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Andrew & Josh's Response To The Little White Lies Thread...


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I know Kevin's had his knuckles rapped for another minor rule infringement, but I think in this case Ken was a bit harsh. As long as no-one is circumventing the dealer process by advertising specific items while posing as a 'lay member' as it were I don't see any problems with p9b (Kevin) chipping in. In fact the information on exclusive contracts, relative costs of movements, and supply of certain watches is quite enlightening. It is brave of a 'dealer' to share that sort of info with us as it damages their ability to hide their markup.

Honesty and all that....

Sorry r11co, not a minor rule infringement.... MAJOR.. If you knew the hours we spend, chasing "multi" posters, ( and catching them), you would see that we don't view these infractions as "minor"

Honesty and all that....

How honest is it to develop a 2nd persona... over a period of months.... even become a VIP member in their "other guise"????

Maybe to just wait for the right timing... to .."pop in" and "have a chat"??

Nah... Ken was far to nice. I was just away discussing other points. :cc_hang:

As an aside, we have stopped a number of potential scammers here recently, most before they even got a foothold... just by "tone" and then checking their "non de plumes"

You guys don't even know they are out there.....we do.

No... not minor.


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I respect and am thankful for the forum's protection of the membership. But in truth I would also welcome the ability to get the same watches at similar prices within my own country. ;) And yeah, I am happy to live with poor descriptions if the person is reliable. Hey, at least he took the Swiss out of the 2892 description. :lol: How long someone can last operating out of LA is a different question. :g: I do hope he earns his stripes and can be legitimately added to the forum if he checks out.

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I respect and am thankful for the forum's protection of the membership. But in truth I would also welcome the ability to get the same watches at similar prices within my own country. ;)

At which point, you can always go and visit him on another forum. :D

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I know Kevin's had his knuckles rapped for another minor rule infringement, but I think in this case Ken was a bit harsh. As long as no-one is circumventing the dealer process by advertising specific items while posing as a 'lay member' as it were I don't see any problems with p9b (Kevin) chipping in. In fact the information on exclusive contracts, relative costs of movements, and supply of certain watches is quite enlightening. It is brave of a 'dealer' to share that sort of info with us as it damages their ability to hide their markup.

Honesty and all that....

Oi whats all this then?................Just doing my job rico just doing my job.

Of course it didn't escape you that he decided (after seeing positive response to his site) to communicate here using a nom de plume which is exactly the same as his website (for the lazy surfer) when he could have, and should have, used his VIP membership name.


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Why are we moving back to the topic. Talk is cheap. People have nothing to lose. No opinions ever change here. We should put it to a vote and stop wasting time. That will give the admin the true forum opinion because there are only three options:




The only vote that has any consequences to the forum is tossing them. Let's see how moral indignation stands up to potential loss of dealer. Everything else is drivel unless someone wants to write the definition of acceptable descriptions. If no one else does it I will definitely put up this poll when I get back from work.

And most importantly, everyone keep posting dealer reviews when they have a negative transaction. That is the only way to evaluate a dealer. Data - useful; opinion - ???. If I told you that one of the dealers offered a kidney to another forum member's child would that change your opinion of the dealer? For that matter would you believe them?:g:

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No, my opinion never changes either. :lol: Just kidding (sort of). I actually am not interested in opinions. I am interested in actions. I have read 10 pages of opinions. Please tell me the other options which actually lead to the Admin and members making the appropriate decision - double secret probation? :lol: Unfortunately I am old enough to remember that one.

You started this. I would love for you to finish it. Let democracy reign. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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Please tell me the other options which actually lead to the Admin and members making the appropriate decision

Me? I have no idea! But I'm not that arrogant (too strong a word, but I can't think of a better one) that I assume I have the only three options. :D

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Can I please ask everyone to exercise a little patience. This thread is only over a day old and has generated 210 posts from 3099 views and that from a membership of 4,621.

Allowing for multiple posting by various members I'm not convinced that it is truly representative of the membership as a whole………yet.

I would also venture caution against jumping to polls. At this juncture it would not be in the best interests of the forum.

I'm not breaking any trust when I tell you that Admin continues to maintain dialogue with the dealers, and the Admin group are working behind the scenes also to try and find some sort of closure to this with the potential of one or two new initiatives being brought to the table. Therefore I would advise a little restraint at this time until more information is available.

This thread should and will remain open for further reasoned and constructive argument and discussion.


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You are right that well thought out arguments are valuable but you are also right that it is a limited number of folks (myself included) making multiple posts. I would welcome additional input from experienced members (hey, what the heck noobs too :lol: ). But at the end of the day the best way to get the membership's opinion is to run an anonymous poll with whatever the various options are. If the mods are considering other options and they want democratic membership feedback they could list any other options they are considering and then the membership could give accurate input as to what their thoughts are on the next action, if any. In the end the administration will have to decide what to do. All we can do is give them our thoughts and accurately tell them how the membership feels. Vote.


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You are right that well thought out arguments are valuable but you are also right that it is a limited number of folks (myself included) making multiple posts. I would welcome additional input from experienced members (hey, what the heck noobs too :lol: ). But at the end of the day the best way to get the membership's opinion is to run an anonymous poll with whatever the various options are. If the mods are considering other options and they want democratic membership feedback they could list any other options they are considering and then the membership could give accurate input as to what their thoughts are on the next action, if any. In the end the administration will have to decide what to do. All we can do is give them our thoughts and accurately tell them how the membership feels. Vote.


