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Posts posted by lionsandtigers

  1. and while i was writing my last message to him i thought that maybe, it would be helpful for some people here to read. this is not meant to insult or upset anyone, just sharing some thoughts and observations.


    "i think people are just lazy. to be honest, i enjoy the hunt, its much more satisfying to know that you tracked down and got something thats not easy to get. is it me? i thought that was one of the major points to this all, maybe its just for those of of that like to mod.

    i guess that most of the people on here arent actually "collectors", i view this the same as collecting gens, but even more exciting because of the difficultly in achieving a rep thats near perfect.

    some cats are just impatient, and those are the guys who ask "who has the best sub" :bleh::bleh:

    i love sitting at home modding my watches. drilling the cases, filing the cg's, polishing em, taking them apart, putting them back together, the whole thing is a thrill.

    if people dont want to do the legwork, well, they're not gonna get what they're looking for, cause a rep is a rep is a rep, and unless you modify it with gen parts and with patience and love, well then, its just a factory rep."

    Again, this is not meant to offend or [censored] anyone off, and i really dont think it should. this is a passion for alot of us, and speaking from experience, the first few months was not easy to gain the knowledge i was looking for. I just wanted a great sub, lol.

    enjoy, take it for what it is.......this is alot of fun, and always should be :thumbsupsmileyanim::thumbsupsmileyanim::thumbsupsmileyanim:

  2. the only suggestion i have is to wait for it to arrive. I didnt hear from him after i sent the money as well, but to be honest, i didnt really think twice about it.

    i have no doubt that we will both recieve our watches shortly. could be next week, could be in 3, but i think they'll come, ttk's is a very well known and trusted dealer, so just put your feet up and enjoy the anxiety that comes with waiting for your new baby to arrive :)

  3. if you follow ttks instructions exactly, he will respond fast. i ordered a noobmariner the other day, and i followed his directions, and he got back to me about an hour after i messaged him. very smooth, very helpful and very nice.

    i think alot of people dont follow his request to his ordering process, cause he seemed pretty grateful that i did.

  4. ok ok, i'll bite. yes, el's sub is impressive. rehaut is a little shallow, but its a damn fine rep, i have one.

    also, like said before, ttks sub is, from what i have read, the best sub for the money. josh, andrew, and the likes all have great subs that vary a little, but all very nice.

    sorry to pull your leg so much, it was a loaded question :)

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