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No Reps Allowed! Gen Watch Wristcheck


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Look at the fire I just started!

Ok, I'll come out of the closet too... This one comes with a fascinating story about luck, shrewdness...and indebtment... :p


Can I be jealous with envy?

Now as I drool, I just have to wait until my father grows tired to get my hands on his!

But for now, I'm the everyman:


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Beautiful 162! welcome to the club!

Just curious, did you pick up yours from Bruce?

I got a 91 from him a couple months ago and it's just as every bit described as he says it is and he is very generous on trades as well.

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Thanks for your kind words. This one comes from a secondary jeweler based in Florida. I am finding that there is a whole subset of secondary jewelers who you can work with. And as the U.S. recession has started to kick-in full force the prices in this country are starting to get reasonable. The pawnbrokers are emerging out of the woodwork now ogens but they still have no sense of appropriate pricing. In general I have not bought a gen anything new from a traditional AD in more than 20 years. No fun in that. :lol:

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Is this Bruce you are talking about the Bruce at watches24seven.com? What do you mean by "generous trades"? Does he accept trade ins? He's got in his web a 91 with metal bracelet which does not let me sleep...but still owing money on my Nautilus I should not even look into it. Unless i could trade something for it, of course... :huh:

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Ok, I'll come out of the closet too... This one comes with a fascinating story about luck, shrewdness...and indebtment... :p


oh my god

you can't be serious.... that's a $35,000 watch and one of the rarest and most complex Patek available now.

If you really do own that then what the hell are you doing here with us replica people???

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oh my god

you can't be serious.... that's a $35,000 watch and one of the rarest and most complex Patek available now.

If you really do own that then what the hell are you doing here with us replica people???

Because after buying that one I can now only afford replicas for the rest of my life! ;)

I like watches too much. Only a few can be gens...and I enjoy some reps nearly as much. Actually, I enjoy some reps more than some gens... I hope you won't expell me from the forum for coming out of the closet! :huh:

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Because after buying that one I can now only afford replicas for the rest of my life! ;)

I like watches too much. Only a few can be gens...and I enjoy some reps nearly as much. Actually, I enjoy some reps more than some gens... I hope you won't expell me from the forum for coming out of the closet! :huh:

When I saw your picture my jaw just dropped and I stared motionless, mouth open, for a good 90 seconds at the picture trying to find the flaws thinking it was obvious a "joke" post. Honestly, if you own this gorgeous gorgeous piece, why would you want to wear anything else? This watch is simply majestic. You are a very lucky person. Very lucky indeed. As a Patek lover, I aspire to own a 5036 one day, but I'm not holding my breath... $42,000 is a little much. Now you on the other hand, just a little less for a stainless steel model. Pardon my arrogance, but you good sir, must be loaded!

Wear it well!

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Ooops, I am beginning to feel as if I should not have come out of the closet... Ok, I will give you guys the full story.

On the last week of January, last Saturday of January, actually, I went out to buy a present for my wife (her birthday is on Feb 3rd) so eventually I stepped into this well know jewellery & AD in Madrid and bought her a (modest but nice) wrist band. While the lady at the shop was wrapping up my wife's present I told her: "you know what? You are also going to do me a favour. I see you are AD for Patek so I would like you to put me down for a Nautilus Chrono. I have heard the waiting list goes up to five years, so I will start saving today and by then who knows, I will make my decision if it ever arrives!"

She looked at me, kind of serious or even misterious look and she says "I think I've got one upstairs". "No, young lady, then you have not understood the watch I am telling you about. This watch has a waiting list (at least in Spain) of up to five years, and it is not even clear there will ever be enough of them coming to Spain to satisfy the current list!", i told her with self-sufficience.

"Oh! But of course, sir! The watch was ordered by a client, but apparently he does not want it anymore so we have to run through the rest of the waiting list. I doubt none of the other three clients in the list will reject it, but you never know. If you want, I can put you down too." I started to sweat and turn red, and asked "can you remind me of the price of this beauty? 24k? I thought so, he, he... well, thank you but I cannot really afford that right now...please do as I told you and maybe in five years...who knows...

When I got home I began (or rather, did it again) researching, and I realised buying a 5980 for the AD's price was a privilege... On the grey market they sell for twice that much... Mmmmm... Will I regret passing on this one for the rest of my life?? And, anyway, it is impossible that the other three guys on the waiting list will pass on the watch as well. So, what harm could it do if i signed up just in case?

On Monday, when I get to the office I call Human Resources. I had never before asked for a personal loan from the bank (i work in a bank, btw) but the conditions for employees are very good. So I prepared the ground, just in case, and I found out that despite high interest rates in Europe, with practically no interest from the bank as long as the amount was small (I mean, the 5980 is expensive, but it is no mortgage, right?) I could afford borrowing 15k. The other 9k i had in a savings account.

