us talk that we have the intelligence to do this and do that, yet are very barbaric at the same time. I also hope it doesn't happen. I appreciate your opposition to the inhumane treatment of animals. But the sad fact is, most animals slaughtered today ARE treated inhumanely, and nothing is being done about it. Most of us just turn a blind eye.
  3. Humans in certain parts of the world (namely Europe) have always eaten meat from day one because they didn't know how to grow their own food. The British didn't know a lot of basic stuff until the Romans came along and had to teach them these things. How else is a lion supposed to get its food, it can't sweet talk a gazelle to death, it can't wish it to death, its a natural hunter, and has been equipped with a body suited to hunt, (sharp claws, sharp teeth, powerful muscles). And if for whatever reason, one day we as humans are no longer at the top of the food chain, and are instead hunted down AS food by other animals, I take it that you will be OK to accept that?
  4. And if for whatever reason, one day we as humans are no longer at the top of the food chain, and are instead hunted down AS food by other animals, I take it that you will be OK to accept that?
  5. When an animal kills a human in self-defence, or due to its beastly nature (which is rare) some humans want pay-back. They then go and track down the animal and kill it. When a sting-ray killed Steve Irwin in either self-defence or due to being frightened, some people got enraged and began to hunt down and kill innocent sting-rays. So when an animal attacks humans, we justify ourselves to go out and kill them. The animals we kill for food, they don't have the means to attack us, they can't defend themselves. They pretty much have no choice but to accept their fate, that their days are numbered and their throat will soon be slit. You can observe that humans will only kill those animals for food which can't defend themselves, in other words they prey on the weak and defenceless. I would like to see how things turn around, if dinosaurs were brought back to the earth. We would now be lower in the food chain, they will be hunting and killing us for food. We will naturally try to defend ourselves to survive as a species, and because we want to live. We won't just accept that the dinosaurs outmatch us in brute strength and killing power, and so we're pretty much they're food. I point out that we humans can survive just fine without killing any animals for food. We are actually wasting more land, water, and crops in rearing animals for food. These extra crops can be used to feed the poor and help lessen poverty, the water can also be used in this same way. However due to the selfishness of many humans, sadly many animals are being killed to satisfy their bellies, though fully knowing that its not a requirement.
  6. By-Tor, I think your YM suits just fine for those special occasions. I like this 2-tone very much, but I just can't bring myself to wear any gold, I feel it doesn't suit me. So I ordered a YM Noob from Chris (eurotimez) to fill that spot, a watch that is essentially my 'Jewellry piece' that I can wear for those type of occasions. But now I just found out they have a noob 2tone, hmmm...
  7. I think if you were to return it, the dealer should pay for the cost of returning it and shipping it back to you. It clearly wasn't QC'ed very well, and if you paid a premium for QC, I don't think you got your money's worth.
  8. Rep collectors shouldn't be picky, (in the sense of accurateness to gens) because given the nature of reps, the large majority of them are not produced with attempting to replicate the gen as close as possible. However, a dealer's responsibility is to make sure that his/her customer receives a product that is advertized. Personally, if I was a dealer, I wouldn't have shipped a watch with those errors, its not simply a flaw which distinguishes itself from a gen, but one in which the seconds hand is damaged or poorly made, but its a different story entirely if they are all made like that.. I think that the whole point of QC'ing is to make sure that people don't receive reps with such damaged parts, especially if you are charging a premium for QC.
  9. I went to Aston Uni for my first year. LOADS of Chinese students there Now thats pain right there, I think its a particularly cruel way to kill an animal for food. Yeah I suppose some people can fall for it and believe just about anything they see in films. Hmm how'd you guess bout me being Indian Yeah I'm from London, you? I think these recipes are more common in South China, namely the Guangdong province. I know thats where dogs are eaten mostly. Exactly. Why ban things like this, let people make up their own mind to believe it or not. In this case it was just a harmless action film which wasn't supposed to portray a sense of realism, but I still find it amazing just how much the Chinese government ban things in the media. A very controlled country in my opinion.
  10. Yes I agree with that. During my first year at Uni, a few of my room mates who were overseas students from China, told me that in parts of China, they do eat the brains of a live monkey, and even described that same method, of cutting a hole in the table, and cutting the top of the monkey's skull and then eating it. However he said that before its eaten, hot/boiling oil is poured into the skull (presumably to cook it). I forgot if he said he had heard of it or he had actually seen it. However there were some things that he did actually see. He said that they eat chicken's feet, but the way its cooked is very cruel. They heat up a metal plate, and then just place a chicken on it, but in a confined space so it can't fly or jump, so it has to always be stepping/running along the heated plate. Another dish is a tortoise, which they first make drink wine (rice wine I think) and then boil it alive. Ahh the Indiana Jones scene I'm Indian, however I didn't take any offence to it or find it racist. I don't think Spielberg or whoever was responsible intended to represent Indians in a negative way. Indians don't eat those things, the huge majority would be revolted by that (though you get weirdos everywhere and some might eat it ) I think it was just a way to make the 'baddies' seem twisted I don't think it deserved to be banned (IMO).
