Best brand?
You may think that just because summer's over you don't need to worry about copping a new pair of shades. But here's why you're wrong:
1. Your eyes need protection 365 days a year, homie.
2. Everyone looks cooler in sunglasses.
Unlike the shades you cop in the summer, use this seasonal opportunity to try something a little darker, especially if you're still struggling with a pair of corny neon plastic shades you got at a music festival. Or try something a little different than a classic set of frames, although you truly can't go wrong with a classic pair of aviator or wayfarer frames. Investing in a quality pair can result in price tags that make you blush, but we promise that dropping the dough for a serious pair of sunnies will ensure that you never sit on or lose this pair. If you're trying to get through fall and winter without the sun in your eyes, then check out The Best Men's Sunglasses to Buy Right Now.