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Member X

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Everything posted by Member X

  1. Oooh, blue with blue lume... http://helson-watch.com/shk2.html
  2. Nice one, hope it turns out ok on the next one!
  3. Asian ETA will give you the secondhand sweep of a gen rolex
  4. Well, you got some positive result, and hopefully he won't do it again...
  5. Thanks for the heads up on this Sounds like it was another one of these 'challenges' that we so love! lol
  6. I've just asked a dealer to source another watch because the bezel looked to be misaligned by about half a degree... lol
  7. I agree - looks misaligned slightly to me. If they've not sent it yet, ask them to source another one! This isn't a cheap watch and perfect dials (quality-wise) exist, so it shouldn't be a problem to get another one. Who is the dealer btw? It does sometimes seem petty to ask to change a watch over such a small thing, but if it's bugging you now it's going to bug you every time you look at the watch in the coming years that you wear it...
  8. I do understand where they are coming from with regards to the copyright thing, I mean, if I'd built and priced something at a level which I felt would appeal to the 'right buyers' I was targetting, someone coming along and selling near identical ones at a tenth of the price would annoy me as it would mean that the 'wrong people' would be wearing 'my' design, and my brand values (high earning 'aspirationalists' only) would be diluted. However, there's the issue - if you're going to create an 'aspirational' brand, people are going to aspire to it and want to get it at the cheapest possible price! lol And all these people who bleat on about 'taking sales away from rolex" (or whoever) - that's hardly the case as most people buy reps because they can't afford the real thing... Or don't want to buy the real thing because they see it for what it is - an overpriced marketing tool for a company out to make as much profit as possible out of "selling a lifestyle"! I quite like this sort of discussion tbh - makes me analyse both sides of the coin and decide what I think. It's the gen owners who are so unaware of themselves (or refuse to acknowledge they have been lured in by the lifestyle marketing) that they can't see both sides!
  9. This goes back to my argument about how gen owners go on the attack when they find out someone owns a rep as, to them, a gen is like buying a lifestyle - and if someone has something that indicates a lifestyle that the gen owner aspires to, but doesn't actually have that lifestyle, they feel they need to attack that person because they are angry that they have been (or might be) taken in. (i.e. "only well off aspirational people own rolex, I am angry that I was fooled by someone's rep because I thought they were also well off and aspirational and therefore I could like them, but they are actually poorer than me and therefore less worthy of my friendship" etc etc) It seems to some gen owners that they aren't appreciating a watch for its beauty, more what they feel it should stand for. Which is quite sad IMO.
  10. Ideally people such as yourself would upgrade because they realise that they are part of a community and what they put in they get back out but more so, but some people are less inclined to donate and therefore need a little 'encouragement' through the placement of restrictions on some minor things that they might like to do (such as edit posts), and the opening up of new areas of the forum when they do donate, so they feel like they are getting more out of the deal. Unfortunately for you this board operates differently to others, as is the perogative of Admin and the staff - and as it is a free world, you can populate any board you wish. It would be nice if you joined up and become a member as it looks like you're keen on this hobby and are willing to give back to the board through doing some work yourself to add good things to it, but if you don't feel part of the community because you somehow feel 'excluded' because you can't edit your posts then that is a shame.
  11. Nothing like being open minded... and they really are nothing like being open minded... lol
  12. Like it, nice and chunky Nice water resistance as well!
  13. Now don't beat about the bush, Andy... LOL That's the sort of thread that I want to post a picture of an ultra-franken of a really rare model, or even a modded BK/WM9 v3 Sub, just to see how long it took someone to notice it was a replica lol
  14. Awesome, I love these I need an 01!
  15. I can't believe someone's moaning about $2.50 a month - what will that buy you, one beer? For the amount of time you can spend on here, for the amount of knowledge that is available for your consumption and use, and for the amount of money you will save with this knowledge and time spent on the forum (potentially hundreds of months worth of monthly donations if you avoid getting scammed), $2.50 is peanuts. I'm sorry the OP doesn't feel this way!
  16. Looks good - hopefully you can just get a replacement bezel
  17. Seriously? The gen must be [censored]-poor! lol
  18. Yep, $550 is about what was posted on here somewhere before... Not cheap!! I don't think the lume is really an issue tbh - there is so little on it that it almost seems pointless spending $60+ just to get 8 dots and two hands relumed lol
  19. lol Welcome to your new favourite dealer As above, this really is a super-rep IMO and needs a gen mesh, but they're about
  20. Does this come down to Correct Hand Stack (CHS) vs Incorrect or Wrong Hand Stack (IHS/WHS) movements? From what was said in BK's thread in his section, and as I think I've read elsewhere, CHS is a timebomb and WHS is pretty reliable, so this one should be alright if it's the WHS movement? Not 100% on that though, further research is needed...
  21. Hmm... Why bother doing that? It's not like 22k members (or whatever) is small, so why both with the extra numbers? Forum willy waving about "we've got the biggest, ner ner!" just looks childish and, tbh, is the least of a new member's worries. (IMO) Will be interesting to see what RG respond with...
  22. Is he saying that you will have to pay the $358 price rather than the $218 price if you get the asian ('swiss' ) clone 2836 put into the expensive one? If so, you have to ask yourself if you're happy to pay an extra $140 for what he says is a better case and bracelet. That's quite a lot of money extra - you could literally buy a beautiful 21j Datejust as posted recently with a MoP dial for that... Can you tell the difference between these two? and this one? It's hard to tell as I think he's tweaked the colour and brightness levels on the photos... I would have said that the rehaut engraving on the top one looks non-existent? Whereas the second one looks pretty similar to the third one in rehaut (if slightly misaligned) and also bezel numerals colour (IMO). As for other differences I've not really looked, you will have to do that to decide. The top one looks a bit brighter on the steel but that could be the photograph tweaking, as already mentioned... P.S. could you tell which was which? Most expensive was the top one, the least expensive was the middle one, and the bottom is gen
  23. +1 on that comment, I'm seriously contemplating one of these myself... Even the rehaut engraving looks lined up! Mary can source a similar one but it's a dark grey MOP it seems, with a bit more purple in it. Decision decision!! lol I haven't got a price on a Swiss/Asian ETA yet but I may buckle and get one... Hope you can get yours sorted out - you may even not need to change it as some of the 'cheap' movement sweeps have been very good recently!
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