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Everything posted by Everythingape

  1. I bet it's one of them widdle compasses them moosleems use to find mecca... The Osaminator don't give a [censored] about what time of day it is, all he wants is his Wheat Crispies
  2. The Osama has/had kind eyes.. http://www.culturekitchen.com/home/images/osama.jpg Is that a Rado he's wearing?
  3. Maybe the meaning of PVD could be added in there? I found an explanation on ebay, you tell me if it's right: PVD stands for Physical Vapor Deposition. A material is selected to coat a base metal or substrate surface. That material is vaporized and deposited on the base or substrate material, bonding molecularly with the base material. PVD is very durable and attractive as a watch case and bracelet finish.
  4. Oh SNAP! This is just what I have been looking for, this will save me a lot of google-time. I'll copy this to word myself, and use a format so it's easier to read.. ..unless you feel like attaching the word-document to a post so we all can download, The Zigmeister.. This should be compulsory reading for every new guy who pops his head in here, and some mid-timers too! Even I get some PM's asking about the rep-jargon.. (Though most are "Who is that girl in your signature?! She's hot!")
  5. Those kids should get some credit for creativity.. My 13 year old cousin was supposed to write a transcript from a fictive football match radio broadcast, and all he wrote was "This is Sport Radio, we are sorry to inform you that the match has been cancelled due to bad weather, so we'll play some music instead.." And went on to fill 5 pages with song lyrics, commercials and radio host banter. Three teachers came up to him and complimented him on his wit that day, after reading the pass-around in the teachers room.
  6. Since I am sea, what else could I wear?
  7. That's a lot of shiny stuff Stevie G is holding....
  8. send wheaton26 a PM, he might be able to tell you something
  9. Same [censored] as with the norwegian and danish flag-burnings earlier this year.. Agitators stage "demonstrations" to get the ball rolling.. It's like after 911, a reporter asked a celebrating and whooping old woman in Palestine what she was celebrating, and she had no idea.. People don't seem to work a lot in the daytime, so they go around burning stuff and making slogans.. And the few of them who know what the pope said.. I'm sure they will have forgot it in 3 weeks.
  10. Yeah, that was basically why I asked, I would think a WU-scam would be more prominent than a discussion about shipping times Thanks for confirming.. I know it's hard being the one who walks away from this kind of argument, I have a hard time doing it myself sometimes. But I usually make up my own mind about people and things, and I, for one, do not learn from other people's mistakes. I do appreciate a warning when I ask about a possible scam, but I think most people are wary enough on their own. TTK obviously has got a lot of satisfied customers, and doing things his way, and being open about it, stuff like this [censored] is bound to pop up now and then. I have read a lot of negative threads about you Neil, and had you not responded the way you do I would never consider buying from you. Truth be told, indifference is not a virtue in my opinion. Don't really know what my point here is, but I'll post this anyway.
  11. I certainly hope not.. One thing is claiming shipping times are bad, but fraud is taking it a few steps too far. I like to think good of people whenever I can, and I do so now.
  12. But just to get this straight.. Is Craytonic a WU scammer?
  13. I see what The Zigmeister means, and I believe Pugwash has the answer, or at least a way of giving it more attention. I often find myself clicking people's signatures, Pugs, By-Tors, Mahler's and so on. It's much more visible, but then again, it could be because these are very visible posters on the forum
  14. I bet that stings!
  15. I learn through my mistakes
  16. Yes, I have never seen an "Ø" quite like that Maybe that's how they write them over at the tourettes centre Mowdiewark!! Awa an bile yer heid!!
  17. Is that the "Old Hard"-thing Tore Andrè Flo keeps talking about?
  18. The prominent Pirates were the terrorists of their time.. Nations saw them as a threat to trade, politics and international alliances.. They killed people as they saw fit, for money, power and fame. And sometimes in the name of gods or nations. Now they are portrayed as romantic and noble men and women.. I wonder if in 200 years, we'll see "Bin Laden and the Shah's gold" featured in theatres.. Funny how time changes things..
  19. Coff.. Arsenal beat Man Utd fair and square.. Even Ferguson said they were the better team, and that without Henry and Van P.. Liverpool is in trouble without John Arne "Lefty" Riise.. Things are looking up, and saturday Shef U are gonna get thrashed. 'The table don't mean [censored] before december!' -Unknown- (probably a spur)
  20. "Are those stiff nipples or detonators?" Just kidding How can you tell if a girl is muslim or not? I spent 2 weeks in turkey this summer, and I can't really say the women looked any more "muslim" than most other women of the world..
  21. I thought it was supposed to be spelled "Tachymetre" ..can't find any with "tachymeter" on it.. -shrug- Oh nm, I found it now http://www.panerai.com/s_page.xpd?id_lingu...id_categoria=39
  22. ding ding ding, the almighty admin got it right I agree there have been more intelectually challenging questions here, but few about such beauty Oh btw, if people find these images offensive, or makes viewing the forum difficult at work, I will remove them.
  23. Have you checked out spyshop.no, Insane? They have everything you need, and if you give them a call they will give you advice or build the complete system for you. I don't know about price though, and for all I know they could be the guys you have been talking to http://www.spyshop.no/index.php?page=pGrou...t=4&sCat=46 Something like this might work?
  24. En mann satt satt og leste avisen, og kom etter en stund til "stilling ledig"-sidene og tenkte han kunne se etter en ny jobb.. Etter mye knoting og mysing ser han plutselig "Dyslektiker søkes" 'KJEMPEGREIER, tenker mannen, jeg er jo dyslektiker! Dette er sikkert den perfekte jobben for meg!' Han noterer seg tidspunktet for jobbintervjuet, og begynner å glede seg. Den aktuelle dagen drar han inn til byen, setter seg til å vente på gangen utenfor rommet på adressen der intervjuene skal holdes. Etter 45min er det hans tur, og han går inn, tar mannen i hånda og setter seg ned. Før arbeidsgiver stiller det første spørsmålet sier den dyslektiske mannen: 'Jeg må si jeg ble overrasket, det er ikke ofte vi dyslektikere ser at det søkes etter en dyslektiker.' Arbeidgiveren ser rart på ham og sier; 'Dyslektiker? Vi søker etter en LYDTEKNIKER vi!'
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