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big problem with customs...


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Most advice provided here seems to be of an emotional nature. You would really be best off with Belgian legal advice.

In the UK there is a national scheme called the Ctitzens Advice Bureau, where you can get basic legal advice free of charge.

Perhaps call your local authorities to find out if there is a similar system in Belgium. That way you would get competemt advice without any initial costs.

Edited by mbjoer
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agreed; don't reply, don't do anything. These people rely on you replying in some way for them to take any action. If you do, you are opening the door for trouble. If you do nothing, you will fall off their radar. Organizations like this don't have the manpower or budget to run down every little offender, so they send out these demand letters to capture the low hanging fruit of the people at that are ignorant to the process and therefore reply out of a sense of fear of civic duty. DON'T DO ANYTHING.

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They can kick down your door for a freakin' fire inspection? In a private house? Scheeesh! Fireies got nothing better to do over there? Ours would never have the time to inspect private houses (they do a few by request).


Yes, apparently the government here can do anything they like. Trust me, I have already spoken to lawyers! They can even tell me with how many people I am allowed to live together in a house (if you are not married and more than 2 persons, eg. with an older kid or as student house or whatever, you already have a problem! limit for unmarried persons is TWO per house, no matter how big it is).

They always come to inspect this, meaning they check if you are REALLY living alone and all that. And apparently they have the RIGHT to enter your flat and see how many beds, toothbrushes and closets are in your appartment, without a warrant or anything. You can refuse them, but they will come back with the police and they will use force (been there, done that!)!

And trust me, I already told those guys I feel like I'm living in a police state where the gestapo is coming to check every week!

Edited by slay
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Yes, apparently the government here can do anything they like. Trust me, I have already spoken to lawyers! They can even tell me with how many people I am allowed to live together in a house (if you are not married and more than 2 persons, eg. with an older kid or as student house or whatever, you already have a problem! limit for unmarried persons is TWO per house, no matter how big it is).

They always come to inspect this, meaning they check if you are REALLY living alone and all that. And apparently they have the RIGHT to enter your flat and see how many beds, toothbrushes and closets are in your appartment, without a warrant or anything. You can refuse them, but they will come back with the police and they will use force (been there, done that!)!

How would Hugh Hefner cope in a country like that?!?!?

I've never heard of anything so preposterous in my entire life. How does that not contravene some sort of human rights legislation? It's amazing what people will allow their governments to do to them.

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Yes, apparently the government here can do anything they like. Trust me, I have already spoken to lawyers! They can even tell me with how many people I am allowed to live together in a house (if you are not married and more than 2 persons, eg. with an older kid or as student house or whatever, you already have a problem! limit for unmarried persons is TWO per house, no matter how big it is).

They always come to inspect this, meaning they check if you are REALLY living alone and all that. And apparently they have the RIGHT to enter your flat and see how many beds, toothbrushes and closets are in your appartment, without a warrant or anything. You can refuse them, but they will come back with the police and they will use force (been there, done that!)!

And trust me, I already told those guys I feel like I'm living in a police state where the gestapo is coming to check every week!

There must be two Netherlands on the globe, I guess I'm living in the other one...

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Yes, apparently the government here can do anything they like. Trust me, I have already spoken to lawyers! They can even tell me with how many people I am allowed to live together in a house (if you are not married and more than 2 persons, eg. with an older kid or as student house or whatever, you already have a problem! limit for unmarried persons is TWO per house, no matter how big it is).

They always come to inspect this, meaning they check if you are REALLY living alone and all that. And apparently they have the RIGHT to enter your flat and see how many beds, toothbrushes and closets are in your appartment, without a warrant or anything. You can refuse them, but they will come back with the police and they will use force (been there, done that!)!

And trust me, I already told those guys I feel like I'm living in a police state where the gestapo is coming to check every week!

If you are talking about the Netherlands here, you're post is plain BS.

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There must be two Netherlands on the globe, I guess I'm living in the other one...

You probably don't live in Rotterdam then

If you are talking about the Netherlands here, you're post is plain BS.

