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Thoughts about changing the look of the forum


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I love it here, don't get me wrong. The following is just a suggestion:

I'm going to go out on a limb and say i'd probably be ok if the first part of every page that loads didn't say REPLICA WATCH group.

I'm not always home alone when I read the forum, sometimes I'm at work, or what have you. I'd like my business to be my business.

I'm sure we have some members that can create a great top banner for RWG, incorperating those letters. Maybe we could even have a raffle for the best creation, and some new eye candy to boot?

Discuss... :)

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Download adblock and you can manually stop the logo from appearing while allowing all other images to load correctly.

-Not everyone has admin access to every PC they use

-No offense Corg, but thats not really the point. I'd like to look at something a bit more fresh and artistic. I'm pretty sure the forum software is capable of replacing that top bar with other images.

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Download adblock and you can manually stop the logo from appearing while allowing all other images to load correctly.

Thanks you for the lead corgi.... a little off topic.. but my "Pet Peeve" that gets my adrenaline flowing is when I'm in my coffee shop for breakfast and RWG.. every morning.. and there have been more people that I have gotten to know there over the years that try and sneak a peak at my screen... and to me that is the crudess .... I have at times turned to them and said... "can I look through your wallet ?? .. or your Journal?"

I am waiting for the day that Lap Tops come equipped with louvers .. like horse blinders on the side of the screen .. this is one thing that really, really ,REALLY .. irks me !!!

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I am waiting for the day that Lap Tops come equipped with louvers .. like horse blinders on the side of the screen .. this is one thing that really, really ,REALLY .. irks me !!!

That day is here. You can get a polarizing filter to place over your laptop (or desktop) monitor screen that limits the viewing area to directly in front of the screen & eliminates off-angle snooping.

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Thanks for the relplys everyone. My trade, my degree and my experience is in IT. I use firefox, I know ways around the header.

Defeating the header or images is not really where I want to go with this thread.

We're all into art here in the form of timepieces, photography and beyond. Just throwing around the idea that our "first impression" should express that too.

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Thanks for the relplys everyone. My trade, my degree and my experience is in IT. I use firefox, I know ways around the header.

Defeating the header or images is not really where I want to go with this thread.

We're all into art here in the form of timepieces, photography and beyond. Just throwing around the idea that our "first impression" should express that too.


1. could create a new skin - minimalist or phone centric skin could be good

2. i have no issue with switching up the banner

3. but don't go moving the controls and stuff around - i know where everything is - :) i'm resistant to change

edit - how about a contest?

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Yea, Pho beat me to it, but...

I was thinking we could do a LOGO contest. We did this on another forum. However, there were so many good submissions that the banner is now a rotating (animated gif) with all the logos that won.

Could be fun and something that many people could do to contribute.

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I like the look of this forum -- it's professional looking.

As for having "replica watch" at the top of the site, I don't care. If i am going to be wearing a fake watch on my wrist all day, why should I care if people see me browsing a fake watch website? I think some people are taking this hobby too seriously.

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I like the look of this forum -- it's professional looking.

As for having "replica watch" at the top of the site, I don't care. If i am going to be wearing a fake watch on my wrist all day, why should I care if people see me browsing a fake watch website? I think some people are taking this hobby too seriously.

I have to agree there. If people don't feel comfortable with someone seeing the name of the forum at work, maybe they should consider not viewing it at those times... WHile I agree with the point being made that someone's business is someone's business, and it's bad form to be looking over someone's shoulder, and, call me 'old fashioned' if you must, but I can't help but feel that at the end of the day, that people go to work to work. Not use online access for their own perusal :lol: If I recall, Sir Richard Branson considered (and might even have implemented) 'e-breaks' so employees could check emails, blogs etc, rather than doing so while on his clock :lol:

PS In terms of a 'forum logo', I believe the membership chose one some time back in the RWG ring thread ;) Not much point of there being a logo if it's never used :lol:

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this may be available, but thought i would ask...

Is there a "Stripped down version" of the forum that we can use? similar to TZ with no images, no crazy banners, just text?


At the bottom, there is a "lo-fi"-version avalable

1. could create a new skin - minimalist or phone centric skin could be good

If this forum goes mobile friendly or gets a blackberry push, I'm done for!

As Shundi already said; have a look at the drop-down menu at the bottom left of the forum. I made a PDA/Mobile version available a long time ago ;)

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If i am going to be wearing a fake watch on my wrist all day, why should I care if people see me browsing a fake watch website? I think some people are taking this hobby too seriously.

This is a forum, about a specific hobby, and you willingly joined to discuss it. Now your making the statement that some people take the hobby too seriously? Maybe so. Maybe let others judge for themselves what they do and do not take seriously. It sounds like theres a lot of people that like this idea.

Hey, I don't like RG's header either. Something about being called a GEEK...

The rest of the forum is perfect, just thought our header could use a fresh coat of paint.

Maybe i'm just experiencing male PMS.

No. If that were the case, message boards (and the internet for that matter) would have died long ago... :D

Exactly. And I'd rather not get stuck in a "hey you like fake rolex's?!!" conversation with passers-by on my lunch break. Takes away from my RWG time, which I take very, very seriously. :)

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People like to snoop at work. And for some reason, it's always the watercooler idiot who likes to snoop.

The guy is an idiot so he thought I was a member of some replica/counterfeiting watchdog group.

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I HATE RepGeek's layout...the stupid "Sparta" thing and the scrolling ticker up the top annoys me to no end...the whole site is way too busy and SLOWWWWWWW as all hell...I only log on there to deal with certain friends/dealers, otherwise I'd never be over there...

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-No offense Corg, but thats not really the point. I'd like to look at something a bit more fresh and artistic.

How bohemian of you! Unfortunately I disagree, probably because I'm a grouch who dislikes change and enjoys things I'm used to. In my opinion this forum is designed logically with easy-of-use and convenience in mind. Everything is where it should be and there is no clutter. I hate clutter. Moreover, for those of us who do enjoy browsing at work (which is really silly since tech supervisors will know exactly where you've been and will now be able to call your fancy new super rep out to everyone) benefit from the plain, simple, 'under the radar' design. If you want ART go to an ART GALLERY. LOL.

Thanks you for the lead corgi.... a little off topic.. but my "Pet Peeve" that gets my adrenaline flowing is when I'm in my coffee shop for breakfast and RWG.. every morning.. and there have been more people that I have gotten to know there over the years that try and sneak a peak at my screen... and to me that is the crudess .... I have at times turned to them and said... "can I look through your wallet ?? .. or your Journal?"

I am waiting for the day that Lap Tops come equipped with louvers .. like horse blinders on the side of the screen .. this is one thing that really, really ,REALLY .. irks me !!!

That's still not as bad as the people glancing over my shoulder when I'm inputting my PIN at the ATM or checking out at a store with my debit card. Like sometimes it's just an absent-minded thing you do, thinking of something else and you accidentally look at someone without even thinking of what they're doing, but gosh it is just annoying.

If someone is looking at my computer screen I always ask really politely: "Do you want me to twist the monitor a little so you can get a better look?" followed by stern eye contact. Usually the message is gotten (especially compounded by the fact I am very unfriendly-looking, despite being quite the opposite).

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