KB Posted July 9, 2006 Report Posted July 9, 2006 Well Micheal thank you for making me feel totally insignificant The only thing that makes me feel better is the knowledge that we are all in the same boat Ken
ekhunter Posted July 10, 2006 Report Posted July 10, 2006 When did this turn into a discussion about the size of balls and who's is bigger! My Sun, you got a big ball, much bigger than Uranus! It's hot outside! Turn down the Air!
archibald Posted July 13, 2006 Report Posted July 13, 2006 ...on Pluto! "Since 1989, for example, the sun's position in Pluto's sky has changed by more than the corresponding change on the Earth that causes the difference between winter and spring. Pluto's atmospheric temperature varies between around minus 235 and minus 170 degrees Celsius, depending on the altitude above the surface. The main gas in Pluto's atmosphere is nitrogen, and Pluto has nitrogen ice on its surface that can evaporate into the atmosphere when it gets warmer, causing an increase in surface pressure. If the observed increase in the atmosphere also applies to the surface pressure--which is likely the case--this means that the average surface temperature of the nitrogen ice on Pluto has increased slightly less than 2 degrees Celsius over the past 14 years." http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2002/pluto.html ...on Jupiter! "Using whirlpools and eddies for comparison, Marcus bases his forecast on principles learned in junior-level fluid dynamics and on the observation that many of Jupiter's vortices are literally vanishing into thin air. "I predict that due to the loss of these atmospheric whirlpools, the average temperature on Jupiter will change by as much as 10 degrees Celsius, getting warmer near the equator and cooler at the poles," says Marcus. "This global shift in temperature will cause the jet streams to become unstable and thereby spawn new vortices. It's an event that even backyard astronomers will be able to witness." According to Marcus, the imminent changes signal the end of Jupiter's current 70-year climate cycle. His surprising predictions are published in the April 22 issue of the journal Nature." http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/release...1_jupiter.shtml ...on Mars! "According to a September 20 NASA news release, "for three Mars summers in a row, deposits of frozen carbon dioxide near Mars' south pole have shrunk from the previous year's size, suggesting a climate change in progress." Because a Martian year is approximately twice as long as an Earth year, the shrinking of the Martian polar ice cap has been ongoing for at least six Earth years. The shrinking is substantial. According to Michael Malin, principal investigator for the Mars Orbiter Camera, the polar ice cap is shrinking at "a prodigious rate." "The images, documenting changes from 1999 to 2005, suggest the climate on Mars is presently warmer, and perhaps getting warmer still, than it was several decades or centuries ago," reported Yahoo News on September 20." http://www.heartland.org/Article.cfm?artId=17977 Blasted SUVs. The good news is that apparently the few remaining naysayers are reduced to the "Hey, other planets are warming" approach. What I want to know is what all the rushbots will do now that their Fearless Leader has been forced to admit what the rest of the planet has known for some time.
TwoTone Posted November 25, 2009 Report Posted November 25, 2009 Had to post the latest news as of today... Articles on "Climategate" Push HERE...... HERE... And HERE... And then... If you want to take the time to watch a very compelling video... Push HERE... Fucking liberals and their crock of crap... TT
Nanuq Posted November 25, 2009 Author Report Posted November 25, 2009 I read all those articles earlier today and thought to myself, how very sad for those "scientists" that they have to go to such extremes of dishonesty to push their agenda. If I was willingly falsifying data, actively suppressing contrary scientific findings, and working to destroy the reputations of other people that came up with different results than me, while riding the white horse of virtue ... I'd sure hope I had someone in my life with an ounce of integrity to smack me upside the head and tell me to knock it off. I'm asking the guys here in Admin and Mods group to please do just that if you EVER catch me in an exaggeration or a lie. Please.
