Maybe I'm missing something...
First, a 'vintage 036' does not exist. PAM 036 is a 1998 Vendôme special edition. 500 units produced.
Secondly I have never seen a Watchmaster version of the PAM 036 which I am referring to... If i'm incorrect, please show me.
I have seen two versions from multiple dealers on this board (Silix, Joshua to name two) that is virtually indistinguishable from the original, using a swiss Unitas with unmodified bridge shapes (being 1998 production, this is correct, the 036 is the only display back model with unmodified bridge plates) Additionally, at least one of these versions has a perfect unbeveled 2mm crown and no recessed pin problem. (Silix).
Perhaps you were mistakenly referring to a Watchmaster tobacco dialed one-off vintage (which would be steel, by the way) as a PAM 036?
Again, if i'm wrong, please show me.
A PAM 036 as I describe would fit the bill described by the original post quite well, too.