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Teaser of my first Tudor...

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i was in love with this tudor ever since i saw pics of it early this year.

since then, i've been religiously pestering my AD for a firm release date and trying to bump my way up the waiting list.

but up till now, the AD still hasn't come through. thankfully a good friend of mine has the right connections and hooked me up with one :victory:

it's a bad time of the day to take some quality pics, so best i can do now is a short teaser :whistling:

shouldn't take a sec for the seasoned veterans to know what this bad boy is, but what the heck :thumbsupsmileyanim:










I want a rep of that soooooo bad I can taste it!!!



LH, in defense of the OP he did warn in the title it was a "teaser". OK, enough tease! As the old commercial went, "Where's the beef!!??" :p


LH, in defense of the OP he did warn in the title it was a "teaser". OK, enough tease! As the old commercial went, "Where's the beef!!??" :p

+1 :D

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