slickdick Posted November 25, 2009 Report Posted November 25, 2009 Great articles. It's like slingin' some [censored] around to see if something fruititously comes of it. Looking forward to ryyannon's observations
Member X Posted November 25, 2009 Report Posted November 25, 2009 What I don't understand is how scientists, who by definition should be investigating all possible scenarios, are point-blank refusing to even look at the evidence provided by the 'few naysayers'. If they are so wrong, why won't the pro-AGW scientists look at what the skeptics are putting forward? Surely they are so wrong that it would be easy to dismiss and therefore worth doing to 'prove' AGW is real? Or perhaps they don't want to, because evidence is coming forward that doesn't fit with their computer models, that are of course programmed by humans favouring AGW, therefore are hardly impartial in their calculations... The UK Met Office has got the past 2 or 3 summer long range predictions hopelessly wrong, whereas WeatherAction, who base their long and short range predictions on solar activity, have got a great deal right. http://www.weatheraction.com/
Demsey Posted November 25, 2009 Report Posted November 25, 2009 The good news is that apparently the few remaining naysayers are reduced to the "Hey, other planets are warming" approach. What I want to know is what all the rushbots will do now that their Fearless Leader has been forced to admit what the rest of the planet has known for some time. Your link dead ended 'archibald' here's the new path;forced to admit but, right on. Whatever happened to Arch? I liked that guy. Probabaly busy working. The only place left to work. The Obama Administration. On that new shovel ready project; The Moon is Attacking Us. If I was willingly falsifying data, actively suppressing contrary scientific findings, and working to destroy the reputations of other people that came up with different results than me, while riding the white horse of virtue ... I'd sure hope I had someone in my life with an ounce of integrity to smack me upside the head and tell me to knock it off. That's pretty much how I moderated RWG Original Recipe from the 'Members' group. After the polar ice caps melted and pushed the Titanic off the continental shelf into the abyss of my megalomania. A lot tried to smack me upside the head there, but they had no known quantity of integrity. So. Yeah. I washed up here. Looking forward to ryyannon's observations That might be a while sd. Like when the global warming holocaust actually happens. By then the Prius will itself be found only in fossil strata. By deep space travelers. A few scant millennia after the Sun extinguished. Itself. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr. Chilly.
slickdick Posted November 25, 2009 Report Posted November 25, 2009 That might be a while sd. Like when the global warming holocaust actually happens. By then the Prius will itself be found only in fossil strata. By deep space travelers. A few scant millennia after the Sun extinguished. Itself. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr. Chilly. For the dog of love, and the sake of all humankind, i'd sure hope they will discover my 6 litre v12 benz before they digg up a friggin' prius. They might be getting the wrong picture
Nanuq Posted November 25, 2009 Author Report Posted November 25, 2009 I wonder if "prius" is the plural of "prion"? Perhaps a synonym?
Demsey Posted November 25, 2009 Report Posted November 25, 2009 For the dog of love, and the sake of all humankind, i'd sure hope they will discover my 6 litre v12 benz before they digg up a friggin' prius. They might be getting the wrong picture Touche`! Likely find the fuselage of Value Jet 592 and conclude; "These ancient peoples were sea travelers. Long distance sea travelers. They packed 104 into this primitive canoe and tried to cross this ancient sea bed. Vertically. I admire their courage and determination......." Of course the deep space travelers would have been returning future generations of present day Democrats. Having long since abandoned this planet just knowing all the scientific data (they cared to consider) pointed to the ruin of this third stone from the global warming holocaust. And planted the flag; See? We were right!. Unfortunately the ultimate realization; The starship Prius was marooned. There was nowhere to plug in the dry cells for the return trip home. Not unlike the time when the Democrats decided to fly to the Sun. When the scientific community advised they would be incinerated hundreds of thousands of miles shoret of the destination, they disregarded their opinion and announced to the people; "We will be travelling at night." I wonder if "prius" is the plural of "prion"? Perhaps a synonym? You got me! I had to Google "prion". I thought it was derogative for Al Gore. OK I had some more [censored], but it's getting too politically polarized. Which wouldn't normally bother me, except it's too close to the Holidays and I demure. People ask; "For heaven's sake Dems, you seem to be well informed, why the hell are you a Conservative?" It's mostly because; when you tease Republicans? They just roll their eyes and get back to work. Where's the fun in trolling up that? Ranting, raving, and fuming. That's where it's at.
