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looking last night for a gen insert for my franken 1665 I ran into some crazy people listing inserts for over 300 dollars on ebay. where are we going, is not even worth to spend all that money a franken will always be a franken.

give me a break


Gentlemen, welcome to the insane price world of Rolex! Vintage parts are crazy, however I will say you can do somewhat better over on the Vintage Rolex Market. Inserts w/o pearls are routinely selling for around 200.00 USD for nice 1665 inserts. And the good thing about that place, you know it's genuine. If you buy a 1665 Fat font with a pearl, expect to pay around 300+, although occasionally you can get one a little cheaper. What we are seeing I'm afraid is strickly supply and demand. Their aren't any more Rolex vintage parts coming from Rolex. So what we have is a static market. all of the knowledgable Rolex folks know this. They know that invariably, as time goes on, the prices will go up as items get scarcer and scarcer. I watch the VRF market every day, and pretty much as soon as something desirable comes up for sale, POOF!! it's gone.

As far as an insert for the DSSD, They are insanely expensive from Rolex. I've heard of a couple of folks with genuine DSSD's that broke theirs (It's possible to break the ceramic) Replacement bezels were over 1k from their Rolex AD. Not sure if this was just the insert or a complete assembly, but very expensive. This is in contrast to around 50 bucks for a new aluminum insert for a GMT or 16610 from an AD.


VRF can open all kinds of doors, though.

Responding to one listing can put you in touch with much more.

WELL worth looking around and even posting WTB Threads...of course don't ever mention replicas there.


I paid $300-something for my faded gen 1665 insert a couple of years ago & in a couple more years that will seem like a bargain.

When it comes to vintage Rolex, if you can't take the heat........ :whistling:


My favorites are the faded ones with missing pearl and broken right through at the top... $850




whats on the rise are endlink prices, im seeing $180 for 580s where as 1/2year ago $105 is barely too much

Yeah, and as a corollary, I'm seeing a lot more bracelets being sold sans endlinks! :angry2:


I was looking at some gen Inserts for my DSSD,no thanks, :nea:

Where did you come across them?


Gentlemen, welcome to the insane price world of Rolex! Vintage parts are crazy, however I will say you can do somewhat better over on the Vintage Rolex Market. Inserts w/o pearls are routinely selling for around 200.00 USD for nice 1665 inserts. And the good thing about that place, you know it's genuine. If you buy a 1665 Fat font with a pearl, expect to pay around 300+, although occasionally you can get one a little cheaper. What we are seeing I'm afraid is strickly supply and demand. Their aren't any more Rolex vintage parts coming from Rolex. So what we have is a static market. all of the knowledgable Rolex folks know this. They know that invariably, as time goes on, the prices will go up as items get scarcer and scarcer. I watch the VRF market every day, and pretty much as soon as something desirable comes up for sale, POOF!! it's gone.

As far as an insert for the DSSD, They are insanely expensive from Rolex. I've heard of a couple of folks with genuine DSSD's that broke theirs (It's possible to break the ceramic) Replacement bezels were over 1k from their Rolex AD. Not sure if this was just the insert or a complete assembly, but very expensive. This is in contrast to around 50 bucks for a new aluminum insert for a GMT or 16610 from an AD.

Some very good Infomation,thanks :drinks:


whats on the rise are endlink prices, im seeing $180 for 580's where as 1/2year ago $105 is barely too much

I put a Want to Buy on the Vintage Rolex Marketplace for a set of 585 end links for my 1665 project. best price i could get was 250.00 USD shipped and Paypal included.

A lot of very interesting Rolex stuff goes through the marketplace, and like I said before, you know it's authentic (unless it's a Bakelite GMT bezel/insert!!). They have had some really interesting knock down and drag out fights over there, related to the authenticity of some of the Bakelite GMT bezels/inserts. They can't seem to form a consensus on them, but at the prices they are asking, I'm just a curious bystander.


I stumbled on these hands, thats a monster price point


That's what I'm talking about. Dial and hands are a huge percent of the value of a vintage watch.

What is so incredible to me is some of these old vintage dials are so worn and beat up, you can hardly see the markings. Writing has been destroyed, most of the lume has flaked off, and they are still asking many thousands of dollars for them.They can't be restored, that would totally wipe out their value. So to me that is where the insanity really peaks. You have a watch with a dial that you can't read, hands that are now skeletons because all the lume has flaked off, and folks ooh and aah over it and write tons of posts, "Beautiful watch, wonderful, magnificent, etc.,etc." What the Hell are they seeing that I can't see? I love vintage Rolexes, but I wouldn't give 10 cents for one I can't wear.Maybe that's why in my opinion, it's better to spend 3k on a super franken DRSD, rather than 15k for a genuine. A watch in the safe has no utility value to me at all. Just my opinion, but if I can''t wear it, I don't want it.


That's what I'm talking about. Dial and hands are a huge percent of the value of a vintage watch.

What is so incredible to me is some of these old vintage dials are so worn and beat up, you can hardly see the markings. Writing has been destroyed, most of the lume has flaked off, and they are still asking many thousands of dollars for them.They can't be restored, that would totally wipe out their value. So to me that is where the insanity really peaks. You have a watch with a dial that you can't read, hands that are now skeletons because all the lume has flaked off, and folks ooh and aah over it and write tons of posts, "Beautiful watch, wonderful, magnificent, etc.,etc." What the Hell are they seeing that I can't see? I love vintage Rolexes, but I wouldn't give 10 cents for one I can't wear.Maybe that's why in my opinion, it's better to spend 3k on a super franken DRSD, rather than 15k for a genuine. A watch in the safe has no utility value to me at all. Just my opinion, but if I can''t wear it, I don't want it.

You know what? I concur. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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