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Why are dealers called collectors?

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There is now a new dealer here. Or apprentice dealer.

And where does one find this new one - and the old ones?


A collector keeps his stuff. Like you and me.

A dealer tries to get rid of his.

Why not call them what they are and make it easy for noobs to navigate this forum? The current heading is a complete mis-normer and I do wonder how it got that name in the first place..... :) :) :)


It's actually more accurate for some...as some of these guys are actual collectors who initiate the production of some of the reps by purchasing the gens and having them copied. Yeah it's a bit confusing but part of the culture of reps. "Dealer" sounds so dirty. ;)


Mind you...they do fuel an addiction.


Yes, it is ironic. The one who sold watches but considered himself, above all else, a 'collector', was banned.

Anyhoo, it's probably along the lines of why politicians call themselves civil servants, it just looks better in court when they are caught with a dead girl, or a live boy. And for the Administration of said same.


Yes, it is ironic. The one who sold watches but considered himself, above all else, a 'collector', was banned.

Anyhoo, it's probably along the lines of why politicians call themselves civil servants, it just looks better in court when they are caught with a dead girl, or a live boy. And for the Administration of said same.



It's really not a big issue is it ??

this is one of the easier forums to navigate .. but like anything.. there's a learning curve.. B)

why not upgrade and make it easier for us to support the usage ??.. that would be by far a more constructive way to help out.. :D





It has to do with previous issues with outside influences...

In the end, what does it really matter what they're called...

Life has to have more important things to be pondered...



And a rose by any other name would smell as sweet..............

Yes, it is ironic. The one who sold watches but considered himself, above all else, a 'collector', was banned.

Just got that one, had to read it twice............... :lol:


Just got that one, had to read it twice............... :lol:


"Nobody has ever seen him since. He becomes a myth, a spook story that rep collectors tell their kids at night. "Rat on your pop, and 'TTK' will get you." And no-one ever really believes.............."


You know what I miss? The erudite, pithy and flippin' hilarious reparte' betwixt Dems and TTK. Klink too, for that matter.

The Queen's English just sounds so much better when wielded as a saber instead of a club.


You know what I miss? The erudite, pithy and flippin' hilarious reparte' betwixt Dems and TTK...

Lol @nanuq you are damn right :)

Great los to the entertainment-factor!

You know what... when it started with bursting the "group-buy-bubble"

on the TTK-Thai-Market i first thought his sense of humour

gone mad and all was just for entertaining too.

Too bad it wasnt a "joke" and members did loose

their funds...

And @mbjoer

"why are dealers called collectors?"

Same issue with myself asking my mom at the age of 6:

"Why are rapists called casanovas?"


-----> "Because its less obvious my son."


You know what famous quote comes to my mind

when thinking of these TTK battles with members lol

when he really got f***ed up with somebody:

"Cmon its just about watches!"


I guess we need a "Famous quote section on RWG" -

especially for the banned!!




Better still, Why is a section called "Gentlemens Lounge" expanded and the collectors section collapsed into two headings making it so much harder for da noobs to find? Seems to me it should be the other way around. At least then the collectors sections could be seen by da noobs. I wonder how many come and go without even realising that there are any, um, "collectors" here?

Just my 2c.



Better still, Why is a section called "Gentlemens Lounge" expanded and the collectors section collapsed into two headings making it so much harder for da noobs to find? Seems to me it should be the other way around. At least then the collectors sections could be seen by da noobs. I wonder how many come and go without even realising that there are any, um, "collectors" here?

Just my 2c.


Good points Col., but the issue really comes down to part semantics and part history/tradition. Before the move to 'off shore' clandestine servers RWG (back in the day, original recipe) was compromised by the forces that be, for obvious reasons that really needn't be explored further.

The harm there was it compromised the original RWG site mission; 'to guide the unsuspecting from the sharks in infested replica waters on the internet'. The tolerance, and that's what it indeed was, by the original webmasters of RWG and TRC to 'collectors', if we must, was a service to the membership. It made some sense; ".........do not buy from these sources........". Well then, from whom? The membership solely made those chains among themselves with no hand by the administration. There eventually were 'trade sections' and that's where it all began to unravel.

You were certainly part and parcel to the old RWG and will remember there was an unspoken 'zero tolerance' for any mention of 'trade' or replica 'commerce' in the public forums. We were rudderless, with no administration, or protections. You have to admit, aside some unrelated petty squawks in "Off Topic", there was an even strain with regard. To all things 'watches' we all got along most famously. I would wager here, upwards of 98% hard feelings posted, revolve around 'trade'. I think Shakespeare could have fashioned a play around the merchants and shylocks of RWG. Oh, he had already. :lol:

Anyhoo, certainly no-one here is fooling anyone with regard, and despite the protections RWG has in place (this is very costly and what should be considered in the call for membership upgrades, nobody is getting wealthy here) the Admin. here have raised a bar to 'honor among thieves', as that is indeed what we all are. Party to that is; not to rub anyone's nose in it, especially those of the authority. It's just not on. I think a few clicks and a good scroll just good form. Maybe a secret handshake is in order? :lol:

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