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Be always alert !


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So ...

not to drag this story out ... i had a call from a nice lady friend :) if i have any plans on Saturday as she wanted to check out a sofa for her flat and if i would be so kind to accompany her on the quest ...

i said to my self why not and off we went to local IKEA ... after cca 45 minutes of checking out the sofas she proposed to grab a bite in the upstairs IKEA restaurant ... since they have fresh salmon salads i was in and of we went ...

after we made a selection i proposed to pay for both ... yea gents thats how it sopose to be ... and so i did .

I clearly remember putting my wallet in a side pocket of my jacket and zipping it up ... we walked like 10 meters to a free table i took of my jacket put it on the chair and set on it ... she set opposite to me and we enjoyed the meal with some sofa topics discussing what we saw etc ...

not more then good 20 min. later as we wanted to leave i put on my jacket and realized my pocket was now opened and wallet gone :(

I reported it to the police and security guards ... today police told me that they checked the cams in ikea and there is a guy bending back to my jacket siting back to me ... course there is no face on that feed so they say that there is minimal chance they can catch him ...

The lady sitting opposite to me did not even notice that this people are that good !

Damage as follows : cca 150 euro in cash , my slovenian ID card , my Slovak ID card , visa electron , master card , Diners Corporate card ( companies for business trips) and some other things like fitness pass social insurance card, some pictures yea and my genuine armani leather wallet ....

AND the biggest thing i needed to cancel all my cards all my id s etc pain in the ass ... thx good i still had my passport at home so all this canceling a bit easier ... also bare in mind im a FOREIGNER in this country !

MESSAGE OF THE STORY : Have ure wallet on ure eye all the time !!! Bad people always on the pray :(

regards laz

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Oh, Laz, sorry to hear that :(

I allways keep my ID, Credit Cards and cash in the front pocket of my pant.

This way if they steal my wallet they will have Gaz cards, Fidelity cards and so on...

It's very unlikely I wouldn't feel a hand touching me so close to my s*x :o

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my dear friends thx for ure replyes ...

yea felt like [censored] when it happens ... all cards are canceled i did that same day maybe 30 mins latter and appers to be oka ... i have sent an letter of autorisation to my dad in slovenia to cancell my slovenian id card ... as advised by the ministry .

i mean this things happen right ... but amount of negative things in last 6 months that happened to me is just plainly startin to [censored] me off ... maybe i shoud get mad a bit and stop the whatever attitude :)

@ steph ... yea i did the same during my colleague times and had no problems ... looks like need to start doing the same again :)

regards laz

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A good reminder -keep your guard up at all times and wallet in your front pocket.

Laz, I'm so sorry. May your luck and happiness improve immediately. :)

There are thieves even in Ikea, ugh. Ah well.

This is closing the barn door when the horses have all fled, but a tip -- keep your most precious IDs and CCs in your socks. I know it may look dorky, but that's the safest way.

Please do not get what Americans call (with amazingly funny implications in the UK), a fa.nny pack.



Good luck!

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Sorry to read this Laz :(

The story had a good start, and i was already thinking about the end of the day, you and this beautifull lady, drinking a glass of Chably on the new sofa ...

More than the cash, this kind of story is always boring cause of all the formalities you have to do.

Whith you friend, and hope to see you in the next GTG ;)


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