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Spoiled and uniterested RWG members?


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Well, after checking the stats (post-count), I can tell you that we had a lot more posts this July and August, compared to last year. Slowest month so far was May this year.

May? Yeah... that would've been me... that was when I met my new girl...

Sorry to let the board down... :wounded1:

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I feel a bit guilty here..

I'm one of the guys who can read a post, find it interesting, nod or smile at it, and hen just move on the next tab I've opened after initially picking out the threads I want to read from "View New Post"..


..seriously I will keep this in mind and try to give credit (or criticism) where credit (or criticism) is due. :)

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This is a good post and admin is right on the money on this one. There is so much great info here, but it seems of late more people are interested in the drama rather than watches.

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I feel a bit guilty here..

I'm one of the guys who can read a post, find it interesting, nod or smile at it, and hen just move on the next tab I've opened after initially picking out the threads I want to read from "View New Post"..


..seriously I will keep this in mind and try to give credit (or criticism) where credit (or criticism) is due. :)

Yup, another one here, guilty as charged.........I'm sat here reading this post and nodding, and smiling, then very nearly went onto the next tab! It's a bad habit, I know, but I'll post my thoughts on all that I read in future, rather than just listening to the voices in my head :huh:

For the record, it can, occasionally, be slighlty intimidating as a 'noob' to post a response, not that I'm concerned at being shot down for my understanding or opinion, but more that I still feel that I'm on a very steep learning curve and therefore quite content to watch the discussion unfold amongst the more senior members, whilst I read and learn. I could compare it to sitting in on your first meeting at a new company, and listening to your colleagues discussing a large scale project that you've only just been briefed on, except that here there are so many diverse projects that it's taking time to absorb the base knowledge. :o

However, I will endeavour to post my thoughts in future, mainly to thank all those whose excellent reviews (BT, Pug, Euno, Ubi, etc.) have informed my buying decisions thus far.


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A lot of people invest their precious time in writing , taking photo's etc. of our hobby.

Indeed it's to easy to sit back , enjoy and move on to the next post.

To make one thing clear i find these reviews photo sessions etc. very usefull.



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Apologies for lack of posting - no internet at home, and don't want to be caught at work browsing here :(

I'll try to rate posts in the meantime when I get a chance to read, read, read B)

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Well guys, I can make you feel better. I tried an experiment and posted a review both here and on the dark side this summer (I think it was the 7753 187) when this place was off-line for a day or two and at least a few members posted responses here. On RWI there was one response and it had nothing to do with the review itself. But yes, anyone who goes to the trouble to read a review should at least post an "atta boy" so they are encouraged to do more. And to all the vets, we have to remember to encourage the newer members so they will do it again. Flow of information is one of the things that makes the forum great and it has definitely slowed down over the past few months.

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It takes a lot of time, and I mean A LOT OF TIME, to do a review properly. It is a little disheartening to see 75 views and 1 response. I make it a point to try and add a little something to nearly every thread that I visit, just as a common courtesy.

Please guys, your opinions, positive or negative, are just as important as a review itself. By-Tor may have a good opinion on a watch, but he is just one person, and endorsements or disagreements from other owners help to paint a clearer picture!

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Also admin is there a way to make the Fast reply dialog open all the time without having to click ont the button ?

That would be great !

The fast reply dialogue is suposed to be open by default in all forums for all members. Could it be that you have turned this option off?

Go here:


And check your settings


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It takes a lot of time, and I mean A LOT OF TIME, to do a review properly. It is a little disheartening to see 75 views and 1 response. I make it a point to try and add a little something to nearly every thread that I visit, just as a common courtesy.

Please guys, your opinions, positive or negative, are just as important as a review itself. By-Tor may have a good opinion on a watch, but he is just one person, and endorsements or disagreements from other owners help to paint a clearer picture!

Very well said - Cheers

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The fast reply dialogue is suposed to be open by default in all forums for all members. Could it be that you have turned this option off?

Go here:


And check your settings


That did it, but im 100% sure I never turned it off.

Thanks anyway, now If we just could get The Zigmeisters great posts back that would make my day !!

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I plead guilty to this, and I agree that reviews and even my collection posts are important to the board.

I think the number of reads and responses per review and picture threads would increase if reviewers and pic takers were a little more strategic: What happens is that when a hot new rep starts shipping you get a bunch of reviews and pics added to multiple reviews of other very popular watches--however great each review is on it's own, the responses get diluted among all of them. I'd reckon that 10 watches--the BCE and SFSO, a couple each IWC's, rolexes and PAMs--account for 80% of the reviews posted at any given time. After all, how much more can be said about the same watch in 4 threads? No matter how much I love the watches and the posters, I tend not to open threads called "My new SFSO from Angus" or "Wristshots of the 2006 Cousteau" Do you?

The other problem, which is going to be hard to get around is that, thanks to the "collectors'" strategy of hyping new watches far in advance from prototype pics, most watches get thoroughly pre-reviewed before they are even released. That certainly limits the possibilities of our "amateur" reviews later on.

I would suggest (and will begin to practice what I preach) that instead of duplicating well reviewed and photographed watches we choose something different--a blast form the past, a watch you think is great but under-appreciated, even a watch you're sorry you bought. It is as useful to review a not-so-good watch as a stunningly good watch, al la kruzer00's review of the latest Swiss 187.