Yes, I am talking about THE netherlands, more specifically Rotterdam, just because you don't know quat about Rotterdam, doesn't mean you have to open YOUR mouth and post some of YOUR BS here! SO go back to the hole you came from and let the real men talk before it gets ugly for you and you pee your pants again, eh?

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How would Hugh Hefner cope in a country like that?!?!?

I've never heard of anything so preposterous in my entire life. How does that not contravene some sort of human rights legislation? It's amazing what people will allow their governments to do to them.

I was thinking the same when I moved here... I guess someone with enough time&money should sue the government in Rotterdam in a European court!

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The least thing you should do is get the facts straight... And learn some manners.

1) The only reason why your landlord has a permit for him to rent his property is to comply with rules set by the local governement regarding all sorts of safety regulations.

2) The only reason the local gouvernement can check wether YOUR landlord has a correct and humain way of bussiness practice is to protect the citizen.

3) The only reason you can rent from your landlord is to comply with the rules set in the contract with your landlord.

In fact, local governement is preventing what has happend recently (http://www.nuvideo.nl/algemeen/26876/slavernij-in-aspergestekerij-someren.html) there was on the news a raid into property where a lot of polish workers where stuffed in too little space and with little or no regard for any firesafety whatsoever, they had to be evacuted because of these safety issues. The mayer labeled it slavery.

In all major cities there are landlords that prefer money over safety and wellbeing of their clientelle.

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The least thing you should do is get the facts straight... And learn some manners.

1) The only reason why your landlord has a permit for him to rent his property is to comply with rules set by the local governement regarding all sorts of safety regulations.

2) The only reason the local gouvernement can check wether YOUR landlord has a correct and humain way of bussiness practice is to protect the citizen.

3) The only reason you can rent from your landlord is to comply with the rules set in the contract with your landlord.

In fact, local governement is preventing what has happend recently (http://www.nuvideo.nl/algemeen/26876/slavernij-in-aspergestekerij-someren.html) there was on the news a raid into property where a lot of polish workers where stuffed in too little space and with little or no regard for any firesafety whatsoever, they had to be evacuted because of these safety issues. The mayer labeled it slavery.

In all major cities there are landlords that prefer money over safety and wellbeing of their clientelle.

What facts straight? If you say "get your facts straight" at least TRY to disporve me, but you do nothing but actually support me in what I am saying. That here they have discriminatory laws in place. ANd I'm not gonna show any manners against those who can't show any themselves! Throw sh!t and get sh!t thrown right back at cha!

So you support it that the government is allowed to enter anyone's house just because they have a suspicion you live there with too many people (so you also agree that the government is allowed to tell you with how many people you may live in a house, no matter how many rooms it has).

So as I see it, you are the one that does not have his facts straight! If I chose to live with 5 other people in a 10 room house, what is the problem with that? Should that not be part of my personal freedom to chose to do so? And should I not have the right to live my life without anyone entering MY residential property against my will?

Plus I don't live in a bunch of barracks where chinese on polish workmen are stuffed into containers, I live in the most sought-after part of town.

Maybe to government should start getting the kids of the streets instead of imposing discriminatory laws!

Oh and by the way, for some reason in other citys they do not have such laws, and they do just fine!

Edited by slay
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  • 7 months later...

About a month ago, 2 watches I ordered from eurotimez were seized. Got a letter from the lawyer of Rolex, ignored it. (by ignoring it I agreed to destroy the watches)

Now I got a letter from the Belgian Customs, they ask me to come to their head office so they can interrogate me...

If I can't make it to their office I have to write a letter in which I state:

- who bought these goods, or who sent them

- how much I paid

- If I know that it's illegal

- If I want to let them destroy it

I also have to add a copy of my ID etc.

Any tips on this guys???


I know this was a long time ago, but the following may be of interest.

I have heard that some unsavoury 'Non EU' companies only take orders from EU buyers, They take orders and your payment, wait a week or so and have people in your part of the EU send convincing emails/letters just like this solely to scare them into a mindset that they've lost their perchase fair & square to customs. The company ends up with your money and never did send anything in the first place. The internet is rife with this type of con.

