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Everything posted by Martyd3

  1. Very down
  2. I can't get on http://www.1-pc8838.com/index.php
  3. http://www.1-pc8838.com/0006a-p-9571.html
  4. I will give in a try this evening. I'll source a new case before I start milling this one. I also have a DSN 111 with a crystal that sits too low. I may try swapping them
  5. Video from the manufacturer in China. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1104350651/tiktok-lunatik-multi-touch-watch-kits/posts/44218?ref=email&show_token=b7f8bb5368c3bf9d&play=1#video
  6. Fu@k me to tears. I was really looking forward to getting this installed. I guess it's back to the drawing board
  7. Cool video about the case. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1104350651/tiktok-lunatik-multi-touch-watch-kits?ref=search
  8. Found this gen pic. Case is supposed to be a cartel 11/112 case. What to do now? Could the gasket be causing the problem? I used the one that was supplied with the crystal.
  9. Just got and installed one of BigCrown's 1:1 crystal. How does it look? I am not sure if is sits too high. I looks fine on the wrist, but in the first pic ... geez .
  10. No dagger shaped regulator?
  11. Guys, I got the laptop. It's better than I expected. I highly recommend IBM if you need a good used laptop. Marty
  12. He's also got a Seamaster 300 and a 6263 Daytona
  13. Just found this ... http://www.1-pc8838.com/0rlsv01005-vintage-1680-asia-2836-best-p-9551.html
  14. $hit, now I need to order another watch
  15. Found a refurbished T-60 from IBM with a 1 year warranty for $325 shipped. I think that is a pretty good deal They still have some nice ones, but they are selling out quick. https://www-304.ibm.com/shop/americas/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/default/CategoryDisplay?storeId=1&catalogId=-840&langId=-1&categoryId=2576396
  16. Does anything here look decent? http://www.thinkpaddepot.com/
  17. Very good info. Thanks! Marty
  18. I've always used PC's, but would take a Mac if it were a screaming deal
  19. Guys, The strangest thing happened when I was laid off last week. The ba$tards took my laptop. I need to pick up something functional and on the cheap. If anyone can recommend one (once again, cheap and functional) or has one that they are looking to get rid of, please let me know. Thanks. Marty
  20. My gens are an Omega Seamaster, Tag Heuer Monza Chronograph (inherited from my dad), a Helson Sharkmaster and a Lumtec M25. I also have a couple of vintage Seiko's. I wear the Seamaster a day or two each week and the Tag maybe once a month. I rotate the Helson and Lumtec in with my reps. If it weren't for the sentimental value of my dad's watches, they wouldn't get worn as much as they do. I really love my reps, with my 201a that I built, being my favorite.
  21. Lume is like size, it does matter
  22. Thanks again everyone for your kind words. Look it it this way, I will be able to spend more time with my RWG friends Truth be told, the job sucked and I wasn't happy. I had an hour and a half commute (on a good day), I didn't like what I was doing and it wasn't going to get any better. I have a couple of things in the pipeline, but sitting here when you know you should be at work, is unnerving. Like someone said; what doesn't kill you, will make you stronger. Marty
  23. Thanks for the kind words guys. It's not watch selling time yet, but I will let you know. I am in the insurance business. I was a territory manager for an insurance company. I can handle losing the job, but with my dad passing away in October, it's just hard. I know life is not fair, but this just sucks.
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