  11. Seiko are one of the finest watch company's in the world. Every watch company has to acknowledge the contributions made by Seiko. They are true pioneers, and their watches are reasonably priced without the expense of quality.
  12. Another disgustingly gruesome delicacy in China is monkey brains: Monkey stew (notice the eyes in the soup )
  13. No problem bro! I am against killing any animals for food, whether its dogs, cats, cows, chickens or deer or any other animal. I appreciate the contribution by dogs in law enforcement, military and others. Cows are milked until they can't give any more and they are then slaughtered. Milk is a contribution to as well is it not, its an important food source.
  14. Not all dogs are suited for those activities however, only the ones that were bred and trained for these purposes specifically. And what to say about cats?
  15. I have to agree to that ^^^ and I would also like to say this. Yes most of the Western world are partial to dogs and cats, as they have been domesticated and kept as pets for many years. They are eaten in other countries, namely China and Korea, and as Dani pointed out, some of them are 'brutally' killed. What about all the other animals that are killed for food, such as cattle, pigs, chickens etc. Some of them are brutally murdered also, in fact I would say a lot more of them are brutally murdered than dogs or cats. I would imagine this is why a worker in a slaughterhouse is more likely to quit his job after all the slaughter he/she witnesses, they know deep down that these animals are hurting. In my opinion, only a person with a sick and twisted mind would enjoy working in a slaughter house, because they enjoy the killing. Dogs and cats shouldn't have any more 'rights' than cattle, pigs, chickens and deer. If people say they should, I ask why? If people were to say 'Well, they're more intelligent' then I would like to point out, what about the apes and monkeys such as Chimps and Gorillas who are killed for illegal bushmeat. They are probably amongst the most intelligent animals on earth, I mean for [censored]s sake a gorilla called Coco learnt American Sign language!!
  16. This bracelet is stubborn as hell to adjust. I've managed to adjust the bottom half of the bracelet, and removed the necessary links. However I can't manage to push a pin out on the top half so I could remove links from the top half. I've tried to push the pins out in the area circled red and yellow, but both are really stubborn. I've managed to chip a little ceramic off in the process. This is really frustrating me now I've also attached another pic showing how I took the pin out of the bottom half of the band. Thanks for any input.
  17. But this is the case with most reps. Very few reps have dials where the fonts, font size, and positioning of writings/markings are correct, even for the swiss eta reps. This is a cheap asian 21J watch, however I still think it will pass as gen to most people.
  18. I recently purchased this Datejust. I have to say, for a cheap asian 21J, I am impressed about the accuracy this one seems to display. I'm not impressed by the light cheap feeling Jubilee bracelet that came with this one, so I have decided to purchase an Oyster band, hopefully it will look and feel much better than this. I like the simple, classy looks on the Datejust, and I understand it may not be to everyones tastes. Whenp I first put it on it felt like a womans watch after wearing my 111h for some time, but in a few days I got used to it I think that this watch certainly won't have any trouble passing off as a gen to a 'regular' person who doesnt know flaws inside and out in watches in general. Maybe they might suspect it on me, being a 22 year old guy who doesn't have much money but nevertheless I think the watch itself can certainly pass as real. As you compare it side by side with the gen, it isn't difficult to pick out flaws. GEN REP
  19. Thanks for your input Offshore. One thing I have found, is on my asian Datejust, most of the times the crown screws in smoothly, however a couple of times, it has turned the gears and began to wind the watch as I screwed in the crown (exactly what happens on my Omegas). In that instance I simply stopped, turned the crown towards me (anti-clockwise) about a quarter of a turn and then proceeded to screw down as normal. This usually results in the crown screwing in properly (but only on 2 of my Rolex watches). The main reason this concerns me is because The Zigmeister, not so long ago, wrote an article on why its bad winding watches using the crown, and how the gears and other parts can get worn out over time. I haven't had any issues with threads stripping, its just this issue with the gears being turned as I screw the crown in.
  20. On my SMP and Planet ocean with the asian 21J movement, I have found that when I screw them in, I can hear the gears inside the movement turning, pretty much exactly the same sound when you wind any mechanical watch by turning the crown. Am I doing anything wrong here? I have 3 asian 21J rolex watches, however I have found that when I screw the crown in on these, MOST of the times they do screw in smooth, but occassionaly I have had that same noise of the gears turning. This has led me to believe that I am perhaps using the wrong technique, or the asian 21J Omegas I own are not built very well. Has this happened to anyone else?
  21. I'm looking for a high beat chinese movement that will fit a asian 21J Datejust, and perhaps later a Day-Date. Will any of the DG models fit into this watch?
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