If this happened to me i'd definately look into it further without commiting myself to anything. Only make enquiries until i'm satisfied the sender is genuinely a person of the said authorities. Just like a rep watch, a letter, email or even telephone call can be very convincing.


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  • 2 weeks later...


I thought about that when it all happened, and it surely was real... I looked up the lawyers name & company adress, the letter from the customs was definately real, no doubt about that.

Now it's the second time that I ordered from Asia, I'll see what it'll give... Ordered from Hont, hopefully it will come true. This time it's only 1 watch, last time it were 2 (the ones that got seized).

I asked Hont to spell my name incorrect on the package. So if they try to send me a registered letter, it won't match my ID, so I won't be able to receive it.


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You probably don't live in Rotterdam then

Yes, I am talking about THE netherlands, more specifically Rotterdam, just because you don't know quat about Rotterdam, doesn't mean you have to open YOUR mouth and post some of YOUR BS here! SO go back to the hole you came from and let the real men talk before it gets ugly for you and you pee your pants again, eh?

DAM Slay, remind me to never mess with you, the pee In your pants part Is outrageously funny, good stuff :lol:

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dam costums, they have my heroic gator strap :wounded1:

It should not be a problem Deniz. The strap is not a replica, they have no reason to mess with It. Im sure you relize this, right? No worries :D Mike (ps) I have a heroic gator strap with the sub buckle, It's the coolest buckle that I have ever seen.

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Living in the EU is no fun when your a rep'ist. I'm on my third customs seizure here.

My advice: Deny, Deny, Deny!

The first one I messed up sending them a fony invoice and tried to get the watch out. DSSD - That backfired on me and they have sent the watch to Rolex and their laywers will contact me. - Something about their Trademark and me having to pony up their lost profit on a watch they didn't sell me. Scary indeed.

The second one I replied that I had no knowledge of this shipment and I had never ordered anything from abroad.

The third case was yesterday - haven't replied yet and I never will.

All three watches lost - but then again isn't that part of the game?

I have a roo coming - hopefully they won't snatch that one too (expensive)

- Seriously considering getting a UK address to ship to and forward my stuff. Anyone wanna help?

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Living in the EU is no fun when your a rep'ist. I'm on my third customs seizure here.

My advice: Deny, Deny, Deny!

The first one I messed up sending them a fony invoice and tried to get the watch out. DSSD - That backfired on me and they have sent the watch to Rolex and their laywers will contact me. - Something about their Trademark and me having to pony up their lost profit on a watch they didn't sell me. Scary indeed.

The second one I replied that I had no knowledge of this shipment and I had never ordered anything from abroad.

The third case was yesterday - haven't replied yet and I never will.

All three watches lost - but then again isn't that part of the game?

I have a roo coming - hopefully they won't snatch that one too (expensive)

- Seriously considering getting a UK address to ship to and forward my stuff. Anyone wanna help?

Im really sorry to hear this, I feel very lucky that we In the states have It so good. The UK address sounds very promising, good luck :) Mike

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It should not be a problem Deniz. The strap is not a replica, they have no reason to mess with It. Im sure you relize this, right? No worries :D Mike (ps) I have a heroic gator strap with the sub buckle, It's the coolest buckle that I have ever seen.

Guys, very sorry to say so but you're very much mistaken to think importing a croc or gator watch strap is not problematic at all. Many European countries enforce CITES rules very rigidly. Germany (and, alas, my little perfectionist homecountry) is among the most severe ones. <_<

I ordered a gen gator strap with TWB half a year ago. Although I could obtain a CITES certificate for import into my country it was seized and destroyed because TWB's Kurt didn't have a permit for exporting out of Canada. :black_eye:

I have asked him how to proceed twice and not heard back from him ever since but this is a different story. 100 $ down the drain. :thumbdown:

So be careful when ordering exotic leather goods into Europe!


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