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How long can you stare at another man's watch?

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Since I became interested in reps, almost two years ago, I started staring at other man's watches :shock: .

Either it's men I meet personally, or those I see on television, I immediately check out the watch their wearing, and try to identify it. And I find I'm getting better, and better at it.

But here's the question: how long can you stare at another man's watch? I work in an bank, and every now and then I get to speak with customers who wear realy nice watches. I've seen Planet Oceans, APs, Breitlings Rolexes and so on.

I keep telling myself to keep my eyes on my customers face, and not on his watch.

But when I finaly get a good look, I ask myself: can I spot if the watch he's wearing is real or fake?

Well, even when I get that good look, I never can tell if it's the real thing or not.

So, whats the point of this toppic? Well, if I can't tell if someone is wearing a real or a fake watch, am I gonna meet people who can? I don't think so.

So, when I got the question the other day by of one of my customers who asked me if my Rolex was real, (the bad V1 version of the SDDS) I looked him straight in the eye, and replied: Yes of course! :angry:

He humbly apologized, and congratulated me with my nice watch. :thumbsupsmileyanim:


Depends where the watch is. If he has his hands on his lap, don't stare, your interest may be misinterpreted :D

You'll have to read the Rep rule book -

Rule 14(a) subsection h(i) Never stare at another's watch trying to identify whether it is a rep or gen. Either take numerous surreptitious glances, particularly useful if you have a photographic memory, or compliment the other on the watch and ask if you can have a closer look. (See Rule 39(j) for how and when to call someone out, including tips on martial art defenses against irate gen owners)

Why does it matter anyway? I check out others' watches but rarely identify a fake, even on the odd occasion when I do (and believe me that means it is a very bad rep!!) I would never be as impolite as to question them.


If i'm in the Gents at the time, not even a nano second :thumbsupsmileyanim:

I admit, one of the first things I do when meeting new people is to have casual glance at whats on their wrist.

This is by no means a way of pre-judging them, its just that I love watches, and, if they notice me noticing I usually say

'Nice watch' and leave it up to them as to whether they want to talk about it.

As for identifying a rep, I struggle if i'm looking at pics on here to spot em, I'm hopeless, nevermind in the real world.

I also have the habit , when watching TV, to shout out 'that's a... ' or ' He's wearing a...' can't help it.

As for anybody who asks if a watch I have on is real, in my eyes they are as much as calling me a :animal_rooster: to my face. Rep or Gen, makes no difference to me.

Personally, I would never dream of putting someone in a position where they feel they either need to lie to me or admit that they have a fake watch on. It makes for an uncomfortable situation.

Who knows someone who, when you show them something that you have just bought, does n't say 'Thats nice' or 'I like that'

They say 'How much?' .....Its the same guy!

Oooh sorry about that, I was stuck in rant for a second. Now , where was I........


If i'm in the Gents at the time, not even a nano second :thumbsupsmileyanim:

I admit, one of the first things I do when meeting new people is to have casual glance at whats on their wrist.

This is by no means a way of pre-judging them, its just that I love watches, and, if they notice me noticing I usually say

'Nice watch' and leave it up to them as to whether they want to talk about it.

As for identifying a rep, I struggle if i'm looking at pics on here to spot em, I'm hopeless, nevermind in the real world.

I also have the habit , when watching TV, to shout out 'that's a... ' or ' He's wearing a...' can't help it.

As for anybody who asks if a watch I have on is real, in my eyes they are as much as calling me a :animal_rooster: to my face. Rep or Gen, makes no difference to me.

Personally, I would never dream of putting someone in a position where they feel they either need to lie to me or admit that they have a fake watch on. It makes for an uncomfortable situation.

Who knows someone who, when you show them something that you have just bought, does n't say 'Thats nice' or 'I like that'

They say 'How much?' .....Its the same guy!

Oooh sorry about that, I was stuck in rant for a second. Now , where was I........