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The other problem, which is going to be hard to get around is that, thanks to the "collectors'" strategy of hyping new watches far in advance from prototype pics, most watches get thoroughly pre-reviewed before they are even released. That certainly limits the possibilities of our "amateur" reviews later on.

The IWC Aquatimer has had so much hype, yet I don't think I'll have any problems whatsoever finding plenty to say about it and I know I'll be leaving piles of stuff for other reviewers to cover.

Now, in three months, when Aquatimer reviews are old hat, it will be a bit boring, but I doubt it.

Besides, while one writer hones his style on yet-another-Steelfish review, he could well be learning the ropes to write the definitive replica Panerai guide ...

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Back OT then with some rambling and incoherent thoughts...

I've done a few review type posts, mainly vintage Rollie projects, but recently having canvassed for a long time for the new Aquaracer, I was fortunate enough to be one of the first to receive it and so I posted a fairly detailed 'proper' review with pics.

Must admit I was surprised by the number of views and replies (44 and over 1500 respectively, not that I'm boasting :whistling: ). BT's own superior review of course took it to another level. Anyway, maybe it was because it was a new model, but whatever I didn't notice much apathy, just lots of "thanks nice review" and "made my mind up to buy now" type comments. To be honest, I wasn't expecting a frenzy of ego-stroking posts, that's not why I did it....but if reading my write-up someone decided to buy this watch and enjoy it then job done as far as I'm concerned. But of course the encouragement and appreciation helps if the opportunity to repeat comes up again.

I also know there's some hidden talent out there, and would hope that some of these lurkers step up and share with the rest of us. I always keep an eye out for the excellent reviews from the usual suspects, but some fresh blood now and then would be very welcome. So don't be shy ;) Maybe the old POM thread should be brought out of retirement as encouragement?

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I've noticed a pattern on this forum where the percentage of "views" greatly outnumbers the amount of replys to the topic itself.

It is nice to get a little appreciation for your thread. I know I am new here, but i've been around many forums. This one sometimes begs the question, is anyone paying attention to me? We all like a little attention, a little stroke here and there. I'm just as guilty as anyone.

Pug, BT, and a lot of the others... Thank you for the enthusiastic reviews and eye candy. I enjoy reading all of it.

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Yes, I agree. And its not just the lack of response to the 2 divas (I mean rep celebrities of course ;) ), even aspiring noobs with IMHO good picturetaking skills hardly get any response....

Like earlgrey-erfurt for example he posted a whole lot of nice pictures in the last couple of days, but response was very limited..... so he was wondering:

He had 9 pictures. Well made pictures nice setup, panerai catalouges in the back, even funny the last pic with the dog.

Still only 3 replies.... how much time and work and thought must he have put into this !?!

His next thread had 8 pictures in with a new artistic setup, good title... Also only 3 replies.

I think it deserves a little more.

PW and BT probably know they are stars here in the repworld, (really NO offense, a lot of your posts are informative and inspiring) but a lot of new talent gets demotivated by not getting any or hardly any response I guess...

Its not just the "usual suspects" who dont get the response they deserve.

I will try to use the new rating system more often and replying to more posts which I enjoy even if I cant come up with some superwitty remark.

The hope dies at last

thanks for your statement and the admin words, i dont think that the weather or holidays are the reason for less replying.

as a new member and noob in replica collecting i am watching the big three forums rwi, geegs and rwg. I posted several times pics of my reps and my enthusiastic first mod to show them the people who are interested. and i got many positive replys for my post. except here

as rolexsandwich quote i was a bit angry about the high number of non replyers but as time goes by it doesn t bother me to much now.

glad to see this discussion

so we will see what happen in winter :g:

cheers from germany


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I think the tone here has been less happy here for a while due to the posts and threads that have taken the lime light over the last couple of months and maybe that hass dulled people appetite for posting nice things and positive responces. I only post here, i love here! my wife gets [censored] off as i am here all the time or making straps. so to lighten the tone here are my cats


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Hi all,

Please take heart!!

As a long term "newbie" - (gee I hate that term!!) I l(ike i suspect, so many others) have deliberately held off replying, until I felt I had something to offer, or at least wouldnt feel stupid (some sites do make newbies feel inadequate).

So, I didnt ask any questions but spent these last several months learning as much as i could and I found if i looked hard enough I would find the answers to my questions anyway, and thanks to you wonderful people, I found that my local watchmaker no longer laughs at my latest purchase, in fact I brought in my last watch, a beautiful PP Moonphase from Andrew, and he actually spent the time examining it and he said "they have doen a good job" high praise indeed!

The other thing I came to realise, was the issue of ethics.

What I now find unethical, isnt the replica watch industry, but large companies with production lines slapping a 7750 into a case, putting a generic dial on it, and selling it as a "limited edition" for 8k to people who dont have the benefit of your knowledge - thats unethical!!

The fact that, thanks to you people, I can own a mechanical chronograph for a few hundred and actually prefer it to the ones in the shop window for thousands more really says something about the value of the work you are doing

Please keep it up, I myself will offer what i can for what its worth.



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