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My latest vintage gen ... finally!!!


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After months of exhaustive searching and, I'm embarrassed to say, back alley dealing with scurrilous lowlifes, I've finally ... FINALLY found a piece that has eluded me.  Until now... I just knew this day would come.

The mailman met me at the door and I signed for the Registered package with shaking hands.  Then with breathless anticipation I carefully opened the package and beheld the glory of the acquisition.  It was scintillating in the late afternoon sun, and the guilloche pattern on the dial was more than I'd dare to hope for.  I was struck mute with awe.

So I quickly raced down to the Rolex AD and went through his large assortment of straps to find the perfect match for the elegant colors on the dial.  Stainless steel would not suit this beauty... it's a rarity of a certain age and demands respect.  So a lovely stitched leather strap was procured and installed with care so as not to scratch the lovely pristine lugs.

Some might claim that it's a little small.  But remember, vintage pieces used to all be small and this is no exception.  It's a perfect fit in its genre.  45+ mm watches are for cads and ruffians.  This is delicacy and taste incarnate.

So with bated breath and with no small measure of humility, I bring you my latest rare stainless beauty.  I hope it brings you the same pleasure it has brought me.














Drum roll please.....................










And here it is.... :tu:  :wub:




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The tricky part is finding the right pieces.  An 8mm Brevet crown will be 1/3 the diameter of the entire watch, and I have yet to find a 25mm Superdome.   :g:

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Damn I was immediately infected by the Disney virus. I started looking for this watch as I urgently want one but all I found was this:


It needs some serious shaving of those crown guards.


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Damn I was immediately infected by the Disney virus. I started looking for this watch as I urgently want one but all I found was this:


It needs some serious shaving of those crown guards.


I'm sorry, I know I should have posted a Disclaimer in my original thread.  The Disney Virus is nearly impossible to cure.  In fact, your mere posting here of that Darth Vader link has crashed their server.  It's now "down for maintenance".  Yeah right... you and I know it's all the managers from Disney USA with the salesfolk on the phone in a mad buying frenzy.  Which means my pristine example has likely doubled in value already today.  Muwahahahahahahahaaaaaaa, take THAT, Rolex investors!

Before I forget,,, the forgotten Disclaimer:


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No serious collection can get away without a Mickey Mouse watch.

I ordered this one with an automatic movement today:



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Freddy, it actually came with the original (gasp) red leather Disney band, but it had road rash.  So the hunt is on!  :cc_detective:

My global Mickey Brothers..... I salute you!

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