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Goodbye Rwg


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At the end of this post, I will make my instantaneous departure from the community we know as RWG. If you do not want to fall victim to reading a long post, please quit now.

If you are asking why I am making my departure, it is simply because of problems with replica watches and my life in general and having to deal with all of this [censored] is really stressing, especially when you’re on vacation on the other side of the world and have family and other issues to take care of at the same time. It all started when I received a bum Daytona from a forum member here. I was excited, but was soon disappointed when the watch didn’t work and the crystal was cracked, I say no problem and I am hoping to get it resolved, but this adds the extra stress of communications and possibly having to send the watch back and have it go through Customs which is a major worry. Then soon after, I am robbed by two men with knives at my neck and they take priceless items from me, and my brand new Breguet watch. I am forever soured about that area of Hong Kong and am left traumatized by the incident, but I hoped to pick up the pieces and carry on, which I have done, but the memory still looms, and I am very thankful that I was not hurt. Third problem, I am given a shock soon after that a watch I sent to a member here in a trade was seized by Customs while I received what I was supposed to get. I feel enormously guilty, even though it was not my fault and I still endeavor to make everything right after I have said my goodbyes. Fourth problem, my 94 year old grandmother catches a cold in the long term health center and has to go to the hospital for observation, and her condition is deteriorating mainly because of her old age and her vulnerability. This also strikes a huge blow to my family as we are very close together and we are also left saddened by this, my aunt also faints and is sent off to the hospital, where she will be okay.

The final blow was a bungled transaction with an RWG member. RWG is down for hours and I cannot access RWG from the time before I went to bed to the next morning, which can be explained by time differences. Anyways I try to open RWG at about 7 in the morning and find it still can’t open. I say what the heck and went out for breakfast and off to the hospital/long-term care center and stay there for the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon. I come home to find accusations being made against me and the worst threat of all, a PAYPAL COMPLAINT!!!!! I quickly express my feelings on this matter and offer an explanation and a refund. In response I get another blow by accusations that problems in my life weren’t bad luck, but were my fault, or at least that was the tone I was getting. That was the final nail in the coffin.

Again, I will emphasize that I will continue to keep up communication with the members who I have outstanding transactions with, and any problems I will do my best to rectify. Also, I will continue to have Finepics and The Zigmeister work on my existing projects which would go to waste just sitting in my drawers at home collecting dust.

I have to sadly bid RWG farewell because this is causing me too much extra stress in my life and I have a life after all which some people apparently don’t realize.

I cannot express in words my gratitude to this forum and most members of this community for their help and their time informing me about individual replica watches and it really opened my eyes to the world of replica watches. Many of you may know me as a genuine collector, who buys watches that are almost as expensive as cars, but still bought plenty of reps and wore them with pride all the time. Why did I do this? I bought genuines of watches that I thought were worth it, and I bought replicas of watches which I didn’t think were worth it, namely Panerais.

This site got me Panerai addicted and I had 12 Panerai replicas in my collection at the highest point, but I have reduced my collection to 4 which I still intend to mod to perfection, including building a killer PVD 028, 029, 127 and in honour of “V” I will also be building a PVD 112H.

I cannot thank the people who helped me out with what to mod on these watches and I value their input and time they spent writing up instructions and posting pictures.

Now, I will say a few personal thanks:

Archibald- Thanks for establishing the Casablanca project in conjunction with me. I value the time you spent in contacting dealers, haggling over prices and getting these watches on everyone’s wrists. I also appreciate your great taste, as very few people seem to appreciate Franck Muller as much as you do and me. I promise you I will get one of them, just when I have some time to deal with it.

Ubiquitous- Thanks for the valuable wealth of information you have provided to the membership of RWG, I really enjoyed reading every single one of your posts and your quest to making the perfect replica Daytona made you my idol. Your persistence and dedication is nothing short of impressive.

Kruzer00- Enjoyed the PM exchanges with you. You are a great guy to talk to and I wish you the best of luck in acquiring a UN Freak. You are more than welcome to contact me when you are ready to get one and I shall help you in acquiring one.

Finepics- Thanks for answering all my idiotic PMs about mods and what not. You currently have my 029 and you will be getting more down the road.

The Zigmeister- Another thanks for answering my idiotic questions. Even though I haven’t sent anything to you, I promise I will do so when I get back to Canada.

Quarks- It’s my pleasure to provide you with information about Hong Kong watch dealers, and I hope you will get something nice when you go.

Chronus- Great times talking to you off RWG and it’s nice to find someone with common interests, such as football shirts. Keep in touch.

Pugwash- Thanks for the lessons on photography. I’m still desperately trying to master them and take pictures as good as you.