Nope, that ain't ranting, it is exactly how I feel too! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

You can stare at his watch for much longer than you can stare at his girl's rack :lol:

Who cares about his girl's rack....I want that watch! :lol:


I will from time to time glance at a persons watch. If It's something that I really find Interesting I might say "nice watch" thats about It. Anyone who would ask another If there watch Is real or not has no class as far as Im concerned. :nea: Mike


I was taking a tour a few days ago and the guy in line behind me was wearing a SMP. After I noticed it I did a double then triple take in order to confirm.. -gen-. SMP's are easy with the HE valve placement being such a tell. Unless the guy had the closed factory version, but what's the chances. That thought made me consider complimenting his watch, but I just didn't feel like persuing it.

Look at the thought process. Sometimes I think i'm crazy. I definately am guilty, checking wrists pretty much all day long. it's something to do.


Like most I think, I do check out what people are wearing when I first met them. I would never call out it being a rep or gen as it is none of my business as I am sure the owner enjoys it regardless. Okay maybe I would say some thing if it was a really crappy rep and the guy wearing it was telling me it was real under his own accord without me questioning it.

I would never comment "nice watch" to a complete stranger regardless of rep or gen. I know it makes me feel uncomfortable. Especially in a public place, you never know if that person has alternative motives. I really hate the question, "How much did that costs?" I had some kid waiter ask me that at a restaurant a few months back. I just ignored it, but I felt real uneasy leaving the place. I little paranoid I know, but I just had a friend that was cased inside a casino and shot 3 times after he was robbed outside of it.


Posted (edited)

I've seen more reps on wrists than gens. Even with cheap knockoffs.

I've seen only a few gens so far that I know of. Two wearers of gen quartz SMP's.

Also a vintage AirKing and a vintage Explorer. The noob Subs are so tacky now, whenever I see one, I just roll my eyes.

Just recently I spotted a white dial Explorer GMT. Pretty sure (90%) that it was a rep. At least he has taste.

I spotted a SMP on a fellow and pleasantly commented on his watch. I said "Nice watch!" His first words out of his mouth:

"It's real!"

WTF man! I didn't ask if it was real or not, I then proceeded to show him my Pam and the next thing he said was: "Wanna trade?" Again WTF man? :bangin:

I blew him off after that...

Edited by If you see Kay

How long to stare depends. Learn the common tells. Here is my method.

Quick Glance #1: Identify watch.

Note: (Is it a common uncomplicated model or complicated chrono)

IF Common Model like a Rolex Sub

Quick Glance #2: Date Mag / Crystal Rise & Rehaut depth.

Note: (This will easily eliminate the low end and Canal Street stuff)

Quick Glance #3: If still unsure, note Sweep, Crown, Crown Guards, Pearl.

Note: (Still can't tell, I assume Gen, and note the persons cloths, shoes, etc)

IF Complicated Model like a 7750

Quick Glance #2a: Eliminate the low-end. Is the Chrono Sweep seconds hand moving? Is the correct Seconds @ 6 or 9 sweeping like it should? (Most of the time: Chronos are OFF, so an always running chrono to me is suspect)

Quick Glance #2b: If it is a 9-6-3 subdial w/date. Does it have a sunken datewheel?

from here you really need to know your models, as there is not enough time to keep staring.

NEVER Call a person out. It would be hypocritical. The fact a person has a Canal Street version on just means he/she hasn't found us yet. ;)

Posted (edited)

Hahah, good topic, I always look and identify what watch it is, but as I dont like to stare too long (dont want to give the wrong impression :p ) I just see and identify what model it is, not really wheter it is fake or not... usually (altho this is again debatable) I judge the authenticity of the watch + brand + approx price-tag by the person appearance / age...

Then I'll think, you think that's a fake? Of course if a cheap rolex is sooo easy to tell, but if it looks gen, usually it is... most ordinary (non-forum) ppl don't have the privilge to get high-end reps, much know much about them.

I just take a brief look, chuckle and move on... ahhhh Watches !!!

