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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. Well, i have made my love for this watch well known. Zenith has a screen saver that you can download that has this watch, that shows the correct time. But it also comes with some crazy dude. Well, i wanted to get rid of the dude, so i did some screwing around with it, and now created a dudeless version which, you can select as your desktop backround, so you can have this watch running, the works and all, telling tim eon your desktop Don't know if anyone cares, but thought i would throw it up. here is a screenshot zenith.zip
  2. How long have you had it? Cause i got a similiar one 4 watch winder - it lasted about six months, now only 1 of the turners turns. I find that also many of my watches don't do well with those 2 watch per turning mech. You have to angle them the right way to get the watch to wind. Lesson Learned, don't go cheap. Go to acetimer or some of the other brands that are out there. You will eithe rspend it now or later Good luck and my box wasn't quiet either. For most of my reps, i don't keep them on winders anyway - yeah its a pain to set the time each day, but i figure its more wear on the reps. - and a rep is still a rep. I usually just leave the date at whatever its on and set the time. Except for my breitling the date is so huge you have to set it.
  3. The chinese are copying the eta movements Here is the reality - the "swiss eta" movements are high quality - maybe even some are oiled the "asian" ones are the made less quality control, less pretty, maybe more dirt. if you read the The Zigmeister reviews you will find that the etas are generally put together better. So - look, if you want a gen eta, buy the 5k watch or pay the 300 bucks for a gen on ebay or whatever and put it in the 200 watch you have but, when you do get the ETA, your paying for a better quality put togethe rmovement. again - is it japanese made? is it american made? what if they are all made by luxemborgians, but in germany
  4. WOW that jeager is SICK is narikas the one being called 3rd gen or the 2nd gen
  5. Its still a work in progress hopefully in the next few weeks i can get a vocal for it and then, i'm going to put it in my sig i think.
  6. Dude i don't know what your smokin slartibartfast didn't have a wife. - too obsessed with Fjords You must be an imposter 42--4-eva
  7. you overpayed - i could hook you up with some mad cheap dealers and no customs issue
  8. since you bin gone . . . . i can read for the first time i'm so moving on ya ya Thanks to Admin, now we get, we get what we want The bin is gone
  9. Hmm, i've been tlaking to him alot lately, hadn't mentioned it i was just thinking, we should do a rep, uh i mean cover and change the words
  10. i asked josh a few days ago, he said he would get back tome
  11. I like my analysis better for 2 reasons 1. I made it and; 2. it makes the thread more entertaining (the result of the analysis not the content)
  12. This brings up a good point - ok, so we all know that there is a big immigration problem in texas where lots of mexican day workers come over the border every day. So - lets say we manufactured cars in southern texas or more likley arizona and, the plant is physically in the US but all of the workers are mexican is it mexican made or american made. Does the term modify the persons or the physical location. it would seem to me that it should be the persons - I mean who gives a [censored] if you have a "swiss made" watch, but it was made by butterfingers phoband. i think it modifys the person, therefore, those are japanese made reps Just wait till you see the pricing on those though
  13. WOW - that is fantastic - Do you see a big difference with the davidson AR? wear it well
  14. member number 711 wow - yes, I love citizens, they are great watches, very reasonably priced
  15. We hold these truths to be self evident that all threads are NOT created equal and that most men are suckers for women
  16. Income is very deceving - i have a houshold income over 110,000 a year - but can't afford a 5k watch. i mean i could, but i wouldnt' be able to buy anything else fun or go on a vacation. I live in an area where you can't get a 4 bedroom 2000 sq foot house for less than 400,000 thats a hefty mortgage Health insurance in the US is in crises - i don't pay my whole bill my office kicks in, but for me my wife and the infant the bill is 1500/ month and diapers aren't cheap either. Now - when we get my wife's firm up and running and the income ticks up to 180 == 200 range, thats a idfferent story. Its like there is a threshold where your basic needs, food entertainment housing cars are met - and then you have more disposable income. you can either get the nicer car or spend it on vacations, nanny's or for me - watches i wouldn't by a 5k submariner - [censored], i can get the thing here its just as good. But if there is something unique like - i love the zenith chronomaster xxt open - different story
  17. Linder - i got one of these in every color very inexpensive polo shirt, but very nice http://www.champssports.com/catalog/produc...mp;sku=12961206 you can also go for nike http://www.amazon.com/GOLF-DRI-FIT-Pique-S...t/dp/B0002BU188 basically all sport brands, nike adidas, champion, and many other brands all have some sort of wicking product. champions is called double dry, nike is dri-fit targets "made by champion" shirts are Duo Dry so the key is finding the branded name for wicking - then search by that name. I did some searching on froogle and such and came up with those champion branded polos i also got a bunch of these tshirts http://www.championcatalog.com/product/CT2...gnbr=B071000000 the champion ones seem to fit me welll, and the wick on them is reall good and they aren't too expensive. some fo the nike shirts are 75 bucks Enjoy!!
  18. The right strap makes all the difference - put a pink or teal strap on any watch and no one will question its supposed to be a mans
  19. this is quickly turning into the Female Watch Photo Archive which actually might not be a bad idea for female members and guys looking for gifts anway i just took some fresh shots - here you go
  20. What were they priced at? I mean, for me, i love unique pieces, i love out of the box thinking, so for me, if i could afford to collect these prices, i'd get one just t o have in the collection. I love my citizen not only because its cool looking. Its also solar, and perpetual calender. I mean, how f-in cool is that, and especially in a sub 200 watch. anway, just curious what the resale prices werer at
  21. well said everyone there are shows you can watch that aren't the typical talking points. I recomend - Mclaughlin group, "the chris mathews show" (note not hardball, this is a small group of journelists talking) and "the round table" on this week with stephanopololoslaluous. Not the whole show, it blows, but the round table part - real opinions not just talking points. I also recomend Countdown with keith olberman. He has been drifting a little partison recently, But, he makes non- political points. Very lucid logical points. One other thing we have to get rid of - Not all critisism or argument is "just political bs" No one has debates anymore, they have shouting matches and dismiss valid arguments against an idiology as just the other side sour grapes
  22. my wife has tiny tiny wrists and she loves her 51. it does not look over bearing once you get used to seeing it, you will love it. and she usually loves really small watches. there is a ladies VC oversees thati think is nice. Josh has an entire selection of ladies yachtmasters my favorite though for my wife is a rolex datejust http://perfect-clones.com/rdjls10014-maste...kers-p-632.html
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