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Everything posted by jonthebhoy

  1. Congratulations pabra and big respect to V. JTB
  2. Puggie.........This IS your finest hour!
  3. Agreed on every single point! How many memorable speeches have Blurr and Boosh made? JTB
  4. Can't think why but sod it. We might as well start one here as well. JTB
  5. Hearing you loud and clear Puggie. I say only this.............This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. Roll on Powermax! JTB
  6. We'll chase you in the air, we'll chase you in the water, we'll chase you on the beaches, we'll chase you from the cliffs, we'll never, never surrender until we get your RWG membership upgraded! JTB
  7. To the comma. Well done Puggie. JTB
  8. So now would be a good time to become an RWG Supporter then? JTB
  9. Finish the famous saying (word for word) and tell us who said it: "I have nothing to offer but..................." JTB
  10. Many congratulations Puggie! Always enjoy your contributions. Keep em coming. JTB
  11. Simply not the case Ron. We don't operate that way. Andrew chose to hold off for reasons best known to himself and we must respect that. As for SatelliteCad - it's best that he never darkens any of our doors. Be vigilant. JTB
  12. ...........and have you seen this: http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=9338&hl= JTB
  13. Nice! Love that piano sound as well. How do they get that into a watch! JTB
  14. I think missing the PO train was probably wise as they've improved with each generation. Wear it well! JTB
  15. Like here: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CITIZEN-Eco-Drive-NI...1QQcmdZViewItem ........and I'll wager you'll get it cheaper still. JTB
  16. Thanks Rob. Good post........in fact were it not for the fact that you are exempt, it would have been a fair candidate for PoM, for it's frankness. Safe travels. JTB
  17. Friends?...........My wife thinks I've lost it! JTB
  18. Had it all worked out this morning Neil, but thought I'd give you the satisfaction of "revealing" the acronym. Now if I said that all dealers were FARTS, would you agree? JTB
  19. You mean you guys don't have one of these!!!!! JTB
  20. You are doomed............but welcome anyway! JTB
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