Nanuq Posted November 25, 2009 Author Report Posted November 25, 2009 Nation's Snowmen March Against Global Warming November 24, 2009 WASHINGTON, DC — Braving balmy temperatures and sunny skies, millions of scarfless snowmen and snowwomen gathered in cities across the world Tuesday to raise public awareness about the heavy toll global warming is taking on their health and well-being. Snowmen from across the nation gather at the Washington Monument to protest global warming. According to organizers of marches in Washington, Atlanta, Montreal, Berlin, London, Reykjavik and Moscow, global warming is the primary cause of the steep reduction in the snowman population throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Demonstrators worldwide called on their governments to take more aggressive steps to reduce the effects of climate change. Organizers estimated the crowd at more than 375,000 but D.C. Police Commissioner Charles Stacey estimated turnout at 30,000 whole snowmen, with scattered rounded abdomens accounting for an additional 5,000. Atlanta organizers and police agree that all demonstrators had melted by 11 a.m. Joe Centigrade, president of the Advocates For Beings Of Frozen Precipitation (ABFP), spoke at a mass rally Tuesday on Washington's National Mall. "The unseasonably warm winters of the recent past are a clear indication of a real environmental threat to humans and their frozen simulacra," said Centigrade, his coals arranged in a frowning pattern. "As snowmen and snowwomen, we accept the inevitability of melting, but the actions of man are causing us to evaporate well before our time." Speakers at the Washington rally included a Chicago snowwoman who had lost three snowchildren to warm temperatures, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, and Larry Chilly, formerly a 6-foot-tall, triple-segmented Muncie, IN snowman, who had been reduced to a slushy head. Centigrade told the slowly melting snowcrowd that as recently as 15 years ago, the average life span of a snowperson built in late December was three weeks to a month. Today, that same snowperson has an average life span of two weeks. Centigrade also recounted stories of once-jolly snowmen unable to keep their carrot noses in their fast-melting faces, and of others who were made of only two undersize segments. "In many regions of New England today, there's not even enough snow on the ground to make snowballs, much less a torso," Centigrade said. "Instead, some snowmen are stuck together with slush and leaves rather than pure, white snow. We must take steps now to end their suffering." Bearing signs with such slogans as "You Can't Build A Snowman With Rain" and "Winter = Life," the crystalline-ice protestors, many of whom had chartered refrigerated tractor-trailers and ice-cream trucks to travel to the mass protest, complained that popular stereotypes about snowmen obscure and trivialize the crisis. Larry Chilly speaks out against mankind's global irresponsibility. "Humans sneer at us, 'If you want to stay intact, go to the North Pole and live with Santa,'" said Susie Flakeman, a Thunder Bay, Ontario snowwoman waiting in line with hundreds of others to use a Porta-Freezer. "But less than one-half of 1 percent of us ever receive that honor. Most of us end up victims of the scourge that almost killed Frosty: man-made climate change." The protest was largely peaceful, disrupted only by a disturbing incident in which one distraught snowman hurled himself into the reflecting pool of the National Mall. He suffered third-degree slush on over 90 percent of his body before rescuers could recover him. He was rushed to a local meat locker where he was pronounced melted on arrival. Some scientists refuted the snowbeings' claims regarding global warming. "Throughout history, the earth has endured periods of temperature fluctuation," said Dr. Harley Morrison, a biochemist who has advised President Bush on scientific issues. "Also, there have already been several major blizzards throughout North America this season alone. I made a snowman myself, and he lasted for several weeks." Late word arrived Tuesday evening that the Moscow protest was violently dispersed by riot police bearing hot-water hoses and snow blowers. Moscow officials said the snowmen were illegally blocking pedestrian traffic near the Kremlin and causing people to slip and fall in their slushy wakes. Snow leaders, including Centigrade, condemned the crackdown. "Those of us who remember the Icelandic anti-heated-sidewalk riots of the 1980s know that the powers that be despise and fear snowmen who fight for their rights," Centigrade said. "They'd rather kill the messengers than face the fact that our ecosystems are changing irreparably. We're prepared to stay in D.C. as long as it takes until Congress agrees to listen to our demands." Before he could conclude his remarks, Centigrade's face slid off.
