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I'm Being Laid Off Next Week......


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Unfortunately, I am due to be laid off from my job on June 9th, along with 5 others in my workplace. I think that my boss chose to fire me because I was away for such a long time doing jury duty, as he noted at the end of 2005 that I had the best performance and productivity of everyone in the firm.

Oh well, life goes on. But, I can say goodbye to my salary, since I was with the firm for such a long time, I had seniority benefits. I just hope it won't be too hard to find a new job again, and I'm even considering moving back to London for a change of life. :)

Being fired for being on "jury duty" must be against the law even where you are at. Tough luck.

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Admin, I have a sense that you are going to land on your feet and that in a year or two you will look back on this as a good thing, a "forced opportunity," if you will.

In any case, I hope they do right by you in the way of a severance package.

I was laid off one time.... following a merger. I knew it was coming, but decided to hang around for a severance package rather than make it easier on them by simply leaving. My biggest concern was that they might "value me" enough to give me some dead-end position that I would then have to quit without severance. Thank goodness they didn't have anything for me, so the severance package paid for my move from Chicago to the West coast.

I remember practically dancing down the hallway after being laid off, but I couldn't express it because everyone who still had a job was depressed about the merger.

Good luck. You have the intelligence and resources to do some terrific things in the next few years.

And finally (to quote Klink), Life is Good!

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I don't know if I just missed it or not Admin but what line of employment are you in?

And believe me I know what its like to cop a dramatic drop in earnings, 4 Months ago I was pulling 120 Grand a year, then I did my back and I am now getting under 25 a year. :(


Admin, i feel for you brother. i know exactly what you are going through and there's nothing i can say to make it not suck. hope you make everything work for you. ken, i also can relate to you, once again, there is nothing i can say, but i can relate. i also was making 120,000.00 a year and i was injured in a industrial accident, was off work for 2 and 1/2 years and now i make about 50,000.00 a year but i still have the bills i had when i had money. thats why i buy the reps. it sucks brother but i'm sure we will survive. good luck to you all.
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In Canada, it is actually illegal to fire someone doing jury service, but this is not the reason my employer stated, he stated it as a company "downsizing", but I have this feeling of what the real motives are, probably just wanted to take the chance to fire me as well, since he was laying off 5 others as well. No union there? There are pros and cons about unions in the workplace but they do protect you from this sort of thing. Layoffs are always from the bottom of the seniority list up. I am sorry to hear this but maybe blessing. What do you do anyway?
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@ hk45ca yeah I read you loud and clear about the same bills, I had to do a quick clean out sale of my company to pay my outstanding bills, but the thing is I can't fold my company altogether or Workcover will cut me off without a cent, so it's a bit of a juggling trick, but as you say life goes on.


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@ hk45ca yeah I read you loud and clear about the same bills, I had to do a quick clean out sale of my company to pay my outstanding bills, but the thing is I can't fold my company altogether or Workcover will cut me off without a cent, so it's a bit of a juggling trick, but as you say life goes on.


This is probably very stupid in light of not knowing the details, so you have probably considered it - meaning I say it with the best intentions in case you haven't. You can set up a (new) company, with your wife as director (not you) - don't have the registered address or even her member address as anything linked with your home address, existing business or workcover contact details. Obviously you are not in a position to do the work you were doing - but you might be in a position to use your contacts to get business and then supervise and outsource appropriate subcontractors. It could open up some possibilities. I won't wax lyrical on the tax efficiencies - for all I know, you know more about them then me! But there are plenty of them, especially when trying to 'limit' your personal income (you can regulate the flow of personal income, while building a nest egg).

Just a few ideas on a big bonfire of ideas, no doubt!

Best of luck - I'm sure you'll bounce back! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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Thanks for the ideas but unfortunately no good for me, you see my company has/had a workforce of one.......me......I was contracting to Coca Cola Amital, when I was injured I could no longer fullfill the contract and to cut a long story short there is no longer anything to go back to.

But don't worry I am planning to bounce back and that's the mindset I'm sticking too.


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Bugger - the thought was there! ;) Of course, big contracts like that move on....

But yes, without wanting to sound trite, when you're dealt a hand like that it really gives you no option but to adapt, get on with it and give 'life' a kick back in the balls. And perhaps avoid star jumps.

[OT I don't know if you've seen The Chaser on the ABC but they had a hilarious spoof on the No Gary No ads on the ABC the other night. It's on the ABC website. Might take the edge off missing the smokes!]


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I feel for you mate I really hope that everything works out and I along with the other comments posted am sure that you will have no problems getting another gig.

As for the passport situation that you mentioned, there is an easy way to sort that, make the fiance a wife lol, then she HAS to be granted both a work permit and eventually a passport.

Just my $.02

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@ Admin

Been there, was out for a while, about 5 months.

During that time, couldnt relax, enjoy myself at all despite a nice severance package. Constantly thought about the bills and how I let the family down. However, the more people you meet, the more common a thing it is, especially as you begin to reach the top of the pyramid.

The worst thing was all the low ball offers because they knew you were out of work.

Work just sucks either way....

Advice - networking really helps, as not only will you get a few leads to pursue, but meet others who have similar experiences and you can lean on them when you need someone to speak with.

Good Luck


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Admin, I feel for you dude, but I don't think your being on jury duty would make sense as a reason for letting you go. Firstly, you've already done your time, and you are probably the least likely person in the firm to be called on again. It just doesn't make any sense. More likely is that the firm found someone to do your job for less money while you were away.

I work in the Mutual Fund business in downtown Toronto, and I'll keep my eyes posted for anything in the accounting end of things for you. In the meantime, enjoy the weather and take some time to recharge!

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I know it is difficult to have this happen but most of us have been laid off at one time or another and I can tell you from those I talked to that 'ALL' of them moved to better things.

In the US, 5 years (average) is about what you would consider normal before moving on or getting promoted but after that it is cheaper for a company to hire a new recruit than to keep you. Also, the salary increases become less so to manage your career it is sometimes best to consider moving on unless there is a good promotion system in yoiur company. All of this is speaking in generalities but this has been my experiance.

Best wishes in your future endeavors and keep your watches, they will continue to bring you pleasure.


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