I hear you kruz. It's a sensitive subect and requires to be carefully considered, by all, before jumping to rash decisions. Your Admin team require time to absorb, consult and deliberate on this and thus far we have not had that time. We know your thoughts about going to a vote but with the greatest of respect to you, our door is not being hammered down by the membership demanding the same course of action.

Please give us a little more time and consequently in that process discover some more views.

We, as always have the interests and the future of the forum and all of its members very much at heart and we would be failing in our duty were we to take decisions based on timetables rather than what's best for all.

Thanks for listening.


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Lets not let past accomplishments be overshadowed by one mistake. I've f__ked things up in my life too occasionally, but you learn from them them and move on. I know its just in some peoples nature to demand a public lynching, but I really don't think that is necessary here. Deal with it behind the scenes.

Edited by andreww
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Having only been able to read the d'loaded email notifications for this thread (damn connexion here) I may have missed bits, but, a lot of what I read is perplexing...

Neil posted - a subsequently largely overlooked or dissmissed - post which lucidly outlined the minimum immediate action that I would expect any forum dealer to carry out. Certainly I would not need it drawn out for me if I found myself in such lamentable circumstances.

A comment was made that 'all dealers here have unresolved issuse'...errr boll**ks! there is at the very least ONE that doesn't :whistling:

It was also pointed out that you cannot sue over illegal dealings (the misrepresented drug deal being quoted), so true.... in most of these (illegal) circs you 'row your own boat'...any 'misrepresentation' must be taken as an immediate personal affront and be dealt with with all the resourses at your disposal and with as much violence as you can inflict!! If not, your career will be very short lived indeed. Here on the forum(s) we enjoy a utopian situation which gives 'high street' standards (or better) for tacitly illicit goods with no fear of ghetto tactics. As an interesting aside, under UK law a drug dealer who say conspired to rip off another with a substitute (say 10Kgs of household flour instead of the expected Columbian finest) can be prosecuted for conspiracy to obtain money by deception!!!!!

I find the undercurrent of 'One scam is forgivable so long as good service (past & present) is forthcoming' intriguing............maybe we dealers should bear that sentiment in mind :rolleyes:

But what do I know.


Edited by narikaa
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**Admin taking off his admin badge....**

Well, what can I say....I would be lying if I said that all the pages of the white lies" thread has been interesting, but in some ways they have been interesting. Let me take you down a trip memory lane and offer you some thoughts along the way.

Nice job, and I particularly enjoyed the historical perspecitive.

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It was also pointed out that you cannot sue over illegal dealings (the misrepresented drug deal being quoted), so true.... in most of these (illegal) circs you 'row your own boat'...any 'misrepresentation' must be taken as an immediate personal affront and be dealt with with all the resourses at your disposal and with as much violence as you can inflict!! If not, your career will be very short lived indeed. Here on the forum(s) we enjoy a utopian situation which gives 'high street' standards (or better) for tacitly illicit goods with no fear of ghetto tactics. As an interesting aside, under UK law a drug dealer who say conspired to rip off another with a substitute (say 10Kgs of household flour instead of the expected Columbian finest) can be prosecuted for conspiracy to obtain money by deception!!!!!

I am almost reluctant to comment for fear of having someone read into it something other than I intend, but this brings to mind another COMPLETELY [censored]ING IRRELEVANT little fact that I think is interesting, and being overcome with a bizarre desire to share factoids that I find interesting, I cannot help myself.

In many jurisdictions, it is PERECTLY allowable to charge the narcotics violation and sustain it even when the drugs turn out to be bogus. That may seem odd, but the logic appears to be that bogus drug trafficking is as adverse to the public interest as the real thing, it cannot be permitted as acceptable behavior, so it is punished accordingly.

Persnally, I find that odd and interesting so I mention it for whatever it is, or is not, worth - I mean, WTF, at least it isn't as tiresome as this BS is becoming. Besides which, maybe I'll get to [censored] off Eddie again!


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I am almost reluctant to comment for fear of having someone read into it something other than I intend, but this brings to mind another COMPLETELY [censored]ING IRRELEVANT little fact that I think is interesting, and being overcome with a bizarre desire to share factoids that I find interesting, I cannot help myself.

In many jurisdictions, it is PERECTLY allowable to charge the narcotics violation and sustain it even when the drugs turn out to be bogus. That may seem odd, but the logic appears to be that bogus drug trafficking is as adverse to the public interest as the real thing, it cannot be permitted as acceptable behavior, so it is punished accordingly.

Persnally, I find that odd and interesting so I mention it for whatever it is, or is not, worth - I mean, WTF, at least it isn't as tiresome as this BS is becoming. Besides which, maybe I'll get to [censored] off Eddie again!


nope...not touching that one.. .not again anyway!!

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Oi whats all this then?................Just doing my job rico just doing my job.

Of course it didn't escape you that he decided (after seeing positive response to his site) to communicate here using a nom de plume which is exactly the same as his website (for the lazy surfer) when he could have, and should have, used his VIP membership name.

Fair enough! It is interesting though that we can be absolute over one of our own rule infringements without having to prove intent to mislead, yet vague over something that is potentially more damaging - actual proven incidences of deception.

I am grateful for the work that goes on behind the scenes to root out the potential bludgers - I won't call them scammers as real scammers wouldn't last 10 minutes (anyone remember RolexAward...?!)

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