Demsey Posted November 25, 2009 Report Posted November 25, 2009 That's hilarious Bob. I could soooooo get my kids to believe that.
slay Posted November 27, 2009 Report Posted November 27, 2009 @Nanuq, why do you think the temperatures on the moon range from about -184
Nanuq Posted November 27, 2009 Author Report Posted November 27, 2009 Slay, it's better to be thought a fool, than to be proved a fraud and a liar. "Professor Phil Jones, the head of the Climate Research Unit, and professor Michael E. Mann at Pennsylvania State University, who has been an important scientist in the climate debate, have come under particular scrutiny. Among his e-mails, Mr. Jones talked to Mr. Mann about the "trick of adding in the real temps to each series ... to hide the decline [in temperature]." "In another exchange, Mr. Jones told Mr. Mann: "If they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the UK, I think I'll delete the file rather than send to anyone" and, "We also have a data protection act, which I will hide behind." Mr. Jones further urged Mr. Mann to join him in deleting e-mail exchanges about the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) controversial assessment report (ARA): "Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re [the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report]?" "Another professor at the Climate Research Unit, Tim Osborn, discussed in e-mails how truncating a data series can hide a cooling trend that otherwise would be seen in the results. Mr. Mann sent Mr. Osborn an e-mail saying that the results he was sending shouldn't be shown to others because the data support critics of global warming." "Repeatedly throughout the e-mails that have been made public, proponents of global-warming theories refer to data that has been hidden or destroyed." "I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd [sic] from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline." "This was the danger of always criticising the skeptics for not publishing in the “peer-reviewed literature”. Obviously, they found a solution to that–take over a journal! So what do we do about this? I think we have to stop considering “Climate Research” as a legitimate peer-reviewed journal. Perhaps we should encourage our colleagues in the climate research community to no longer submit to, or cite papers in, this journal. We would also need to consider what we tell or request of our more reasonable colleagues who currently sit on the editorial board…What do others think?" "I will be emailing the journal to tell them I’m having nothing more to do with it until they rid themselves of this troublesome editor." And the capper, in context so it cannot be misconstrued........ "And there McIntyre’s efforts to uncover the mystery of the Hockey Stick might have ended, had he not had a stroke of luck, as Chris Horner explains at Planet Gore. “Years go by. McIntyre is still stymied trying to get access to the original source data so that he can replicate the Mann 1998 conclusion. In 2008 Mann publishes another paper in bolstering his tree ring claim due to all of the controversy surrounding it. A Mann co-author and source of tree ring data (Professor Keith Briffa of the Hadley UK Climate Research Unit) used one of the tree ring data series (Yamal in Russia) in a paper published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society in 2008, which has a strict data archiving policy. Thanks to that policy, Steve McIntyre fought and won access to that data just last week.” When finally McIntyre plotted in a much larger and more representative range of samples than used those used by Briffa – though from exactly the same area – the results he got were startlingly different. Have a look at the graph at Climate Audit (which broke the story and has been so inundated with hits that its server was almost overwhelmed) and see for yourself. http://www.climateaudit.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/rcs_chronologies_rev2.gif The scary red line shooting upwards is the one Al Gore, Michael Mann, Keith Briffa and their climate-fear-promotion chums would like you to believe in. The black one, heading downwards, represents scientific reality." Those are facts. Not opinions. Read the articles for yourself, if you dare. TT kindly posted the links.