Then I called the lady at the AD. I promised her everything. If I got the watch I would buy everything at that AD for the rest of my life. Everything, from watches, presents...to my groceries and my underwear!!

And the miracle happened. The first two clients rejected the watch (I guess there are more people like me who sign up without being sure if they will be able to afford it) and the third one...accepted. So the AD even signed and stamped the warranty on his name (an habitual client) but as he arrived to pick the watch up...he changed his mind. This guy was surely loaded (not that I am homeless, but not as loaded as you might have implied) and there and then, on the spot, he decided to buy an even more expensive watch...leaving the 5980 fall gently into my hands... (BTW, I had the warranty changed into my name later, of course...for the price who wouldn't).

On Tuesday I formalized the loan. I also emailed urgently several people whom I had committed expenses with, including several reps from Puretime (sorry, Angus, I told you I had an immediate financial restraint, but I never gave you much detail!) cancelling the purchases. Only three months before I had purchased a beauty from River (i will post photos of that as well) and had it modded by a good friend at the forum, and it had already been enough expending in reps for a while... I made a plan to cut down on other expenses too... AND ON WEDNESDAY I PICKED UP MY 5980!!

I have paid only two installments of the loan so far (a 2 year loan, if you want more details) and...it is funny, I have never felt so happy repaying a loan. When I see the statement from the bank I just need to look at my PP...and I just know I did the right thing. Because if something goes wrong, if I urgently needed cash, I know I will make an immediate gain selling the watch back!

I hope I did not bore you. I feel the story is fascinating. At least, I lived it like that.

And I hope you don't mark me as "a strange animal" in the forum. I enjoy it too much here. I think my "forum status" is "beginning to like it here". That is because I don't post much. But my inner status is "I love you people!!" I really do.


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Great story, you sure have balls. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

You made the right choice: go for your dream.

And no, personaly I don't think that it makes you a strange animal.

And no, it is not insane to go for a 24K watch and a loan.

It is even a great investment in fact. :D

Congrats, enjoy your baby and never let people put you down!



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You don't have to justify anything. Congrats on a great watch and a great story. I think I have spent that much on reps and frankens. :bangin: At least you have a timeless work of art for your money. No one should ever be embarassed about owning gens. In fact it is too funny. And by the way I suspect you would be surprised by the number of similarly valued watches owned by forum members.

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You don't have to justify anything. Congrats on a great watch and a great story. I think I have spent that much on reps and frankens. :bangin: At least you have a timeless work of art for your money. No one should ever be embarassed about owning gens. In fact it is too funny. And by the way I suspect you would be surprised by the number of similarly valued watches owned by forum members.

It should also be the same in reverse. I've seen too many covered wrists when a rep wearer is "caught in the act".

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Ooops, I am beginning to feel as if I should not have come out of the closet... Ok, I will give you guys the full story.

Sanro...you don't need to justify how, why or when you got such a nice piece.

Everybody should have a passion for something and pursue that passion, and should not need to apologize to anybody for doing so whether it's watches, family, travel, or really good coffee.

Those who have yet to find something that gives them that much drive are the ones I feel sorry for, as they have yet to understand what makes them happy.

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Also, another bit of news -- my father agreed to let me photograph one of his older gens for this excellent thread. Photo coming up, but I think you gents especially will love it!

And here it is. An Omega Seamaster Cosmic.


My then young father bought that one day in the late 1970s, probably around the time of my birth. Manlike, he doesn't recall any details. I would've remembered what I ate that day, and the suit the AD assistant was wearing. ^_^

Here is what it would look like in newer vintage condition. Ebay Auction # 140213153669. 3 Days/3 Hours to go, and it's only U$243.49.


Grant you, that looks mighty nice. It's not all scuffed up like my father's.


It's not missing that beautiful Omega crown.


It definitely has better markers.


Bet you even the forum modders are looking at this watch as a lost cause.


...but this watch bore witness to my father's early manhood.

Wearing this watch on his wrist, my father healed his patients, kissed my mother, scolded his daughter (gently), washed his dog, took his family to Eastbourne for seaside holidays, played football on Copacabana beach, shook hands with Egyptians, Japanese, Swedes, and Peruvians, and in fact, was wearing it the day his father was buried.

He knew how much his old man hated fuss and ostentation, and though by that time he had bought other timepieces, this is the one he chose to say goodbye to his own father.

It's wonderful to own reps. It gives one a sense of freedom and adventure hard to replicate (ironically enough). :)

But owning a genuine watch of this calibre, however modest, is incomparable.

You're living your lives as grown men and women now, and one day your child will remember you as I have above.

Do you want them to remember you wearing a rep?

Why not. :)

But it's wonderful to look back on your life, knowing something you owned was real.

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