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Are Those Folks At Paypal Out Of Their Minds?


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Hi everyone,

only joined the forum a few weeks ago and enjoying it immensely. I opened a Paypal account to start purchasing a few odds and ends from dealers here and I soon got the hang of it.

Around 500$ and 3 purchases later, I get a strange email from paypal advising me that "for my own security" and "to protect my account from abuse" they will freeze it until they complete their investigation" because they have reason to believe that "illegal transactions have been carried on it".

Naturally I was dumbstruck and I just wrote them a sharp reply to express my anger.

It gets worse: a day later I get emails from Andrew and sash telling me that the funds I posted to them (a week earlier) have been "chargebacked" and are also frozen!

Has this ever happened to someone else here? Naturally I will never use Paypal again, but is there anyway to get those 500$ unfrozen?

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Sorry to hear about your misfortune. Go to www.nopaypal.com and you'll get a sense of what happens next ;)

I only use paypal as an unverified memeber. I use my credit card and will never open a verified account. If they try to freeze my CC funds, well... I just call the CC company and they unleash a can-o-whoop-a$$ on them :bleh:

Paypal hates when the credit card companies bear down on them. Every so often I have to open a new Paypal account as they discover that I've got frozen accounts. No biggie, I just open a new one and it works for a long while.

Some ebayer's won't accept payment through a non-verified account and for them I either send a check or I don't bother buying from them.

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This is not good news...

Did you include any info in your payments that could clue PP in to what you were buying? I would think the best way is to send as service and include absolute least info (like maybe your email address from which you sent the details of the order).

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I followed the instructions given at purchase time and listen the transactions subject as "service".

In Italy you cannot open a paypal acct without having your crdit card verified with the bogus charge and the code listed next to it so inevitably they will always have your address and the email with which you opened the account, which has to be the one you login with, so inevitably the account is a "verified" one.

Maybe in the US it is different. Whatever the case it still spells a lot of trouble for Paypal users at least in the EU.

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i can understand your frustration.

I've had issues with paypal to no end... they only got slightly better with a class action lawsuit several years back. Can you believe that they had no phone support 3 years ago!?!? we're dealing with money and there's no live support?

long story short (this happened 3 years ago before fone support): i had a linked bank account to have verified status. I moved outta state and forgot to unlink the bank. I purchase something and chose the credit card option, but didnt know that according to the Terms and agreement, that any charges on a credit card will default to the bank if there's a bank linked (THAT is ONE retarded T&A... why give the credit card option if it'll just pull money from the bank?????)

I try to call paypal because there's no funds. WELL, no phone support! I get a penalty fee for insufficient funds... but not ONCE, 3 times! because paypal will try 3 times. I tried to stop them, but they gave generic responses "Oh we can't do anything, its automated"

not only was it aggravating watching them try to get money when there's no money there, but waiting a day or so for them to respond to emails was death!

in the end, it was -500 dollars from penalty fees and such, but the bank saw all the transactions that paypal was doing and thought it was ridiculous. They closed the account and from that point on, i just stay on unverified status.

I've had other times where pp won't even list my transactions. They exist, but stupid pp glitches dont list them (this coming from phone support). paypal sucks balls... but there's no ease of use like them... hence they easily stay in business. bastards.

NE-ways... sorry to rant on your thread... i do hope things get sorted out. I guess it's moneybookers or WU... i'm surprised they would freeze PP if you didnt mention anything bout goods.

Edited by crick0234
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It's funny - I've had a PP verified account now for 5 years and never had a problem. The only thing I would gripe about is their fees but other than that - guess I'm just one of the lucky ones.

i think the biggest problem is that if you DO run into a problem, there's no easy solution since customer service is so bad.

that may have changed, but my g/f ran into another PP problem several weeks ago. PP didnt list her charges and she was supposed to get a refund from a very reputable watch case dealer. PP told her that the dealer scammed her and didnt want to dig into the problem any further. It wasn't until the third tech support guy that they found out it was being refunded, but takes 5 biz days. It just didnt show up on PP because there was something wrong with that particular server carrying her information.

OHhhh dandy! :bangin:

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I only use paypal as an unverified memeber. I use my credit card and will never open a verified account. If they try to freeze my CC funds, well... I just call the CC company and they unleash a can-o-whoop-a$$ on them :bleh:

Paypal hates when the credit card companies bear down on them. Every so often I have to open a new Paypal account as they discover that I've got frozen accounts. No biggie, I just open a new one and it works for a long while.

I completely agree with this. Use a good credit card with "internet guarantee", and charge back any funds that got frozen. Even if you don't have any special guarntee for www shopping, it will do; once you claim your money back (do as a.s.a.p. is possible), the money is returned almost instantly to your CC and then the bank gets on their neck asking for a proof that goods have been delivered for your purchase, else they have no chance or getting a penny out of you. No wonder fishy sites don't take credit cards.

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I got a polite phone call a few months back after sending nearly £400 to Jay... The American lady asked me what the funds were for, she said it was a security "check".. So I simply told her "Its none of your business"...

No problems were incured.

It actually was her business...

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I often wonder if there is more too it than stated in a post as I've never had a problem with PP in 4 or 5 years dealings. I never choose service as an option, only goods nad never get issues.

I assume this email came from Paypal and is not a spoof and you have only replied through your PP access page!