TwoTone- I thank you for the laugh you have provided for me so many times with the Looney Bin.

Kenberg- Excellent job on moderating here and keep it up.

Highflyingclive- Love your avatar.

Admin (admin)- Thanks for providing this forum for us.

V- I still admire and envy your PVD 112H which I will be making one myself. Your strap knowledge is also amazing.

TTK- I must mention you as you stand out from the other dealers, I enjoy reading what you have to say despite the fact it can be controversial and that’s what makes RWG interesting.

Nanuq- I enjoyed your story of throwing the SD over the boat and remember it well, and also remember you destroying your Sub, which was priceless.

Eunomians- I admire your vintage projects as well. I also really enjoyed reading your posts.

There are many more I should mention, but that should do it for now.

And another personal thanks to all of the dealers I have bought from for providing me with excellent service, better than genuine watch dealers. I applaud the time and effort you put into providing this service for us and I hope that people will appreciate your time and effort more and realize that you have lives outside of replica watches.

To the rest of the RWG membership:

I wish you the best of luck in your conquest for the “perfect Sub” and that many more 99% replicas will come your way.

And now it’s finally time to say:

Good night and Goodbye RWG.

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Admin, I have enjoyed your posts throughout your time here, and surely admire your taste in watches...

Your sanity and family are the most important things here on this earth, take care of them and everything else will fall into place.... There will always be bumps.

Hope to hear from/see you again here, take care and all the best to you and yours!!!

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Admin, you've just had a remarkably bad run of luck recently, under the circumstances you are holding up admirably.

I hope you just take a break from all of this and we see you back here again.

I've been on the rep forums for almost 3 years now and have had my share of hassles, but, I keep coming back, it's too entertaining.

Besides, you know they'll keep coming up with more Pams to buy, I bet you'll be back.

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Admin, you've just had a remarkably bad run of luck recently, under the circumstances you are holding up admirably.

I hope you just take a break from all of this and we see you back here again.

I've been on the rep forums for almost 3 years now and have had my share of hassles, but, I keep coming back, it's too entertaining.

Besides, you know they'll keep coming up with more Pams to buy, I bet you'll be back.

All the best Admin!!! :(


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What can I say? I wish you would stay because people like you are an assett to our community.

Nevertheless your life is in your hands and sometimes you must take decisions like this as much as they hurt...

You WILL be missed..

A farewell photo of the 112PVD...


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It`s been obvious you had a shitload of problems lately not to mention been threathend with dead. If you think this is a time to take a break from it all and contemplate, it is so. You will become a stronger man for it. I wish you well but won`t say goodbye because i`m absolute certain that you will return.

regards retep

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Thanks Admin for letting us know this.

You even offered us very sincere explanations, despite you were not obligated to. You are truly a gentleman.

I am very addicted to this forum and I am aware of the time I spend here.

It would be hard for me to leave the forums too.

Regards, Take care.


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Admin reading your post sends chills up my spine and i feel really sorry for you that you have to go through all this at the same time.

its weird to look at the australian dollars on my desk, which you sent as a gift for my little boy Ari.

I was really overwelmed by the idea and sureley the amount.

after all the original trade was a watch for a watch.

Bad things happen to good people.

good things will come back to you, I am sure.

In the mean time dont worry about the seized 187, look at it when you have the time.

family comes always first.

its like you said to me: Patience is a virtue

in the mean time take care ans my thoughts are with you.

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Admin, I don't know you, but your situation sounds like it really sucks, and I don't know if you'll ever read this, but if you do, know this. We all go through times of trouble and sadness. Many, too many, people tend to become introverted at times like these, and this is not healthy. So, the forum will always be here for you, to vent, complain, or share a new found joy in your life. Just know that you can come back at anytime, and it may feel like you never left, but at a time like this, you may need the forum more than you think. It's a shame to see the forum lose a valued and knowledgable contributer like yourself. Hope to see your name and Avatar again one day.

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While I have never contacted Admin before, I have been a longtime fan of his postings here and especially elsewhere.

I have respect for this man as an individual as well as a most knowledgable WIS. This is a very big loss for our community.

Admin, you are your family will be in my prayers.

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I'm glad to see that you have decided to go on standby and recharge your batteries, stress is a very debilitating condition, added stress even more so !

As a serious collector and I do regard you as a serious horolgist, I also know that you and I share similar tastes and habits, you've added greatly to the wealth of this forum and will be missed, but you must do as you see fit.

I wish you all good fortune and health to you and your family, I am also sure that once you have achieved a measure of harmony again, we will once again benefit from your wisdom, good taste and paucity of hubris.

Good luck and remember these days with fond affection.



Edited by TTK
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