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Everything posted by crystalcranium

  1. The fine is over the top but this is an example of making an example. It's unfortunate for the guy but....it's just plain stupid trying to move ANYTHING illegal these days by air travel. The security checkpoints at airports are filled with individuals who can't believe the inspectors found that baggie of pot stuffed into their sock. Thank you Richard Reid (The shoe bomber). I'm as "give the guy a break" prone as anybody but....8 watches does seem excessive....as does the fine.
  2. My cousin's husband was proudly showing off his "terrific fake Ro*%$" at Christmas this year. Funny thing is the guy owns three houses and a suped up Porsche but wrist candy savy he is not. Anyway, I asked to see it and the thing was God awful..Summer Blue crap, lousy mag, terrible number font on the bezel....everything about it screamed $30 Canal Street. I showed him my SS Sub from Paul, pointed out the differences and guess what???? At easter he was sporting an ETA SSSub from the east that was just beautiful. He took careful notes at out Christmas meeting!
  3. Looks like the failure or problem rate is about 30%+. Pretty awful for a movement that has about 6 months of real world testing.
  4. No I dont...Yes I do...No I dont...Yes I do...No I dont...Yes I do...No I dont...Yes I do...No I dont...Yes I do...
  5. Very nice. I'm not into distressing myself but it looks like an old strap. I build furniture in my spare time and distressing is a very delecate art. Knowing when "enough's enough" is a skill. Personally, I tell my clients to go with a classic old design and let nature take it's course. The problem with "distressed" everyday items is that they quickly devolve into worn out junk with normal wear. A satinized woody finish on a table rather than a glossy one usually satisfies the "I want it to look used" crowd...and I try to convince them to let their kids provide the impacts for distressing.
  6. I see a casuality of the most recent reshuffling of forums due to "security issues" was the very controversial and much argued about Dealer Misrepresentation Forum. Call me Mr Conspiracy Theory but I hope the panic over infiltration wasn't a smoke screen to dissect out an unflattering dealer forum.
  7. Lack of QC on assembly. Some of these watches are amazing high fidelity copies of the real thing but when a hand falls off or a chrono pusher button unscrews itself and falls into the wall to wall carpet never to be seen again, it's not such a 1-1 reproduction anymore.
  8. Hey, how did my Beansiecat wind up in France?? Do I tell?????....If they ask I say "What makes you think it's a fake?" After they answer, I usually say "yes...but this isn't your typical Tijuana street vendor replica...it's a high end, swiss movement, very rare high fidelity copy.' That usually sets the hook!
  9. Wouldn't any non drying vegetable oil turn rancid????? I'm about as c-reactive protein inflamatory response prone as they come and I have not had a reaction.
  10. I have never experienced a lost parcel in dozens of standard post shipments from Asia. Strange
  11. This is not a polishing compound....just a waxing in multiple coats. The satin Oyster bracelet I did is not shined up in any way, just silkier and it articulates more smoothly.
  12. I'm flashing back to my horror and disbelief at how I had been scammed over the years when I arrived at RWG. I paid $600 for a lousy blue Sub from Buydesignerwatch.com and spent hundreds for asian 21js that I could have paid $88 for. It makes my blood boil. These sites are credit card and shipping friendly and suck in the neophyte who thinks $850 for something that is functionally a Rolex is a bargain.
  13. I stumbled onto a treatment for SS and plated bracelets and cases that not only enhances appearance, but gives a rich deep silky feel to replica and genuine bracelets. I haven't tried this on AR treated watches so be careful with it around treated crystals. Buy a spray bottle of "spray on" automotive car wax. This is the "wiping and shining" diluted wax, not the heavy paste wax. Spray a spritz or two into a terricloth towel to wet it and rub it into the bracelet and case. Let it sit for 5 minutes and buff it off. repeat this treatment a minimum of 20 times over a period of several days and at least several times a week for continued lustre and protection. Your polished SS will look very showroom new and the build of many thin coats of hard protective automotive wax that will make the bracelet "feel" different. It gives a clunky, solid, silky feel to the Oyster bracelet.
  14. I can attest to the tremendous accuracy of the stock SS Submariner today. I bought an ETA version from Paul about 8 months ago for $119 + a $25 WU charge and it was money well spent. This watch, aside from the problem all submariners suffer from, the assumption that all of them are fake, is good enough to pass for the genuine article in anyone's hands except for a skilled jeweler. My bracelet treatment trick has given my Sub a new feel that puts it in rarified air. The date font suffers from crispness problems under a 7X loupe but most people don't go around carrying inspection loupes. The rehaut is great, the date mag is a spot on 2.5X, the pearl is passable if you keep the loupe in the pocket, the crown is crisp.....what a step up in quality from Subs of 5 years ago that had a litany of problems. It's a tremendous value for the price regardless of it's status as a replica. As a $120 watch, it can stand on its' own and be proud. BTW...adjusted to +- 3 sec/day on the wrist.
  15. SHHHHHH!!!!!! We don't need to announce to the WWWeb how clever (exactly how clever) the shipping of contraband has become!
  16. Why don't most of our dealers offer standard post shipping as an option??? Registered mail??? It's slower but cheaper and almost foolproof. I suppose tracking is necessary to weed out the a-holes who would claim a no show delivery but perhaps they could offer it to return customers with a clean track record. I'd rather wait 2 weeks for my watch with the assurance it would arrive than sweat out the customs dice roll to get it in 5 days.
  17. Girlie snide remarks. Jeeze, I thought I was being polite. So what do you call it when someone who exhibits the ability to work and play well with others most of the time shows up one day with a beligerent chip on his shoulder ready to take on the world in a steel cage match? It's not my call??? What isnt my call? My opinion you're out of control today? It sure as hell is my call if the only person I have to satisfy with that opinion is me. The fact is I couldn't care less about you or your off the wall "out of the blue breakdown" today but you seemed ready to fight anyone you got within an arm's length of so...no problem... Since when is a "Calm down guys" post "abusive" (to anyone other than posters with raging cases of paranoia)? And as for my sputtering neurons.....I just got paged for a consult for one of my HIV patients who just contracted an MDR klebisella infection so.....gotta go save a life.... Have fun rubbing your watches tonight
  18. I wasn't refering to his attitude toward the OP. I was talking about the "sporting for a fight" attitude he brought to the thread in general.
  19. Wow....are you really age 2 as your bio lists. What gives? Do me a favor. When you calm down or sober up and realize what a raging horse's a*# you're being in this thread today, member #40 something entitlement and all, don't offer any apologies. Why don't you do all of us a favor and Google some anger management programs for yourself. Is that specific and non-patronizing enough for ya!
  20. Not necessarily....there are lots of examples of new runs with new cases and dials. Reps are done in lots of about 1000 pieces with that being the manufacturing cost effectiveness minimum. If they can sell 1000, believe me, they will make them. lot's of replica examples of watches costing around $2000 for the genuine article.
  21. Fortis B-42 Cosmonaut chronograph. 7750 movement . Would seem to be an easy replica to produce. Genuines go for abput $1800 so it is well above the Mendoza line minimum price for a viable replica and on a price point equal with the Moonwatch And this one is my personal favorite ever since I started reading Clive Cussler. IMO, there would be a stampede for this replica. A std ETA movement would do it. The Doxa 750T professional
  22. Che....I thought you were dead!!!! And they say Bond was Rolex's best ambassador in the early days. I guess the anti-hero wasn't a populist entity yet....about another 10 years and che could have done for the Sub what Hannibal did for fava beans.
  23. Welcome....and yes....post pics of those toys!
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