I"m always getting threatening mails supposedly from Paypal and Ebay but are never genuine.

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It actually was her business...

How so... My credit card company doesnt ask me what I spend my money on.. My bank doesnt question my purchases when I withdraw cash.. So in conclusion; What buisness does PayPal have asking me what its for?

They are simply transmitting money for me, its not illigal for me to buy Replica Watches in the UK? Its like the bus driver asking me where I'm going once I get off the bus, I might be going to buy some crack but why should I tell him its not illigal for him to drive me to my local crack dealer? :lol:

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I followed the instructions given at purchase time and listen the transactions subject as "service".

In Italy you cannot open a paypal acct without having your crdit card verified with the bogus charge and the code listed next to it so inevitably they will always have your address and the email with which you opened the account, which has to be the one you login with, so inevitably the account is a "verified" one.

Maybe in the US it is different. Whatever the case it still spells a lot of trouble for Paypal users at least in the EU.

As has been pointed out by others in this thread, verified means you link a bank account. I will never do that. I ALWAYS use a Credit Card. PayPal is deathly afraid of CC companies. Thankfully my CC company always takes my side :wub:

Several years back I sold an Ipaq on ebay. The buyer turned out to be a fraud. The buyer was paypal verified and I made the mistake of sending it to the non verified address. The verified address however was non-existant. To make a long story short, Paypal came after me with their collection company and I simply disputed the claim (via registered mail) that their "verified" address was not a real address (so Paypal could not have verified it). I never heard from the collection agency again. About every other year Paypal will close my non verified account based on the past dispute. I simply create a new one. All I have to do is call my CC company, tell them I lost my card, get a new one, create a new gmail account and viola! I'm back in non-verified business.

Paypal is a sham. Unfortunately their one of the only games in town and their backed by the cash of ebay.

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Its like the bus driver asking me where I'm going once I get off the bus, I might be going to buy some crack but why should I tell him its not illigal for him to drive me to my local crack dealer? :lol:

Hilarious example, lol :lol:

Paypal sucks ass. They froze my account 2 years back (I was 16!!) because I had a rep I was selling. No one mentioned anything about replica in the subject but they said "sudden activity in the account". Ok, fair enough.....I don't use it for a while and suddenly two transactions pop up in one day (the other was me selling my N64). That makes sense as it may look like my account was hijacked. HOWEVER, if I send paypal them everything over and over again (they ask you to fax everything you have.....bank account statements, utility bills, passport copies, driver's license) to which I was like.......Um.....I don't know you, I'm not sending you all this personal info over a fax.

They then said that after 180 days they would transfer funds to a bank account I specified and I personally was allowed to then close my account (No closing during the 180 waiting period.....)

Anyway, paypal sucks.

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How so... My credit card company doesnt ask me what I spend my money on..

Natwest I suppose :brow: just kidding. Naa, they do actually. Try using your card for several large purchases in a same day, so something you never did before, and bring the mobile if you have it regiestered with the bank, expect a call, or be prepared you card might get blocked. It happened to me when I was moving home and buying loads of furniture, large purchases across few days, once they called me on the phone from the fraud dpt. to check if this is me buying all this stuff or I got mugged or something, second time my card got blocked and the chashier handed me the phone to confirm my details and confirm everything is Ok with my CC; first one was HSBC, second was Barclaycard -- if you don't believe me go buy few gen watches, all in one day and wait to see what happens.

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It's funny - I've had a PP verified account now for 5 years and never had a problem. The only thing I would gripe about is their fees but other than that - guess I'm just one of the lucky ones.

Same here.. knock on wood.. :rolleyes:

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Register a seller account instead of just a buyer's account. If they think they'll make $ off of you, they don't give a [censored] unless someone reports you.

Mayne that's why no problems... because I have a seller's account from the start and brought them a lot of money....

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It actually was her business...

You're absolutely right . . . it was her business because freezing money on a grand scale is a VERY profitable thing. Think about how much money we are talking about internationally. All that money sits somewhere -- they pay no interest on it when they freeze it, but you can bet it generates interest.

I have had an account now for years and years. I never buy watches one at a time - most purchases are over $1000 but they never bother with my transactions. That's because ALL my purchases are paid thru an Amex Platinum card.

I have been with Amex for 20 years. Amex has very strong customer support and their Platinum cards have a lot of benefits. PayPal knows very well that Amex won't take any crap from them at all.


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Sorry to hear your troubles, blueclub.

On paypal I had a Personal Account for some months, then I upgraded to a Premiere Account to sell some stuff (the cyclopses...), and I never had any problems.

As you know, Italian residents cannot have a paypal link to their bank account, so all funds are taken from CC (unless on the paypal account there is some money paid by someone).

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I got a polite phone call a few months back after sending nearly £400 to Jay... The American lady asked me what the funds were for, she said it was a security "check".. So I simply told her "Its none of your business"...

No problems were incured.

I had the same thing around the start of the summer... they had PP problems and ended up using WU (who also called me when I tried sending online!) via a shop.

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Seems to be, at least for those of us in the UK, that paypal only take the pi$$ when people use it for buying only. I've had no problems, with a verified something or other account, which makes them money, but the amount of ppl i know who've been royally shafted by them because they use their account strictly to buy, is unbelieveable. i wish there was a better way, but at the moment paypal have most of us by the swingers :o

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