Edited by EuroTimez

cornerstone- No matter how many times I watch your sig, I can't help but crack up :lol:

Me too..best ive seen in ages!! :rofl:

I just find myself checking every blokes wrist that i see, be it in the street or guys i meet.....habitual ^_^


until he/she slaps me in the face! :black_eye:


Nah! We've all been there.........all the above have been performed in one way or another! but subtlety is the game!


"The noob Subs are so tacky now"....ooohhh i bet everyone that has just bought one of those(and loves it) feels real good now!!! :(

To be fair, the Submariner is the watch which brings many people to forums searching for the answer. It's the 'spring-board watch' which gets most folks into collecting, but, most branch out into other brands, other models, other variants. As I mentioned in a thread in the Rolex area about the 16610 (as nice a watch as it is) there are more interesting variations available, such as the vintages, or no-dates, or even Tudors. The standard 16610, I feel, is like getting a hamburger. No cheese, no mustard, no ketchup. Sure, it's tasty, sure it does its job and fills you up, but, there're 'optional extras' available which will make it a better burger :):victory:


Interesting topic.

Since getting into the watch scene I have definitely started to pay attention to what others around me have on their wrists.

Would I be able to tell a rep from looking at someone's watch? Definitely not but then again, that is not my intention.

I look at other watches just like I look at other cars on the road - some I like and admire, others I see and don't even register, some I completely dislike.

At times I catch myself paying too much attention to a person's watch (particularly during office meetings) and force myself not no look in a certain direction :whistling:


You can stare at his watch for much longer than you can stare at his girl's rack :lol:


Man, who was the guy here who put forth the panto;

"Hey mate, you lookin' at my missus?!"

"No. Just her [censored]. Now, pick a window cocksucker!"

:lol: That sounds right out of Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels. What a flick.

Always on the look-out. I'm to the point where I'd prefer to start up a conversation after spotting a good fake than a gen. I always out my reps if someone remarks. I love taking them off and just handing them over. After a few oohs and ahhs, I drop the bomb; "It's fake." That usually takes quite some convincing. I don't have any 'super reps' either. Just good solid reps. I bet if I handed over my gen 6263 the neophyte would have no problem accepting it were fake if I presented it as such. It's purdy lightweight and unassuming in the non-virtual. Disappointing almost. Almost. :)


Like most I think, I do check out what people are wearing when I first met them. I would never call out it being a rep or gen as it is none of my business as I am sure the owner enjoys it regardless. Okay maybe I would say some thing if it was a really crappy rep and the guy wearing it was telling me it was real under his own accord without me questioning it.

I would never comment "nice watch" to a complete stranger regardless of rep or gen. I know it makes me feel uncomfortable. Especially in a public place, you never know if that person has alternative motives. I really hate the question, "How much did that costs?" I had some kid waiter ask me that at a restaurant a few months back. I just ignored it, but I felt real uneasy leaving the place. I little paranoid I know, but I just had a friend that was cased inside a casino and shot 3 times after he was robbed outside of it.


If someone were to look at your watch and say "nice watch" That would make you feel uncomfortable? :g: I think you might me a little paranoid, but just a little :rolleyes:


If someone were to look at your watch and say "nice watch" That would make you feel uncomfortable? :g: I think you might me a little paranoid, but just a little :rolleyes:

Really all depends on the environment, person and circumstances I guess. If it is a peer at work or friend I dont have any issue. You just never know what that persons intentions are as you hear stories of people having their watches stolen. Most are in admiration I am sure, yet it just takes one person that pays attention and decided he wants to make it his. Of course if I was that paranoid, then I would not wear my watches. :drinks:

I am a little patanoid though, can't blame me as my work takes my into Detroit a lot of the time and surrounding areas.


This Is true, not all enviroments are created equal. I guess It could be a little unnerving In the vicinity :g: ???? well lets just say "undesireable company". :whistling: It's also not a bad Idea to pay attention to ones surroundings. I need to remember that. :drinks: Mike

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