Member X Posted November 27, 2009 Report Posted November 27, 2009 That's a great post, Nanuq. I really don't know how people can still believe they hype when so much is hush-hush around it and they won't release data for scrutiny by others. This is not science - this is a politically driven machine that is scared to reveal the truth because so many policies now hinge on persuding the world that the end is nigh and we must do something about it - namely restrict our movements, tax us to the hilt, stop us buying goods that have always been available previously or change the law so we have no choice but to get something else... (in the UK you now cannot buy 100w incandescent lightbulbs, thanks the the EU , and new cars are taxed according to their CO2 emissions so you are 'encouraged' to get something less 'polluting' ) Anything that dictates 'the rules' but cannot back them up with hard evidence is, essentially, a religion - and the new climate religion is one where we must all suffer, and we must be stopped from enjoying a capitalist lifestyle of freedom of movement, low prices for energy and goods, and the ability to have freedom of choice. What appears to be socialism/communism/facism (politics isn't my strong point so I lose track of which stands for which - but I am aware that most insist that we should all be 'equal') is effectively being enforced on us even if we don't want it, and that is simply not right. The only hope is that, due to the constant insistence by political-puppet 'scientists' that we are all going to die in a ball of flame or drown in the floods that are apparently coming, the public are getting more and more sceptical due to the fact that nothing is happening. Questions are being asked. Those with the skills to do so are getting the information the only way they can (see the hacked emails, above) and putting it into the public domain for all to see. That the 'scientists' refused to give this data and information out is only, IMO, more evidence of the fact they are up to something. Science should be transparent and freely shared. The Global Warming 'science' is far from that, and therefore does not stand up to scrutiny. IMHO, of course
Nanuq Posted November 27, 2009 Author Report Posted November 27, 2009 Well said, Mem-X. I'm a physicist/mathematician and anything I've ever published has been scrutizined to the nth degree, and it better stand up on its own, or I'll be labeled a fraud, legitimately. My reputation matters more to me than acceptance of any published work, and I'd think the same would be true of anyone calling themself a scientist. To follow the Scientific Method and to be able to back up your findings ought to be paramount. Otherwise you deserve to be laughed from the community. Now I'll shut up, because it's very poor form for me to be so vociferous, being on the Admin team here. We Admins are here to facilitate, not dictate. Happy Holidays everyone!
NORing Posted November 27, 2009 Report Posted November 27, 2009 As long as water doesn't rise to the 4th floor in my appartment and none of the rep-watch factories are burried under water. I'm good. I work in the oil business and think only about my self. And my family, my ginuea-pig, my friends, my workbuddies, my previous friends, my enemies, my......om my good we're all going to die!!!!
lanikai Posted November 28, 2009 Report Posted November 28, 2009 From the Artic to the Pacific reef coral.. effects are being felt .. I notice the coral or lack of new growth since I was a kid.. the oceans are slowly dying... R
Nanuq Posted November 28, 2009 Author Report Posted November 28, 2009 They are, sadly, dying. There is far too much pollution and I hate what it's doing to the nature I love so much. There are fossils of tropical ferns under the permafrost on the North Slope of Alaska. Did you know that? Fossilized dinosaur tracks too. It used to be warm, as in very warm. Now it's often -70F and big SUVs can't account for the change. This is a big, mysterious blue marble we live on. Let's do everything we can to treat it like the treasure it is.
lanikai Posted November 28, 2009 Report Posted November 28, 2009 it is totally sad to surf in sewage debri.. I have seen the flora in the ocean change.. plus long line commercial fishing boats altering the food chain, more and more shark attacks in the last 25 years..all for commercial profit.. local fishermen cannot make a living anymore. Man's inhumanity to Man .. another species self destructing.. "Malama the Aina" ... "Take care of the Land".. the "Life of the land is so precious" .. else, what can we leave for future generations ??? more than just electronic games I hope..
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