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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2015 in all areas

  1. They would have to be pretty darn high tech to produce the masterpieces they turn out!! I believe that the myth of children in a dirty cellar may have been true years ago when they were turning out pretty crude quartz "junk" watches. The myth obviously has been perpetrated by all of the luxury brands are who basically using that ploy to appeal to folks humanitarian side and to react with shock and indignation when they see photos of a room full of urchins bent over benches assembling watches or handbags, or whatever. "Please don't support these criminal enterprises, thieving Mafioso exploiting young children in dangerous inhumane conditions" buy your genuine watch for 20X the "real" price and help us stamp out these criminals"!!!! Doesn't that sound heart rendering? Problem is it's all a lie, except those same companies are guilty of the same crimes when they subcontract sewing jobs to people who exploit children. Ralph Lauren doesn't talk about the sweatshops that produce those overpriced Polo's does he? Of course not, but he and all his minions are quick to condemn those who are selling reps of their goods, probably produced in much more modern and cleaner factories!! But you never see that on TV , unless it's a news show that uncovers one of the cramped crowded "Sewing rooms" or a fire breaks out and a bunch of young people perish, because the exits are all blocked!!
    3 points
  2. If God has a guitar, it's the Strat Hendrix used to record "Red House".
    1 point
  3. I was kidding, I pulled a gen pic of Google images because to many new members lately ask where to get "impossible" reps...
    1 point
  4. Sent from my droptop using telepathy.
    1 point
  5. Well, I really do have my heart set on a Sub, something about it, I think its the part with the crown tbh, none of the other rolexs look as nice to me if they lack that raise part to the case.. if I need to spend more over a span of time then such is life. Can't have nice things without money right?
    1 point
  6. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. I'm going to order one and then see if it's possible to drop in a gen / Lemania equivalent movement, gen dial etc. I have all the parts needed for another project so will be able to investigate the feasibility.
    1 point
  8. It´s really there (and works): http://www.ttw8888.com/ Sometimes local providers are blocking the adress, try again later or use VPN.
    1 point
  9. I regularly get PM's of members asking me whether they should or should not service their movement. I have a standard text that I always copy-paste and thought it would be nice to share it with everyone. Please remember this is my personal opinion. It is based on servicing dozens of movements ranging from handwinds and 28xx series up to the A7750. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most of our replica's run accurate straight from the factory. No worries! You will most of the time receive quality check pictures from your dealer that will include a Timegrapher picture. That will show that your watch runs accurate (for now). In regards to service there are some things to take into account but mainly it is reliability. See, it all depends on how you look at things. In my book there are 3 different versions on how to buy and own a replica. I want a replica that looks like a genuine and.... a. don't care if it is inferior in quality, optics and reliability. I buy a $30 cheap Chinese replica. b. uses almost the same quality parts and looks as accurate as possible. I buy a high-end replica. c. uses almost the same quality parts, looks accurate and is very reliable. I buy a high-end replica and spend some extra money for a service. Problem is that all of our replica's are assembled in Chinese sweat shops with no or poor quality control. Remember that if the assembling and control was on par with Swiss watches they would never be able to sell these watches at these prices. The people assembling these watches aren't highly trained watchmakers in white coats. It are mostly production-line Chinese workers in dark and dirty rooms that have to spit out watches in a high pace. No time for proper quality control, cleaning off finger prints, following the ETA oiling charts etc.(for example) The design of most of the Chinese clone/ copy movements are good and on par with the Swiss version (exceptions not taken into account). But it is the assembly and lack in quality control that makes these reps less reliable than it's Swiss counterpart. So to conclude. It depends on how much you care about reliability. Do you buy a replica not knowing which state the movement is in and take your chances? If it runs you're lucky and if it breaks you'll see if it can be fixed. If not you just buy a new one. Or do you buy a replica and spend some extra bucks to get your movement in top notch condition so it will last you a life time when regularly checked and serviced. Compare it with taking your car in for a service. It gives you the piece of mind of a reliable car, not just a good looking one. Hope I could contribute Mark
    1 point
  10. After reading in this thread Old School Rolex Daytona ETA 7750 of a ETA 7750 powered Daytona, with Sec@6 for sale, it got me thinking about this mentioned module that gears the Sec@6. Now obviously seeing as the above Daytona has been running flawlessly for several years, its clear this module is actually a success over the metal to metal gearing of the Asian Sec@6 gearing set up. I am aware that some modders can add jewels to the Asian to reduce friction, but what about recreating this module in this ETA 7750? I assume that if a modder, or watchmaker wishes to take on this challenge, then they would actually need to dissect this ETA7750 to find out how exactly it works? It's this what got me to the following questions.. 1. Does anyone know the Origin of this Module for Sec@6 apart from some guy in Taiwan? 2. Are there any Watchmakers out there familiar with this module, and fancy reproducing a few? 3. If yes to 2, please post in this thread and let us all know I am positive many members who would love a Daytona with Sec@6 would be very interested in this, as the current Asian Sec@6 issues is a big put off, and prevents us from enjoying a reliable Sec@6 Daytona. Looking forward to any input/advice etc.
    1 point
  11. If you want a "run of the mill" 6538 rep, this one is OK. it's not very accurate, and it's difficult to mod. It uses non gen construction and it's hard to get gen/aftermarket parts to fit. i would suggest that you read a lot before ordering anyrthing. there have been some awsome 6538 builds herem, but you need to read about what it takes to make and accurate "James Bond"
    1 point
  12. What facts straight? If you say "get your facts straight" at least TRY to disporve me, but you do nothing but actually support me in what I am saying. That here they have discriminatory laws in place. ANd I'm not gonna show any manners against those who can't show any themselves! Throw sh!t and get sh!t thrown right back at cha! So you support it that the government is allowed to enter anyone's house just because they have a suspicion you live there with too many people (so you also agree that the government is allowed to tell you with how many people you may live in a house, no matter how many rooms it has). So as I see it, you are the one that does not have his facts straight! If I chose to live with 5 other people in a 10 room house, what is the problem with that? Should that not be part of my personal freedom to chose to do so? And should I not have the right to live my life without anyone entering MY residential property against my will? Plus I don't live in a bunch of barracks where chinese on polish workmen are stuffed into containers, I live in the most sought-after part of town. Maybe to government should start getting the kids of the streets instead of imposing discriminatory laws! Oh and by the way, for some reason in other citys they do not have such laws, and they do just fine!
    1 point
  13. Deny it is your package and have future orders shipped to someone else, because your on the radar now.
    1 point
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